My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 641: Conspiracy of spider spirits

Nagato turned and left from Huaguo Mountain, and Monkey King left with him.

The little monkeys in Huaguoshan didn't feel anything about it, and they didn't know what happened.

Tang Seng and others have been waiting for Monkey King, and Monkey King soon appeared in front of Tang Seng and others.

"Master, I'm back."

Monkey King's voice echoed in the air, and then he appeared in front of Tang Seng and the others, and handed them the fast food in his hand.

Zhu Bajie was very active when it came to eating, and he was the first to come to Monkey King.

"Brother, you know that my old pig has been here waiting for you, and his stomach is already hungry. Anyway, now that brother has all these things in hand, then let us eat quickly."

Zhu Bajie didn't care about three, seven, twenty and one, he directly picked up a bun in front of Monkey King and ate it quickly.

Nagato also appeared next to them, putting some prepared dishes in front of them.

Nagato saw the way Zhu Bajie was eating, he laughed, and said, "I said Bajie, no matter how you say you are all human, don't worry about it."

While saying this, Nagato passed the food in his hand to Seng Tang and said, "This is for you. You are Wukong's master. After eating these food in a while, you can drink some to quench your thirst."

Tang Seng and the others are very grateful to Nagato, and when they are full, they will continue to set off.

This time, Tiandi Baojian told Nagato that he would find the remaining five relics after following the four monks and apprentices of Tang Seng.

Nagato, who had received the news from Tianbaojian, decided to follow Tang Seng.

Monkey King leads the way. Behind him is Tang Seng riding a white dragon horse. Behind Tang Seng are Zhu Bajie and Drifting Monk.

"Wukong, the previous monsters all came in while they were empty, and followed you. I know there is a way to find the relic quickly. The next relic will go with you."

As Nagato said, the monk Tang and his disciples had walked for a long time, and they had not gone out after walking the mountain road for a long time.

Tang Seng shouted at Monkey King: "Wukong, come here quickly." Monkey King appeared in front of Tang Seng instantly and asked: "Master, is there anything else?"

"Wukong, we have been walking on this mountain road for a long time. Why can't we get out? What's going on here? Besides, Ba Jie and Wu Jing are tired. Why don't we find a place to take a break? "Tang Seng said so, and Zhu Bajie and Drifting came over.

"Brother, what the master said is right. We might as well take a break here and wait until we have enough rest before we leave."

After Zhu Bajie said these words, he quickly walked towards Nagato. He wanted to ask for more food from Nagato.

Nagato knew the purpose of catching Bajie to find him, so he walked over and spoke.

"Bajie, why are you here for running toward me so quickly?"

"You know, we have been walking for a long time, and now we are tired and thirsty. I don't know if you have anything to eat." Zhu Bajie believes that Nagato has magical powers, and as a **** and Buddha, he will definitely be prepared to eat. Into the food.

"It's a pity that I was eaten up by you just now."

Nagato was telling the truth, the food he brought with him was not a lot, and the fruits and things were also brought from Monkey King Huaguo Mountain.

Just when Zhu Bajie was disappointed, the Drifter pointed to a place not far away.

"Master, senior brother, second senior brother, Nagato, you see, there seems to be a big family not far in front, where we may be able to rest, and we can also have fast food." The monk suggested.

Zhu Bajie immediately agreed, "Yeah, I also think this idea is good, so why don't we go there and take a break."

Zhu Bajie couldn't wait to run towards the house in front of him.

After knocking on the door a few times, seven women emerged from the inside. The appearances of the women were exquisite. At first glance, they looked no different from ordinary women, but Monkey King and Nagato could see that they were monsters at a glance.

Monkey King said nothing to Tang Seng, and stood directly in front of these monsters.

"I said you guys, do you really think you can hide the golden eyes of my grandson? My grandson can tell at a glance that all seven of you are spider spirits. You have been waiting for our masters and apprentices here. Tired, and then show up, right?"

Monkey King's analysis was very correct. This is exactly the weirdness of these spider spirits, but Zhu Bajie was the first to object to what he said.

"Brother, what are you talking about? The women in front of you are so beautiful, and you can tell at a glance that they are all good people. They and sisters also help us because we are pitiful."

The headed spider spirit stood in front of Tang Seng, looking at Tang Seng with aggrieved expression. ..

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