My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 659: Doomed result

Mengmo was completely suppressed by Nagato, and with the help of Tathagata, he came to the underworld.

Nagato followed the dream demon to the underworld. He sighed with relief as he watched the dream demon's body was surrounded by golden light, without any demon aura.

Nagato looked at the dream demon and said: "Mengmo, I don’t want to say anything to you. You should know that you have already received the affirmation of the Tathagata. You can reincarnate as a human being. I hope you will not continue to be a demon in your next life. ."

"I naturally understand what you said. I finally had this opportunity, how could I just give up like this?" Mengmo smiled.

For Mengmo, the most important thing now is to reincarnate as soon as possible. If he really waits for the future, the consequences will be very serious, and he still doesn't know what to do.

Nagato followed the dream demon to the king, and then Nagato said: "Yan, you are proficient in the life and death of everyone, presumably this time the dream demon came here, do you know what happened?"

The Hades nodded gently and said, "What you said is correct. The Tathagata did help the Mengmo and gave the Mengmo a chance to be reincarnated. You said the same to the Nagato God and Buddha, then I will help the Mengmo reincarnate. "

After saying this, Hades stretched out his hands and released his mana on the dream demon, and then the dream demon disappeared from their eyes.

"Is this all right? Why didn't the dream demon enter the six reincarnations? Is it because he is a demon himself, or is it?" Nagato asked with some questions in his heart looking at the place where the dream demon disappeared.

"Nagato God and Buddha, Mengmo is different from other monsters. He can control people's dreams. To be honest, whether the Mengmo can be reincarnated or not depends on God's will. Even though the Buddha has agreed to him, it also depends on him. One's own good fortune." Yan Wang explained.

Nagato understood why Tathagata had been unsure about the reincarnation of the dream monster. He felt that things were still strange. After bidding farewell to the Hades, Nagato turned and returned to Leiyin Temple.

At this time, many gods and Buddhas were here in Leiyin Temple. Nagato knew that there would be other gods and Buddhas who would oppose anything to help the dream demon, so he didn't say anything and used magic power to leave from Leiyin Temple again.

Just after Monkey King and others passed the Tongtian River, they felt very sleepy, and soon they entered their dreams. In his dream, Monkey King looked at the evil spirit in front of him, so he took out his golden hoop, and at the same time, he kept approaching the black spirit in front of him.

Zhu Bajie and the others also entered the dream state. When Nagato rushed to Monkey King and the others, he could tell what was going on at a glance.

"It's strange, how could they get into the dreamland with the magic power of the demon? It feels so familiar, could it be the mana released by the dream demon? I just came back from the underworld, the dream demon should be reincarnated. "

Nagato said so much to himself, he finally decided to go and see how this matter could be said.

He quickly came to Monkey King's eyes. He looked at Tang Seng and several people not far away. He decided to bring Monkey King out of his dream first.

Monkey King was fighting with the Dream Demon in his dream. Nagato suddenly appeared and attacked the place where the Dream Demon and Monkey King were. An instant crack in the ground, the two were also directly shaken open.

Nagato swiftly moved to Sun Wukong's eyes. He faced the dream demon in front of him. He was stunned for a moment and then asked: "Mengmo, I am not here to help you in front of Tathagata. Have you been reincarnated? Why are you now? Are you still here?"

"Nagato, you are just fooling me. I don't want to say so much anymore. You are so hypocritical. In my opinion, what you say to me is false. At least it seems to me. . I don’t want to continue talking nonsense, just do it."

Mengmo roared, the demon power on his body had gathered together, and his hatred for Nagato became even deeper.

It turns out that when the dream demon was reincarnated in reincarnation, because of the heavy demon power on his body and the long time in the dream state, he could not be reborn, but could only be wiped out.

A series of messages about the dream demon came out of Nagato's mind. After he knew that the dream demon had only one way to extinction, he also felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"Mengmo, I know that you have seen your future through the wheel of reincarnation, and everything is not absolute. If you change your heart, I believe the Buddha can help you reincarnate or become a god."

Mengmo no longer believed what Nagato said now.

The dream monster at this time was completely devilish. Since he knew that he could not be reincarnated, he had completely distrusted Nagato, and his hostility towards Nagato was much greater than when he first started. ..

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