My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 674: To the South China Sea

"I want to use Tiandi Baojian to investigate things about the relics. If I didn't guess wrong, there are two other relics now, I want to know where they are." Zhen Yuanzi said seriously.

Nagato stood by, watching Jin Yuanzi lift Tiandi Baojian up high, Tiandi Baojian kept shining, and a golden light "shot" in the air.

Zhen Yuanzi took the treasure of heaven and earth directly and gave it to Nagato again. At the same time, he instructed Nagato: "Nagato, you should know how important the relic is. One of the two relics is here. Nanhai, one is in the underworld, I believe you can find these two relics."

Nagato looked at the treasure of heaven and earth in his hands, and took a deep breath, "Since the relic is a Buddhist thing, it is naturally my business. I don’t want to make myself such a great person, but all beings in the Three Realms are Innocent, I won't let the demon succeed."

In this way, Nagato took the treasure of heaven and earth and headed to the South China Sea.

The South China Sea is surrounded by an abyss enchantment, where it is guarded by the King of the South China Sea. The mana of the South China Sea Pluto is so powerful that it is not only famous in the South China Sea.

The appearance of Nagato directly led out the Nanhai Pluto.

"You are the Pluto of the South China Sea? You really have the same name as yours, because your South China Sea is quite special and somewhat similar to the river of the underworld, so you are called by this name. Now I came to the South China Sea, and I actually came here to find something."

Just after Nagato finished this sentence, the Nanhai Pluto immediately shouted: "This Nanhai is my territory. Even if the Tathagata comes here in person today, I will not give him any chance. You should leave as soon as possible. There is nothing you are looking for here."

The attitude of Nanhai Pluto is very cold, and Nagato is the same as the enemy, which makes Nagato very unhappy.

Nagato's force checked Nanhai Pluto's body. He confirmed that there was nothing abnormal in Nanhai Pluto's body and was not controlled by evil spirits. He knew that this was due to Nanhai Pluto itself.

"It seems that you don't welcome me very much. I came here this time to take away a very important thing. You should have heard of my name Nagato. No **** has ever dared to do this to me. Not to mention you a fellow."

Nagato was already a little angry. When he said this, he suppressed his anger forcibly, and the Pluto of the South Sea in front of him could also feel it. Nanhai Pluto wanted to let Nagato leave quickly, and he had no other way to say so.

Nagato used his mana to say to the heart of Nanhai Pluto, "Did you have any trouble? In fact, you know my strength better than anyone else. You also know how great I am. What do you want? If you say it, you can tell me directly, no one else will know."

Nanhai Pluto didn't expect that Nagato could peep into his heart directly.

Nanhai Pluto said to Nagato in his own heart, "Actually, my shrimp soldiers and crabs in the South China Sea are all entangled by demons. The demons ordered me to remove all the gods and Buddhas near the South China Sea, so that they will be released. And they have control over them. The lifeblood of my South China Sea."

The corner of Nagato’s mouth rose. He knew that everything was exactly as he had expected, so he spoke again, "I actually understand what you said. At this moment you take me to the place where the monster is. You don’t have to treat me. In any doubt, if you still want your people to live, don’t hesitate."

In fact, at this moment, Nanhai Pluto believed in Nagato. His mana was so powerful that he could not see Nagato's heart. He believed that if Nagato really helped him, the success rate of things would be doubled.

In this way, the Pluto of the South China Sea let his subordinates retreat, and he took Nagato to the depths of the South China Sea.

The demonic energy in the depths of the South China Sea continued to emerge, and only then did Nagato know that the reason why the Nanhai Pluto did the things just now was because the entire South China Sea was controlled by the demons.

A demon gas rushed behind Nagato, with an intention to attack Nagato.

The **** and Buddha aura in Nagato directly dissipated the demon energy, and the Nanhai Pluto also retreated a little later and stood not far from Nagato.

Around the body of Nanhai Pluto, there is the protection of the light of Nagato, which makes it impossible for anyone to harm the Nanhai Pluto.

"Who just wanted to sneak attack on this **** and Buddha, if he really thinks that he has a strong ability, then he will shoot me directly." Nagato said viciously.

The sea water in the South China Sea is surging unintelligible, spinning at a speed visible to the naked eye. Behind Nagato, the Nanhai Hades suddenly broke the light of the gods and Buddha that Nagato was protecting him, and attacked strongly behind Nagato.

It turns out that what the Nanhai Pluto said just now is false, and his purpose is to attack Nagato and destroy Nagato. ..

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