My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 640: unexpected result

King Yama didn't dare to slack off Nagato, he knew that any sneeze of Nagato could blow the whole underworld away.

Nagato walked to the judge's eyes and took out the judge's pen in the judge's hand, and the relic in the judge's pen appeared directly in Nagato's hand.

"Yes, King Yama, you are still smart, I will take the relic, and the judge will return it to you."

Nagato dropped such a word and turned and left.

King Yama looked at Nagato's back, he sighed in relief, and said, "Nagato is a **** and Buddha, and its magical power is extremely powerful. We can't afford it. Now everyone returns to their positions immediately."

Leaving the long gate of the underworld, he flew straight towards the place where Huaguo Mountain was. Tiandi Baojian told him that there were also relics there.

Monkey King set up a magic barrier around Huaguo Mountain. If someone enters Huaguo Mountain, he will feel it.

Nagato came to Huaguo Mountain and saw the magic barrier in front of him. He knew that it was a barrier created by Monkey King.

"Monkey Wukong's mana barrier is so powerful. This really makes me unexpected. It seems that I should release my power quickly."

After saying this, Nagato entered directly to the place where Monkey King was.

The huge energy emitted by the powerful flame is everywhere in it, which Nagato had never expected.

"The magic barrier around Huaguo Mountain is much stronger than before. It seems that there are indeed other people here. I can't just take it lightly."

The power of Nagato's gods and Buddhas can naturally make him safe and sound. He stealthily entered the Huaguo Mountain and began to search for Nagato.

Monkey King felt the abnormality in Huaguo Mountain. He was worried about his monkey grandson, so he turned to look at Tang Seng and others.

Sun Wukong said: "Master, wait for me here, and I will go back."

Tang Seng looked at Sun Wukong in a hurry, and immediately asked: "Wukong, if you really have something anxious, you can let Ba Jie go with you."

Before Zhu Bajie spoke, Monkey King had already rejected what Tang Seng said.

Monkey King took out his golden cudgel and placed a circle around Tang Seng and the three of them.

Before leaving, Sun Wukong again asked Tang Seng and the others, "Master, you must not leave the Diamond Void Circle. No matter what happens, wait for my grandson to come back and make a decision."

After Sun Wukong spoke, he disappeared before Tang Seng's eyes.

Tang Seng sighed and let Ba Jie and Drifting sit in the Vajra Devil Circle.

The barriers around Huaguo Mountain are still intact. Monkey King knew that this person who entered Huaguo Mountain had no ill will towards his monkey grandsons in Huaguo Mountain.

Monkey King didn't want to disturb his monkey grandson either, he knew what to do now.

When Monkey King was in a daze, a golden light appeared in front of Monkey King. This person was Nagato.

Nagato looked at the Monkey King in front of him and said, "Goku, why did you come here?"

"With this sentence, I still want to ask you, Huaguoshan is where my monkey grandson is. Is there anything wrong with you when you came here? You have been looking for relics recently. Could there be relics in this place? Nothing?" Monkey King guessed.

Nagato thought for a while, and said, "What you said is not wrong. There are indeed relics here. Tiandi Baojian told me that at least one relic can be found here. Since you have also come here, then I hope You can take back your mana."

Monkey King understood the meaning of Nagato. According to Nagato, he flew into the air and directly recovered the surrounding mana, and the relic splashed and fell in front of Nagato.

"This is the relic? Unexpectedly, there are still relics in Huaguo Mountain."

Sun Wukong was very surprised. He never thought that his Huaguoshan would have relics.

Just as Nagato reached out his hand to take the relic in front of him, a golden light flashed out again in another place in the sky, another relic.

Nagagoo kept two relics at the same time, and he was very happy to get two relics at once.

"Wukong, I didn’t expect your Huaguoshan to have two relics. It’s really an accident. Now I have collected all five relics, and I will definitely collect the remaining five in the shortest time. And returned the treasure of heaven and earth to Zhen Yuanzi." Nagato said, looking at the two relics in his hands.

Tiandi Baojian was opened again, Nagato threw two relics into the air, and Tiandi Baojian swallowed the two relics directly.

Sun Wukong breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that the Huaguo Mountain where he had an enchantment had been entered. He was relieved after he had determined that this person was Nagato and that there was nothing wrong.

"Nagato, now I can release my mana barrier again around Huaguo Mountain, right?"..

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