My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 616: Encounter Scorpion

"Master, there are households ahead." Monk Sha pointed to the front and said.

Zhu Bajie's eyes lit up, and he immediately looked up: "Where? Where?"

"Ah! There are really households in front of the master." Ba Jie said very happy.

"Unexpectedly, there are still people living in this barren desert." Nagato said questioningly.

When Monkey King heard Nagato's words, he wanted to look at it with the eyes of fiery gold. But it was too hot this day, plus just fighting, Monkey King didn't have much strength?

Monkey King said: "Everyone pay attention to safety!"

"Brother Monkey, we are already like this, even if we meet a monster, my old pig will recognize it." Ba Jie said.

"I think you are confused by lard!" Monkey King said.

Under the quarrel of these two people, Tang Seng and his party came to this old man's house.

Tang Seng knocked on the door and said, "Is anyone there?" The door opened at this time, and the probe was a young and strong man.

"Amitabha Buddha, the benefactor, we are monks who go to the west to learn the scriptures. I want to stay here for one night. I don't know if it is convenient for you." Tang Seng said.

The young and strong man immediately said: "Yes, you can."

The man opened the door and invited Monk Tang to enter. Ba Jie said, "Why are you not afraid of us?"

The young and strong man said, "I've never seen anything in the Great Desert. I'm not afraid of life or death. Are you still afraid of you?"

"Good spirit," Zhu Bajie said with a thumbs up.

The man said, "My name is Scorpio." Zhu Bajie was happy when he heard the name.

"Tianxian" Zhu Bajie smiled and said, "I don't know which Tianxian aunt went to the world?"

Monkey King patted Bajie's head and said, "People are called Scorpio!"

Ba Jie said: "There is no "problem", what's the difference?"

Seeing that Bajie hadn't figured it out, Nagato read the pinyin. Ba Jie suddenly realized.

Ba Jie smiled embarrassedly and said, "Donor, there is more offense than offense."

The Scorpio said: "You are not the first to say my name this way. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

"Hahahahahaha" Zhu Bajie laughed.

"Donor, what are you doing in this uninhabited place?" Wukong asked.

"You don't know, our family has been handed down for generations to pick up people from the desert. Every place in this desert has a station." Scorpio said.

Monkey King asked again, "Then why do you pick up the station?" Scorpio said: "We are here for passing merchants? Some merchants must pass through here to do business!"

Monkey King said: "Oh~ that's the case."

"I'll go and pour you some water to drink first, to see if your lips are chapped. The desert is hot during the day and cold at night. If you don't pay attention, you will get a cold." Scorpio said.

"Amitabha Buddha, thank you for your care." Tang Seng said.


Scorpio came to the kitchen and changed his body. A boss scorpion sperm, this scorpion sperm dripped the juice secreted from the tail into the bowl.

The greedy Ba Jie saw this, Ba Jie covered his mouth and went back to report.

"It's not good, Master, let's leave here quickly." Zhu Bajie said.

"What happened, Bajie?" Tang Seng patted Bajie on the back and said.

Ba Jie said: "I just wanted to go to the kitchen to find something to eat, but I didn't expect to see the young and strong man in front of us turned into a big scorpion sperm."

"Then you can see what he is doing?" Nagato asked.

Ba Jie said: "I saw this scorpion spirit "medicine" under the tea water. Anyway, don't drink it."

Monkey King smiled and put his hand on Zhu Bajie's shoulder and said, "Didn't you say that even if I meet a monster, I will recognize it? Why? Afraid?"

Zhu Bajie said, "Who's afraid?" As soon as Scorpio entered the door with tea, Zhu Bajie immediately hugged his nine-tooth rake and yelled, "Ah! Monster!"

Scorpio did not "chaotic" and said, "I didn't even say that you are monsters, so why do you say that I am?"

Zhu Bajie said: "You are a monster! I just saw it. You have become a big scorpion and put the tail in the water."

Scorpio heard this and did not "chaos": "You may have hallucinations due to the hot weather!"

"Okay, you monster, how come you have a thicker skin than my old pig!" said Zhu Bajie, holding the nine-tooth rake.

Sun Wukong knew that Bajie couldn't lie, so he took out the golden cudgel. The Scorpio saw the change and said, "I wanted you to die comfortably. It looks like I'm going to work hard."

Scorpio stretched out his tail, trying to stab Tang Monk, but Wukong saw it and hit it back on Weibo with a stick.

Scorpio hurriedly called pain and said, "I only want Tang Seng, and you can all go."

"I want to be beautiful," Wukong said with a golden hoop. "Then don't blame me for being polite," Scorpio said.

After speaking, Scorpio threw his tail over and wanted to stab Monkey King. Monkey King raised the table and said, "Protect Master."

After the talk, Monkey King beat the Scorpio out with a golden cudgel.

"The rumored Monkey King still has some ability." Scorpio said.

"If you don't have the ability, can your grandpa be so big?" Monkey King said defiantly.

"Just let your hericium see me and see me!" Scorpion spirit suddenly disappeared after speaking. ..

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