My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 663: Beat the Scorpion

In fact, Nagato knew that Sun Wukong and others didn't understand what he said, and he didn't want to explain too much, just thinking about leaving the place in front of him.

Then Nagato disappeared in front of Monkey King and others.

Monkey King knew that Scorpion Spirit was very powerful, and there was no need for Nagato to lie to them.

Soon, Monkey King returned to Tang Seng's side, and told his brothers what had happened just now.

Zhu Bajie complained and said, "Brother, why didn't you ask why Nagato left in such a hurry? What he is talking about is that scorpion sperm appears. What if scorpion sperm came to us after he left? do?"

Zhu Bajie has always known that Tang Seng's meat is what monsters want to eat in dreams, so he thinks that monsters are aimed at Tang Seng.

"Fool, can't my old grandson still be able to deal with a small scorpion sperm? Even if the scorpion essence has great skills, it will not be my old grandson's opponent." Sun Wukong said angrily.

In Monkey King's view, there are not many gods, Buddhas and monsters that are stronger than him. He feels that Scorpion Spirit is really not that powerful, at least in his opinion.

The Drifter walked over, continued to carry the burden, and prepared to move forward.

"Wukong, Wu Neng, don't talk about these useless things for the two of you. We are not far from Leiyin Temple. When we see the Buddha and get the scriptures, it will be the time when all the people are happy. "

Tang Seng has always believed that Mahayana Buddhism can universally save sentient beings, and he firmly believes in this.

Nagato seemed to have left the monk Tang and his apprentice, but he was still observing these secretly.

"Scorpion essence should be about to appear. The main purpose of that guy is to eat Tang Seng meat. He must think that after eating Tang Seng meat, he can greatly increase his mana. So he can fight against the three realms of humans, gods and demons. It is really naive. "

Nagato was talking to himself, and suddenly he felt a powerful demon energy, which was fleeting, but he could not escape Nagato's eyes.

"Yes, I finally couldn't help but come forward. I believe that Scorpion Scorpion will do it in the next place." Nagato said confidently.

As Nagato said, Xie Zijing followed Tang Seng and his apprentices all the way. When the four of them found a ruined temple to rest, Xie Zijing suddenly appeared.

"Tang Seng, you are the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi. As long as you eat your meat, my mana will definitely rise." Scorpion Jing said, he must act on Tang Seng.

Monkey King felt the demon energy at this moment, he instantly got up, and saw a golden light directly covering the scorpion spirit, making the scorpion spirit's demon power directly blocked.

Nagato appeared in front of Monkey King and the others, approached the Scorpion Spirit and spoke.

"Scorpion spirit, you know that I have been waiting for you to take action. You have the eternal silkworm armor on your body, and with your unique demon power, it can make the gods and Buddhas unable to see you. But you are releasing demon power It will show up when you have the demon power."

"You have been following me all the time. I was so stupid that you had left. This is really my miscalculation."

Scorpion essence clenched his fist, his eyes full of anger.

"Nagato, what's the matter? You left us earlier, did you deliberately give Scorpion Jing a chance to make her appear?" Monkey King asked.

"Yes, Scorpion Jing is very cunning, and I don't know where she stole the Celestial Silkworm Armor. This thing, coupled with his unique mana, will indeed hide the evil spirit, and it will not be easy to be discovered by others." Nagato explained .

After saying this, Nagato used mana to directly retrieve the Celestial Silkworm armor, and at the same time released the sky fire, directly burning it.

The scorpion spirit was about to explode in anger. She didn't expect that Nagato could take away his eerie armor so easily and burn it down.

The scorpion spirit released all her demon power. When she was about to attack Nagato, a sky thunder hit the center, causing the scorpion spirit to lie on the ground instantly, with no demon power.

Nagato faced Xie Zijing, he walked to Xie Zijing's eyes, and Jin Yuanzi's voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"The relics have now reappeared. The ten relics collected by Tiandi Baojian are all about to move around. If the relics cannot be reclassified in a short period of time, the coming of the Three Realms Catastrophe will cause the lives to be devastated."

"It seems that this relic is indeed very important. I can't stay here anymore. I must return to Zhenyuanzi Taoist Temple as soon as possible." Nagato said to himself. ,

Only Nagato himself could hear what Yuancai Jin Motoko said to Nagato. Others didn't even know about it.

Xie Zijing climbed up from the ground with difficulty. She did not expect that at this moment, Tianlei chose to help Nagato, which made Nagato never take any action against her. ..

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