My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 642: Tang Seng was arrested again

"Holy monk, a few of our sisters just happened to see your poor masters and apprentices. If you really think that we are unkind and ignore us, why do you say that we are monsters?" the spider spirit headed.

Tang Seng turned to look at Monkey King, and said in a reproachful tone.

"Wukong, the donor is kind to help us, how can you say that?"

Zhu Bajie couldn't walk when he saw a woman, not to mention that he was very tired now, and he naturally felt that he had come to heaven on earth.

"Brother, you are good everywhere, you are too suspicious. Brother, I won't say anything, you will know if you go in and see if you are a monster."

Without saying a word, Zhu Bajie entered the monster's cave and followed along with the monk Tang Seng.

Monkey King sighed, looking very helpless.

Nagato came to Monkey King. He understood that Monkey King was helpless at this time.

"You don't have to worry about Wukong. These monsters want to be disadvantageous to your brothers. This is absolutely impossible. Are we still here?" Nagato comforted.

"These things you said are not wrong, I naturally understand what you mean. Besides, my master and the others don’t believe me, it’s not a matter of once or twice. Now it seems that only the monsters can show their true shape. It can prove that I am right."

Monkey King said, releasing his fiery eyes and entering the Pansi Cave.

Longmen took out the Tiandi Baojian, and everything around him changed slightly. As for Sun Wukong whether they had experienced this catastrophe, he didn't know. What he knew was that Tiandi Baojian told him that there would be different gains here.

Nagato followed Tang Seng and his apprentices into the house in front of him.

Everything around was the same as usual. After Tang Seng and others entered, they started to eat, and Zhu Bajie ate the most.

Monkey King also looked at these meals as normal, so he didn't say more useless words.

As time passed, Nagato followed Monkey King by guarding Tang Seng, and did not eat anything.

"Goku, are you sure you don't eat some? These meals are from normal people, there is no problem. I feel that you are a little absent-minded today. Is there anything bothering you?"

Sun Wukong understood the meaning of Nagato. He nodded and said: "Yes, I do have some troubles. Relics will appear. I understand to some extent that the Buddha and the gods and Buddhas of the Three Realms attach great importance to this matter. I think it is not simple. Thing." "I know what you said, and I fully understand what you mean. Gods and Buddhas are ready, and they all want things to be resolved as soon as possible, but they think now The most important thing is to get rid of the devilish energy." Nagato said about the devilish energy.

The magic energy is left by the demon heads of the three realms before, and its magic power enters the body of ordinary people, making them a member of the demon race.

This matter is not controlled by the gods and demons, he knows that the matter is very serious.

The sky gradually darkened, and soon it rained heavily, and Nagato and others stayed here temporarily.

Monkey King looked at the sky so abnormally, he knew it was the monster deliberately made the sky bad and let them stay.

"Goku, the relics are nearby. Perhaps these seven monsters have relics on their bodies. Don't worry about these. The power of the relics can defeat all these monsters." Nagato said carefully.

Monkey King believed in Nagato. He knew that Nagato was capable of defeating spider spirits.

"In fact, I can also learn these things. In my opinion, there are still many things that I need to do. It doesn't matter."

He chose to stay with Tang Seng.

Nagato went out of the house, and he looked back at the house he had just entered. This was the spider's cave at all.

"I can't completely anger these monsters right now. All I have to do is to find the relics near this spider cave." Nagato said and took out the treasure of heaven and earth.

Tiandi Baojian kept shining, and its light shone on the stone not far away.

"Sure enough, the relic is in front of you. It seems that the power of this relic is not so powerful. I want to quickly grasp the energy of the relic."

As Nagato said, he threw Tiandi Baojian into the air, and a powerful light shone on the stone not far away. The powerful light made the stone crack directly.

After the crack in the stone, a relic came out from the crack in the cave.

Nagato was very happy and said, "It really is this relic. I didn’t expect that there is another one in the stone of this spider cave. This treasure of heaven and earth is really useful. It seems that I will be able to collect all ten relics soon. Up."

The long goalkeeper had just found the relic and used the treasure of heaven and earth to enter it, and then returned to the place where he had just left. ..



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