My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 617: Scorpion

Seeing the scorpion sperm disappear suddenly, Wukong said with his arms akimbo, "Hahahaha, it's nothing more."

"You have to be careful!" said Scorpion Jing.

I saw the scorpion sperm jump out of Monkey King's back, and Monkey King heard the voice and wanted to use the golden cudgel in his hand to beat the scorpion sperm, but he did not expect to be beaten back by the scorpion sperm.

Monkey King was flicked with his tail by the scorpion sperm, snap! Knocked Monkey King to the ground.

Seeing Monkey King fell to the ground, he wanted to poke him with the tip of his tail.

However, he did not expect that Monkey King stood up and said to it: "I didn't expect it, I thought I was locked in the Alchemy Furnace of Taishang Laojun for seven or forty-nine days. Not only did I get a pair of fire-eye fine gold, but also a piece King Kong is not bad."

Scorpion Jing said: "Oh? Then I want to see how King Kong you are!"

After the talk, the Scorpion Spirit dived into the ground again, and Monkey King saw that he disappeared again and said, "Isn't this a trick? You are too uncreative..."

Sun Wukong hasn't finished speaking yet Boom! The scorpion spirit threw him to the ground with another tail.

"Why are you attacking people from behind?" Sun Wu said desperately.

"Hericium, do you think you are a game? So much nonsense." Scorpion Jing disappeared after speaking.

"Good fellow, let's see how good my old sun is!" So Sun Wukong closed his eyes.

"Why, Hericium? Are you afraid? Close your eyes and wait for death? Then I will fulfill you." Scorpion Jing's voice was very loud.

Monkey King moved his ears, "Here!" Pop! A stick hit the tail of the scorpion sperm.

"There are two times!" said Scorpion Jing, "Thank you for the compliment" Monkey King "touched" his nose and said.

"You monkey, it's interesting. It's a pity, we are not the same!" Xie Zijing sighed.

"You and I will become a gang," said Scorpion Jing. "Why do you talk so much now?" Monkey King said.

"How about we eat Tang Monk meat together and live forever?" Scorpion Jing said as she quietly hid her tail and attacked from behind Monkey King.

"You can shut up," Monkey King said.

Nagato came out to see how things were going, and just happened to ran into the Scorpion Spirit who wanted to sneak attack Monkey King from behind.

Nagato immediately took out the darts and flew towards Monkey King. Bah-that scorpion's tail is broken.

Wukong saw that the tail of the scorpion was cut off by Nagato, and said with a smile, "Hey hey, you don't have a tail. See what weapons you have."

At this time, the scorpion spirit also laughed and said, "Then you are too naive." After a while, the scorpion spirit's tail healed again. Nagato and Monkey King both opened their eyes wide. "Since you are not welcome, I don't have to be merciful." Scorpion Jing said.

The scorpion essence disappeared again, and there was quicksand formed under Monkey King's feet, and Monkey King couldn't get out of his feet.

Seeing this, Nagato flew over immediately, trying to pull Monkey King up, but he didn't expect to be thrown out by a scorpion sperm.

Nagato immediately got up. Seeing Nagato's perseverance, Scorpion Jing said, "I will solve your trouble first!"

Scorpion sperm disappeared again, Nagato closed his eyes and listened to the movement of Scorpion Scorpion quietly. Scorpion Scorpion was about to go round to the left. Before it started, Nagato cut off his tail with a sword.

Scorpion Jing said: "Did you not see that my tail can heal automatically?" Scorpion Jing said triumphantly.

"I know! So you have to be careful of your head!" Nagato jumped onto the head of the scorpion sperm without knowing when, and "stuck" a sword into the head of the scorpion sperm. The scorpion sperm fell down.

The quicksand stopped, "Hey, tut tut," Nagato drew his sword out and said, "Oh my God, this scorpion sperm is full of green juice,"

Nagato jumped down, trying to pull Monkey King out.

However, Sun Wukong had already accumulated a lot of sand, so Nagato went to find Zhu Bajie, Tang Seng and Monk Sha followed.

Seeing that the sun Wukong was much shorter than Bajie, Bajie said triumphantly: "Brother Monkey, you will bully me in the future."

Monkey King smiled and said, "I won't bully you anymore." Unexpectedly, Ba Jie said with great precision: "I will listen to the cry, grandpa."

Tang Seng said, "Bajie, hurry up and rescue your brother from this sand."

Ba Jie looked at Tang Seng and said to Sun Wukong: "Brother, you have to say what you say. I don't let you call me grandpa because of the master's face."

Ba Jie rescued Monkey King from the sand, and Monkey King immediately picked up Ba Jie's ear.

Ba Jie held his gripped ear with two hands and said, "Eh, eh, Brother Monkey, you don't count your words, you are the Monkey King."

Monkey King said: "You idiot, I said I won't bully you anymore, but I didn't say I won't bully you today!"

"Okay, you monkey, if you were kind enough to save you, you didn't see you say thank you," said Zhu Bajie.

"Thank you, what did you say just now? Let me call you grandpa, if you are my grandpa, I will be your grandma too!" Sun Wukong said.

"Wukong, don't make trouble, Ba Jie's ears are all red by you," Tang Seng said.

Only then did Sun Wukong let go, and Ba Jie immediately hid behind Tang Monk and said, "Smelly monkey, smelly monkey."

Monkey King scratched the back of his hand and said, "Let the monster catch you next time, we don't care about you!"

Ba Jie waved his hand and said, "Don't, Brother Monkey, I can't do it if I was wrong."

"Hahahahaha" Drifting laughed. ..

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