My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 626: Beat the Lion Spirit

Zhu Bajie said, "I was bluffing, letting you sneak attack from behind, who knows you didn't realize my intention."

Zhu Bajie said more and more quietly, Monkey King said: "I wanted to make a noise, but you were chased by monsters."

Zhu Bajie said, "I'm not going to help you later."

Nagato said, "Brother Monkey, we have solved the monster outside, what should we do next?"

Sun Wukong said: "In this way, we are transformed into monsters and enter this cave. I guess there are a few small leaders in this cave. Let's get in first."

Nagato agreed with this method, and Zhu Bajie nodded and changed his body.

You look at me and I look at you, Zhu Bajie laughed and said, "It's fun and fun."

Monkey King slapped Bajie and said, "We are not here to play, and Nagato and I will ignore you next time you do this."

Bajie waved his hand quickly and said, "Don't, Brother Monkey."

Nagato patted Bajie on the shoulder and said, "I'm afraid you have to ask for more blessings!"

They entered this Lion's Head Mountain while talking.

The lion spirit was as big as a lotus leaf, his body was as strong as a cow, and his hands looked as powerful as a stone.

Opening the sharp teeth of the mouth, the saliva flowed down three thousand feet.

Zhu Bajie whispered: "Brother Monkey, this lion spirit looks tall and mighty, can we do it?"

Brother Monkey said: "Shut up, be careful to'expose'."

Nagato said: "Brother Pig, you just don't speak and follow us, just act on the occasion."

Zhu Bajie nodded, and followed Wukong Nagato.

Sun Wukong said: "Report, King, the little one seems to have seen the Tang monk on the mountain tour today."

Zhu Bajie whispered: "Oh, Brother Monkey, you shouldn't be afraid, surrender to him."

Monkey King turned his head and stared at Ba Jie and said, "If you talk again, I will dedicate your pig head to this lion spirit."

Zhu Bajie immediately shut up, and then Monkey King said again: "The king will follow me and see if you can."

The lion spirit said: "Go and see."

Monkey King said again: "My lord, I'm afraid that I will startle the snake."

"What are you afraid of?" said the lion spirit, shaking his cloak.

Monkey King said: "Have you forgotten the Monkey King Monkey King who was making trouble in the Heaven Palace by his side?"

The lion spirit was stunned for a while, and then said, "Then what do you think?"

Monkey King said: "You go and see with us first, and the other little leaders will stay in the cave and guard the cave."

Monkey King went on to say: "The Monkey King is proficient in 72 changes. What if he becomes a little monster and gets in and framed you?"

The lion nodded, feeling that what the Great Sage had said was reasonable, so he followed the Great Sage, Nagato Eight Precepts.

Walking along this road, Ba Jie became more and more angry when he thought about it, and took the lion spirit to find the master.

Bajie couldn't bear it and said, "Brother Monkey! You can't do this."

Monkey King calmly said: "What are you talking about?"

Ba Jie changed back to the original and said, "Is this a good way you think?"

Zhu Bajie, who turned into a prototype, said, "This is?"

Sun Wukong immediately said: "Great King, this must be a "trait" sent by Monkey King. We will help the King solve it."

The lion spirit thought for a while and said, "I'm not stupid, the three of you just came in together."

"Since you are suspicious, then we will not pretend." Monkey King Nagato also changed back to the original.

The lion spirit said: "It's impossible for the three of you to want to defeat me! Even her old man, Jade Emperor, is not my opponent."

Sun Wukong said: "Oh, you monster, you even utter a rant, and you want to eat my master and see how I can clean you up."

The lion gets bigger and bigger! Monkey King Longmen Zhubajie looked at the enlarged lion spirit.

Have also become bigger! Monkey King smiled and said, "Ahahaha, if you can grow bigger, we can still do the same."

"Don't be too proud" said the lion spirit.

The lion spirit opened his mouth, as if there was some mana in his mouth, a gust of wind sucked Wukong's leg in.

Nagato looked at it and said, "You lion is not an elephant, and you want to eat us."

The lion spirit said, "See if I won't crush you," the lion spirit bit the great saint's leg.

Tate Tate spit out Monkey King, something so hard.

Monkey King said: "I have a body that is not bad for stainless steel. As long as I exert my strength, my body will be as hard as a stone."

With a wave of the lion spirit, the lion spirit kicked on Nagato. The lion spirit fell to the ground because the center of gravity was not stable.

Ba Jie quickly sat down. puff--

Ba Jie let out a loud fart, and Ba Jie said embarrassedly, "What a coincidence, fart."

The lion spirit was fainted by the smell of Bajie's fart. This person's body grew bigger and the fart smelled louder.

After the smoke dissipated for a while, Nagato just wanted to use the sword to deal with this guy, the lion spirit said, "Wait, I have something to say."

Nagato said, "What do you want to say?"

The lion spirit said, "I beg you to kill me!"

"Bah" Sun Wukong said, "I want to be beautiful. Nagato took care of him!"

When Nagato went down with a sword, the lion refined into a huge black smoke and disappeared.

"What about the little fairy in Brother Monkey's cave?" Zhu Bajie asked.

Monkey King said: "The cave is full of people without a head, so naturally they dare not make'chaos'."

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