My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 620: Down with the sandstorm

Chen Feng said: "Then if you encounter other monsters in the future, what can you do?" Zhu Bajie said, "I am so good at this. To tell the truth, I am the canopy marshal who once took charge of 90,000 heavenly soldiers." Chen Feng said, "Are you so powerful?" Ba Jie pointed at himself with a thumbs up and said, "No, our senior brothers must respect me three points." The Drifter shook his head while listening to Zhu Ba Jie's words and couldn't help but smile. meaning.

Seeing the Drifting Drifting smile, Chen Feng asked, "What are you laughing at." Monk Sha said, "I have heard this, but I don't know how many times this is the second senior brother." Chen Feng also laughed. Ba Jie said: "Chenfeng, don't believe me, I'm really the marshal of Tianpeng, and my monkey brother must respect me three points." Monkey King said, "Idiot, what are you talking about?"

A familiar voice passed through Zhu Bajie's ears, and when Zhu Bajie looked back, Monkey King was standing behind him. "Big brother, big brother, we have found you" Zhu Bajie said with a change of face. "I heard someone say that I have to respect him three points." Monkey King said with his arms around his chest. "Brother Monkey, you may have heard it wrong. How can this happen? Who doesn't know the name of your Monkey King." Zhu Bajie said with a smile. "Fool, where is the master" Monkey King looked around.

I saw Zhu Bajie, Monk Sha, and an unknown person, and immediately asked seriously. "Brother Monkey, don't worry, the master is safe now." Zhu Bajie patted Monkey King on the shoulder and said. Nagato asked, "Where is Monk Tang now? Who is this person?" Zhu Bajie said, "Ashamed, this young guy named Chenfeng, he saved us and put the master in his residence. In the village." Nagato recalled what the father-in-law said just now, and he clearly knew that the strange man in front of him was definitely not good. Monkey King said: "How did you come here, Ba Jie." Zhu Ba Jie said, "It's still the dust and wind. Dust and wind are afraid that we will be "lost", so he will take us and call you while looking for you." Monkey King said, "This is it. , It’s important to go back to the master first.” Chenfeng said, “I’ll lead the way for you.”

Nagato said, "What do you do?" "I am a businessman passing through here, and I met a village here, and they took me in" Chenfeng said. "Then how do you know the way?" Nagato asked. Chenfeng calmly said: "I have had a good sense of direction since I was a child, and my father also liked me, so he let me inherit the family business and embark on the road of business." Nagato and the others followed Chenfeng to Huangsha Village. Zhu Bajie yelled from afar: "Master, we are back! Master!" Tang Seng also waited anxiously in the house of the village name. He came out from time to time to take a look. He happened to see Bajie and them. Tang Seng stood at the entrance of the village, and Sun Wukong and the others hurried towards Tang Seng.

Nagato looked at the man named Chenfeng from behind. Monkey King and the others saw Tao Tang and ran over immediately.

Who knows that the feet are stuck in the sand and can't be pulled out. Tang Seng saw it and rushed forward to try to pull Monkey King and the others out, but unexpectedly he fell in too. Chenfeng laughed at this moment and said, "The monkey told you to kill my brother. Today, he will kill you.

I set a trap here early, and you will slowly sink in later, sinking deeper and deeper until you die because you can't breathe. "Nagato took out the mysterious iron sword at this time, cut it to Chenfeng, Chenfeng's body became two pieces. Tang Monk closed his eyes and said: "Amitabha Amitabha. Zhu Bajie said: "It turns out that he is a bad guy. Brother Monkey blames you. It's okay to kill his brother now, let's get revenge from you. "Monkey King said: "How about your aura, Marshal Tianpeng?" "Zhu Bajie said, "Where are your fire-eye fine gold?" "Sun Wukong said: "I have already seen that he is a monster. I wanted to find the master first and then clean him up. I didn't expect people to set a trap here long ago. "At this moment, Chenfeng's body turned into sand, but the matter was not over. Suddenly a strong wind blew Nagato around in the air. Nagato used magic techniques to cover her surroundings, which can be short-lived. He resisted the invasion of the sandstorm for a while. Nagato thought that this is not the way to go, and suddenly thought that his precious gourd, he took out the gourd and opened a small hole in the screen. At this time, Chenfeng said: "Hahaha, don't struggle. Now, you can’t beat me. If you hadn’t been blown away at the time, I wouldn’t have looked for you, Monkey King, hahaha. Chen Fengjing didn't notice the abnormality, and said, "A mere mortal, don't struggle anymore. "Nagato said: "You will pay for your words!" "All the sand in the desert flew toward the mouth of the gourd. Nagato chanted a spell to accelerate the gourd. After a while, all the sand in the desert was caught in the gourd by Nagato. The sandstorm became smaller and smaller, and it became one. The little whirlwind is very powerful. Nagato walked out and put away the screen, folded his hands together, and said long! Long! Long! I saw green trees growing on this dry and cracked ground. Tang Monk and others were also dragged by the leaves of the green trees. It got up. The small whirlwind became smaller and smaller, until it turned into a grain of sand and melted into the soil..

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