My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 625: Invasion of Lion's Head Mountain

Monkey King encountered many little monsters in this cave along the way.

Relying on his wit, Monkey King "finished" what the mountain was called, and where the head of the mountain was sacred.

Monkey King returned to the master, Tang Seng hurriedly stepped forward and asked: "Wukong, can you find out clearly?"

Zhu Bajie said, "Brother, come and drink water."

"Oh, idiot, is the sun coming out from the west?" Monkey King said.

Ba Jie said: "It's not your way to inquire, the sun is shining in the sky, the journey is hard."

Sun Wukong said: "I won't be arguing with you, I found out that this mountain is called Lion Head Mountain, and there are hundreds of brothers in this mountain."

Nagato said, "There are so many brothers on this mountain, so they must be very powerful!"

Monkey King said: "I heard that the monsters on this mountain can switch their sizes freely. They have swallowed one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers."

Zhu Bajie said in surprise: "Is it so powerful? My old pig has to learn from him."

Monkey King looked at Ba Jie and said, "Ba Jie, you are a counterattack! Has it changed?"

Zhu Bajie said, "Brother Monkey, go, I will go with you to level this mountain."

Monkey King said: "Bajie, if you want to learn from others, go and chant yourself, why do you pull me."

Zhu Bajie said: "You are not here, I can feel a little bit safe."

Ba Jie wanted to brag about her own bragging rights, and crying hard to fight with the people.

Monkey King looked at Ba Jie hesitantly and said: "Ba Jie, are you afraid?"

Ba Jie shook his head and said, "How could it be, I didn't. I'm..."

Before Ba Jie had finished speaking, Sun Wukong interrupted: "It's so hard that you don't know how many times you have said this."

"Brother Monkey, I'm not just proving my strength." Zhu Bajie said.

Sun Wukong said: "Then you should go, give us a long view and fight back."

"Okay!" Zhu Bajie picked up the nine-tooth rake, Nagato said I will go with you.

"Okay, Third Junior Brother, you are here to protect the master," Sun Wukong said.

Monk Sha was on his way to the sacred mission and said: "Okay! Brother! You can rest assured!"

Monkey King, Nagato, and Zhu Bajie walked towards the top of the mountain.

Zhu Bajie stuck his head out and looked at the group of monsters in front of him, panicking in his heart.

"Brother Monkey, I, I, I go to the toilet" Zhu Bajie said.

Monkey King grabbed Zhu Bajie's clothing belt and said, "Counsel?"

"No, no, how can this group of young people stop this uncle?" said Zhu Bajie.

Monkey King pushed Ba Jie out, and all the big guys noticed Zhu Ba Jie.

"Where did the pig's head come from? Oh, it's bigger than the pig's head I ate." said one of the monsters.

Another monster said: "And it's still an ugly pig's head."

Ba Jie held his belly and said, "Look at Grandpa carefully. Grandpa is the canopy marshal who has managed one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers!"

A little monster said: "Our great king is still a person who has swallowed one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers! It's because the queen mother did not entertain him!"

The other little demons all echoed. Zhu Bajie pretended to be calm and said, "Then I will let you see my ability. It is too late to surrender now!"

"Nagato, let me tell you now, their great king is drunk in the cave." Monkey King said.

"So..." Nagato asked "confused" with a look of doubt.

Monkey King went on to say: "So while Zhu Bajie is dragging the monster at this door, we hurried in."

Nagato said, "Wonderful, your trick is not bad, it's smart!"

But people never expected that Zhu Bajie was chased by these little monsters.

"Brother Monkey, save me! Nagato! Save me! I have Gao Laozhuang's daughter-in-law waiting for me to return." Zhu Bajie screamed as he ran.

Monkey King shook his head and looked at Nagato. "Brother Monkey! Nagato! My old pig can't run anymore, help!" said Zhu Bajie.

Monkey King and Nagato flew in front of Ba Jie, Ba Jie hid behind and said: "These two my eldest brothers, let you chase me and fight, and I will let my eldest brother take care of you!"

A monster said, "Brothers, come on! Our group is afraid that they won't succeed!"

"That's it," these little guys agreed in unison.

Monkey King said: "Nagato, let's rub their momentum!"

Nagato Monkey nodded each other, Monkey King took out the golden hoop, and saw that he flew around the golden hoop in his hand, and the monsters were all thrown away.

Nagato held darts in both hands and flew one accurately, and the little monsters turned into black smoke in the air.

Looking at this posture, Zhu Bajie also raised the rake in his hand, raking a stranger.

Zhu Bajie watched as the monsters just before him were gone, and the air was filled with dust.

"Brother Monkey, Nagato" Ba Jie said with a grin, "Hey, idiot looks at your grinning grin." Monkey King said.

Nagato said, "Don't be afraid if we are there."

Zhu Bajie said: "Then you didn't go with me just now."

Nagato said, "Aren't you trying to show us the style of Marshal Canopy!"

Sun Wukong clutched his stomach and smiled and said, "Idiot, look at you just like that, and you are being chased away. If you know, Master Sha, you might laugh to death."..

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