My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 665: Ginseng fruit stolen

Without any hesitation, Nagato took the treasure of heaven and earth to Zhen Yuanzi before and after his eyes, and showed his recent events in front of Zhen Yuanzi through the treasure of heaven and earth, and then Nagato opened his mouth.

"Jin Yuanzi, I have experienced so many strange things recently, and you must have seen it too. I know that I have given you a period of pain by exposing my secret secrets to you before. This is indeed my fault. But you It has been restored. As for the treasures of heaven and earth and the future, I think you know it too."

"You are right. I still know about the relics. I also understand the disasters of sentient beings in the Three Realms. What I want to tell you is that since the relics are selected, there must be something extraordinary about you. I am going to return to heaven."

After Zhen Yuanzi said this, he exhaled deeply, looking worried.

Nagato has never seen Jin Yuanzi look like this before, and immediately asked: "Jin Yuanzi, have you encountered any troubles? I can't tell at a glance. Now you are very troubled. As for why you are In this way, as long as you tell me, I can help you."

"You can't help me. To be honest, this time it is about ginseng fruit. There should have been twenty ginseng fruit, because someone who stole the ginseng fruit appeared. How can I deal with the Jade Emperor."

Zhen Yuanzi sighed while talking.

When Nagato heard about the ginseng fruit, he was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered the four monks Tang and his apprentices.

"Yes, I know where the ginseng fruit is. Maybe I can help you find this ginseng fruit, but after I retrieve these ginseng fruit, I hope you can not embarrass the people I brought." Nagato Talk to Zhen Yuanzi.

In fact, Nagato had already thought that it was Sun Wukong who did this thing. He fully knew these things, but he had not seen Sun Wukong and others, and he was not sure whether this incident was related to them. All Nagato said just now. if.

Zhen Yuanzi felt that things were a bit weird. After thinking for a moment, he said, "Well, anyway, ginseng fruit is my most important treasure. This is something I need to give to the Jade Emperor during the flat peach conference."

Zhen Yuanzi repeatedly emphasized how important the fruit of life is.

Soon Nagato sensed the location of Monkey King and the others, and instantly appeared in front of them. "Goku, you are really here, it seems that I am not wrong. I came here this time to ask you one thing, do you know ginseng fruit?" Nagato Said.

Monkey King and the others fell into silence. Zhu Bajie was very guilty. He unconsciously hid behind Monkey King. This made Nagato immediately know that they were the ones who ate the ginseng fruit.

"Actually, I already know this. You have eaten Zhenyuanzi's ginseng fruit and you want to take some away. What you didn't expect is that this ginseng fruit will disappear when it falls directly on the ground, right?"

Nagato knows everything, except for his strong mana, he is proficient in all the things in it. The monk Tang and his apprentice are destined to have this catastrophe. He said these things and wanted to make these Tang monks and their trouble quick past.

Tang Seng actually knew about this. Although he didn't eat ginseng fruit, he still felt guilty in his heart.

Tang Seng came to Nagato in a few steps and bowed his head to apologize, "Amitabha, Nagato, you have helped us many times, and the poor monks are grateful. These ginseng fruits are indeed eaten by my stubborn apprentices. My apprentice makes mistakes, and I am a master You deserve to be punished, and I hope you don’t blame them."

It turned out that Tang Seng mistakenly thought that Nagato was sent by Zhen Yuanzi to question them. He apologized so much that he didn't want Zhu Bajie and others to have trouble.

The Drifter took a step forward, "Nagato, this time I mainly want to eat ginseng fruit. It is because of my gluttony that caused this. You take me back to ask the crime."

Monkey King stopped the Drifter directly, and said firmly: "Third Junior Brother, this time the incident is mainly due to me, so let me go."

"Okay, don't fight, because I wanted to eat another ginseng fruit, and then accidentally knocked the ginseng fruit to the ground, which caused all the ginseng fruit to fall to the ground. This is my fault. If you want to blame it, blame me. "Zhu Bajie looked indifferent and sat slumped on the ground.

Nagato looked at the solidarity of Tang Seng, master and apprentice, his heart was very pleased.

"You did something wrong this time. The ginseng fruit is not mine, it belongs to Zhenyuanzi. Since you have the courage to admit your mistakes, then you should follow me to find Zhenyuanzi."

In this way, Nagato led the four Tang Seng masters and apprentices, and came to Zhen Yuanzi's Taoist temple in a blink of an eye.

Zhen Yuanzi had actually expected this, and he asked his disciples to prepare some meals. ..

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