My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 664: Relic reappearance

"Scorpion spirit, your sin is horrendous, and now you have been punished by Tianlei. Your soul is about to dissipate, and you are no longer able to continue to do evil. You will have today's result, and everything is deserved."

After Nagato said this, he turned around and disappeared.

Nagato really left this time. Zhu Bajie and Drifting just behind Nagato all stepped forward and surrounded the scorpion sperm.

"My old pig's favorite thing is to collect corpses. You guy is still thinking about dealing with some of our destiny? You will have such a result now that you deserve your sins. Now let's see how my old pig will deal with you. "

As Zhu Bajie said, he was about to use his magic power to attack the scorpion spirit, but Tang Seng stopped it.

Tang Seng said, "The Eight Precepts, God has the virtue of good life. This scorpion spirit has been hit by the sky thunder and will definitely die. If you want to kill now, wouldn't it be against the purpose of our masters and disciples in taking the Western Classics? "

"Yes, Ba Jie, the master has said so, so don't take action. This guy's soul is gone, she will not pose any threat to us, let her live and die here, let's continue Go forward." Monkey King followed Tang Seng to agree.

In this way, the Tang Seng group set off again.

The scorpion sperm was lying on his stomach, his whole body was getting hot, and then disappeared into the air.

Monkey King turned his head and looked at the place where the scorpion sperm was just now. The scorpion sperm has completely disappeared, and soon disappeared from the place in front of him.

After the scorpion essence disappeared, Nagato returned to Jin Yuanzi's Taoist temple, Jin Yuanzi was already waiting for Nagato in the Taoist temple.

"Nagato, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you."

Zhen Yuanzi took out the treasure of heaven and earth, placed it in front of Nagato, and continued.

"You take a closer look at this treasure mirror of heaven and earth. The ten relics in it are constantly shaking. I think you also know the power of the relics. They should be able to sense the existence of the same divine power."

The energy of the relic continued to increase, which made Nagato had to believe that the relic reappeared.

The power of the relic is growing, and the long goalkeeper Tiandi Baojian regained his hand and said, "Zhen Yuanzi, you told me the recurrence of the relic, because you know that I am the only one who can do this relic. Do you find it and earn it to face it here?"

"What you said is not wrong. The relic is a spiritual thing. No one can control the power of the relic. What I also want to say to you is that the relic will have such a fierce reaction at this time. It means that someone is trying to summon these relics." Zhen Yuanzi said in a true scripture.

"Someone is calling the relic? Who has such a powerful mana? I want to see it. The relic is a **** with aura. I want to take the relic out of the treasures of heaven and earth. This person's idea is true. It's special."

Nagato dropped these words and took the treasure of heaven and earth from Zhen Yuanzi's Taoist temple.

After waiting for Nagato to leave, Zhen Yuanzi looked at the ginseng fruit not far away and said happily.

"The ginseng fruit has matured. It seems that it will not be long before I can take the ginseng fruit to the heaven to find the Jade Emperor, and then I will be promoted."

Nagato opened the Tiandi Baojian. The ten relics in the Tiandi Baojian Nagato did not choose to **** them into its body immediately. It knew that the power of these relics was extraordinary. All it had to do at this moment was to use the relics. The son finds someone who absorbs the relics.

Soon Nagato came to a very remote forest, where he could feel a vicious atmosphere.

The relic was absorbed into his body by Nagato's use of mana, and at the same time, the erupting divine power cleared all the trees blocking him, and the demon instantly appeared in front of him.

Nagato's expression became very serious. He looked at the black air in front of him, and said, "Who are you, who are capable of summoning relics. I know that you are definitely not an ordinary monster. The truth, I won't kill you."

"Really? Nagato is the most powerful person among gods and Buddhas. In fact, you can see that I don't belong to this world at all. The reason you saw me is because I already have some physical appearance but I haven't fully formed. "

This monster knew that he hadn't fully formed, and Nagato couldn't completely eliminate it. This was so terrifying.

"You are just a black air. Although you don't have much abilities, in my opinion, you are still a little threatening to the Three Realms. I will temporarily suppress you, and you will temporarily be unable to release your demon power."

Nagato said, opening the Heaven and Earth Treasure Mirror, the powerful magic power instantly sealed the group of demon energy inside, and then took the Heaven and Earth Treasure Mirror and quickly flew towards Zhen Yuanzi's Taoist Temple.

Not long after Zhen Yuanzi sat down, Nagato returned with the treasure of heaven and earth. ..

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