My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 658: Dream Demon's Choice

While Nagato said this, he had already figured out what to do next.

After Mengmo thought for a moment, he nodded and agreed with what Nagato said.

In the eyes of Mengmo, if Nagato is really willing to help himself, he would naturally agree. After all, not everyone has the chance to become a Buddha.

"I am willing to listen to you. In fact, there is nothing good about being a monster. I just happened to be born among the monsters. If there is a real chance that I can become a **** or Buddha, I am naturally willing." Hesitate to answer.

Nagato took the dream monster and quickly came to Leiyin Temple.

There are relics on Nagato's body, and the divine power of the relics completely concealed the demons in the dream demon, which made all the gods and Buddhas not aware of the existence of the dream demon.

In Leiyin Temple, Tathagata let all the gods and Buddhas practice on their own, and brought Nagato to an uninhabited land and asked.

"Nagato, why did you come to me with a dream demon this time?"

Tathagata knew that every time Nagato came to him, something happened, otherwise he wouldn't come to Leiyin Temple.

"The Buddha is right. When I came here this time, I did have something to ask the Buddha to help. In this way, you will know by looking at this."

After Nagato finished speaking, he used the relic to directly summon the dream demon and let the dream demon directly face the Buddha.

When the dream demon saw the Tathagata, he was stunned for a moment, and then bowed and said: "The little demon sees the Tathagata Buddha, and he can see the Tathagata Buddha in his lifetime. 1 is the honor of the little demon."

Tathagata waved his hand, and a golden light directly entangled the dream demon, making it impossible for the dream demon to move his body.

"Why did the Buddha suddenly treat me like this?" asked Mengmo puzzled.

The dream demon thought that although he had done so many bad things before, but now he has decided to change the evil and return to the right, he still hopes that Tathagata can give him a chance.

Nagato pierced his eyes, and the golden light of the Tathagata bound the Yumemo disappeared.

"Tathagata, I came to you with the dream demon, in fact, I want you to help the dream demon and get rid of the evil spirit from him. The dream demon wants to be a good person, and hopes that the Buddha can give him a chance to reincarnate. "Nagato said sincerely.

For Nagato, he can help the dream demon, reincarnate the dream demon, this is the last thing he can help the dream demon.

The dream demon was also very sincere. He faced Nagato and said, "Nagato, thank you for begging for me, but looking at the Buddha's appearance, it seems that he doesn't want to let me go. If this is the case, Then I will choose "suicide"."

As he said, the dream monster directly attacked his heart with a palm, and his entire body was gradually disappearing.

Tathagata also saw that the dream demon really had a heart of repentance, so he used his force to recover the wound of the dream demon, so that the dream demon was reborn again.

Tathagata faced the dream demon and said, "You now have such a heart of repentance, which makes me very pleased. As long as the sentient beings of the Three Realms repent sincerely, I will give them a chance. Dream demon, you just said these words, I All agreed, you can go to the King of Yama."

"Thank you, Buddha."

Mengmo was very happy. After saying these four words, he was sent to the netherworld by Tathagata.

Nagato merged his hands and said, "Amitabha, thank the Buddha for giving him a chance. The Dream Demon may also be the catastrophe of Monkey King and others. Now that I have solved these distresses, did they avoid this disaster?"

Tathagata didn't answer Nagato's question directly, but looked at a place not far away.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva walked towards Nagato. She looked at Nagato. She was looking at the Buddha, and said, "Buddha, the four monks and apprentices of Tang Dynasty have come to Tongtian River. They are not far from Leiyin Temple, but their disaster is still a lot less."

Both Guanyin and Tathagata knew that the reason Tang Seng and others were able to get to Leiyin Temple so quickly was because the catastrophe was solved so quickly with the help of Nagato.

"Go down, I know." Tathagata nodded.

Guanyin was about to leave and was stopped by Nagato.

The elders looked at Guanyin, he felt that something was very wrong, so he asked.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, when I saw you come to Leiyin Temple this time, the expression on your face was extremely abnormal. Is it the Tang monk that something happened to him?"

Nagato remembers that when Monkey King and the others were in the Tongtian River, they met an old tortoise, and that old tortoise took them to the other side of the river.

"Everything is fixed, and I don't know how to answer the things you asked me. In short, the monk Tang and his apprentice are about to go to Leiyin Temple. I don't know if this is a good thing or a curse." Guanyin dropped this sentence and turned to leave. .

Nagato turned his head and looked at Tathagata, "Buddha, if there is nothing else, I will also leave."

Tathagata nodded, and then Nagato also left Leiyin Temple. ..

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