My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 673: Tathagata choice

"But what I want to say is that the Buddha still needs to look at Nagato more. He has caused a lot of things. I hope that the Buddha can manage Nagato more in the future so that he will not cause trouble." Taishang Laojun said immediately.

Tathagata Buddha nodded gently, and then his magic force took Nagato and Monkey King away.

Nagato saw that Tathagata hadn't spoken yet, and Monkey King knelt on the ground first, "Buddha, things have nothing to do with Nagato, it's all caused by me, I..."

"Wukong, I did this thing clearly. Why do you want to take care of me? Actually, there is no need for us to say anything else. The Buddha can see all this clearly and fully understand what is happening as long as he uses the mysterious mirror. What." After Nagato said this, he looked at the Tathagata.

Tathagai nodded, "Yes, I know how things are, it's not your business. Wukong, you should go back to your master quickly, remember, you are a group of four who are selected by the destiny , Don’t delay the trip because of trivial matters."

"The disciple will follow the instructions."

After Sun Wukong said this, he raised his head again, Nagato and Tathagata Buddha had disappeared from the place in front of him.

Nagato followed Tathagata back to Leiyin Temple again. After arriving here, Tathagata returned to his position and let Nagato sit in front of him.

Leiyin Temple is very deserted. All the gods and Buddhas do their things, and here are only the two Buddhas, Nagato and Tathagata.

"Nagato, we and Heavenly Court are non-aggressive. This time because of your appearance, this seat and Taishang Laojun are indirectly in conflict with each other. You can tell me what you want in the future. So reckless."

If I say this, I also want to tell Nagato that the Buddha realm and the heaven realm are two different things, and if they are mixed together, there will be more troublesome things.

"In fact, I understand all of this, it is actually because of Tang Seng, that's why I did it. I know you will tell me that everyone has their own lives. Jin Chanzi is your apprentice, and I am very good to Tang Seng mentor. My heart, I just do what I want to do."

Nagato’s words made it impossible for Buddha Tathagata to continue to speak. In fact, he understood that since he had helped Nagato, then there was no need to say that.

"I have nothing to do. The reason why I brought you back to Leiyin Temple this time is to allow you to cultivate your body and mind here. If you feel that you can't cultivate your mind here, you can leave directly." Then he closed his eyes.

Tathagata's body was surrounded by a ray of golden light, and Nagato knew that this was the golden light protector in the body of the gods and Buddhas.

"I have been busy with things outside. I haven't cultivated my body for a long time. I need to stay in Leiyin Temple for a while."

Nagato muttered to himself, he sat cross-legged like the Buddha, and entered a state of spiritual practice.

Zhenyuanzi has passed seven, seven and forty-nine days. At this time, all his mana has returned, and some of the memories he had previously lost have also been recovered.

"The relics, the treasure of heaven and the earth, and the ten relics are all on Nagato. I have to find Nagato quickly."

Zhen Yuanzi said this as soon as he recovered his mana, and he looked very worried.

I saw Zhen Yuanzi made a mysterious light mirror with his force. He knew that Nagato was in Leiyin Temple at this time, so he immediately set off to Leiyin Temple.

Nagato sensed a force flying quickly towards him, he opened his eyes, and the Tathagata also opened his eyes.

Tathagata took the lead in speaking, "Nagato, you have your own things to do. I actually know what you should do. Don’t worry, do your own strength. If there is any danger, I will Help you."

"Does the Buddha really think so? If that's the case, then that would be great. Let me leave first." Nagato dropped these words and disappeared in Leiyin Temple.

Zhen Yuanzi flew towards Nagato quickly. He knew how serious the matter was this time, and he did not dare to slack in the slightest.

In the nine heavens, Nagato soon met Jin Yuanzi, who looked at Nagato and flew over.

Then Jin Yuanzi pulled Nagato not far away and said, "Nagato, I have been looking for you all the time. I don’t know if the treasure of heaven and earth is still on your body. If it is, I hope you can take it. Show me a look."

Zhen Yuanzi listened to Nagato's words, and felt a little "confused" in his heart. He didn't think of anything else, but directly returned Zhen Yuanzi's heaven and earth treasures to him.

Nagato pointed to the treasure mirror of heaven and earth and said: "These days when you have no magic power, the treasure mirror of heaven and earth has been constantly shining. I actually realized that you are here through the treasure mirror of heaven and earth."

"The treasure of heaven and earth is indeed a sacred object. I know this thing. After all, it has been with me for so long." Zhen Yuanzi said. ..

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