My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 619: Converge

"Master, wake up, wake up, master." Ba Jie said while pushing Tang Seng. "Second brother, you shake it gently, and you will shake the master's body later," Monk Sha said. Tang Seng woke up, Tang Seng opened his eyes and saw Monk Bajiesha and a young guy. Slowly he said, "Bajie, what happened?" Bajie told Tang Seng what happened. After listening to Tang Seng, he said, "Then let's go quickly. Lest the monster comes back." "Okay" Ba Jie helped the master, Chen Feng said, "You follow me." Ba Jie supported Tang Monk, and Monk Sha was also tight. Followed by. In this way they got out of the hole smoothly. Chenfeng brought the Eight-Jie Tang Monk to the village. Everyone was terrified when they saw it. Ba Jie hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Don't be afraid of the old man. We are monks traveling westward." But the big guy was still afraid, and Chenfeng said, "Don't be afraid, everyone. They are just monks traveling westward, not monsters." It was much calmer. Monk Sha asked, "Why do the donors listen to you so much." Chenfeng listened and said, "I came to this village a few days ago and taught everyone how to resist this sandstorm.

Just one night, a strong wind blew, and I woke up in the cave. ""So this is ah. Said Zhu Bajie.

"We are separated from the senior, we still have to find the senior." "Okay, then I will go with you! Maybe there is some danger outside.

It's better to let this elder Tang stay here. When we fight against the monsters, we won't be able to protect him, and here is a little safer. Monk Zhubajiesha stopped listening and said, "Master, you stay here, let's go to senior brother."

It is not safe for you to go out with us. "Tang Seng nodded and said: "Then you can be more careful!" "At this time, the "monkey brother" of Nagato Sun Wukong saw Monkey King yelling at Nagato. When Sun Wukong saw Nagato, he went to ask: "Are you okay Nagato." "Hurt, what can I do." "Nagato continued: "I didn't see Tang Seng and them when I woke up." "Monkey King said: "Me too. The desert is endless. Finding someone is like finding a needle in a haystack." As soon as Monkey King's eyes turned, Monkey King knocked on the ground. Seeing that there was no response, he knocked on the ground fiercely. I saw a little old man drilled out of the desert. The old man said: "Great Sage, you again If you continue to knock it down, my cave will collapse. "Old man, I ask you, what weird phenomenon is there?" "Monkey Wukong asked. "Dasheng, what are you talking about, I don't understand?" "The Duke of the Land pretended to be ignorant. Monkey King saw his thoughtful appearance and said, "If you don't tell me, I will demolish your house." also reported to the Jade Emperor that you would not help me find a master. "Great Sage, please forgive me!" It's not that I don't want to say it, but I don't dare to say it. Said Duke Land. "Oh? How dare you say it? Old man, do you know that you are sheltering monsters like this? "Said Monkey King." How dare you, the old man said, a pair of brothers live in this desert. One is scorpion sperm and the other is sandstorm.

"This scorpion-like sandstorm is all based on cannibalism. If there are no people, it will be based on desert animals.

"It's been a long time, and there are no small animals in the desert, which makes the desert worse." said Duke Di. "Then why are you still living here without being eaten?" Nagato asked. "They also dare not provoke the Tathagata Buddha, but if I go to stop them, I will fight me in a posture. I can't afford to provoke them!" said Duke Di. "Old man, I asked you, why didn't you report to the Jade Emperor? Why didn't you move?" Monkey King said, scratching his head. "If I was found to leave, they would immediately go to my cave and beat me to death.

"The sand in this desert is a whistleblower, and I seem to be leaving now."

"Thanks to you, the Great Sage, who killed a scorpion sperm, take care of you," said Duke Land. After the father-in-law said, the Great Sage said to Nagato, "We just need to stay here." Nagato said, "Brother Monkey, are you afraid of the sandstorm monster with me?" The monkey said, "The scorpion spirit He is brother to this sandstorm, and this sandstorm will definitely avenge his good brother.

"So I estimate that even if the master is taken away by him, he will not eat them first, but will avenge his grudge first." Nagato said, "Smart! This sandstorm must know that we are looking for Tang Seng. , So he can take care of us first!" "Master! Nagato, where are you" shouted Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha. "Nagato, have you heard the voice of Bajie" Monkey King put his hand to his ear. Nagato also listened carefully, "Nagato! Where are you? Senior brother! Where are you?" Bajie shouted. Ba Jie said: "This desert is so hot, the big brother will not be dried out!" "Don't talk nonsense, second brother, be careful that big brother will teach you after listening." Monk Sha said. "We can't even see his personal image. Why don't we take the master to learn the scriptures!" said Zhu Bajie. ..

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