My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 812: Mana Prayer

Nagato already understood the meaning of Taishang Laojun, and he also felt that it was indeed very good for Taishang Laojun to do this.

"Lao Jun, if you have any place where you need this deity, just speak up. You gave me the Diamond Circle earlier, which is actually your trust in me. You will have such a result now, and it is your own blessing."

Hearing what Nagato said, Taishang Laojun bowed down to Nagato again.

In Taishang Laojun's mind, Nagato is not only the head of the gods and Buddhas, but also the gods, but also the mana creator who brought the Three Realms to the light.

"Okay, you don't have to behave like this in front of this deity. You have already said what this deity should say to you, so you can rest assured to restore your own mana. In addition, I have something to find the Jade Emperor. Yes, so you are going with me."

All the gods and buddhas are looking for Taishang Laojun, and they are all worried about what will happen to Taishang Laojun.

Now Nagato has found Taishang Laojun, he thinks that this matter should be Taishang Laojun actively looking for the Jade Emperor, he thinks this matter is very important, what he has to do is to follow Taishang Laojun immediately .

Regarding what Nagato said, the Supreme Lord immediately agreed. He knew that he should indeed go to the Lingxiao Hall to give the Jade Emperor and all the gods and Buddhas an explanation.

Soon, Nagato and the Supreme Master had already flown to the High Heaven Hall. The gods knew they were coming, and they all stayed in the High Heaven Hall.

The Jade Emperor looked at Nagato and motioned to let Nagato lean aside.

Nagato's brows jumped, and he said, "Jade Emperor, what are you doing? The great old gentleman had caused great changes in the East China Sea before, because of his spiritual power grass. Others don’t know how important spiritual power grass is, can you still Not sure?"

"It is precisely because I know the importance of the spiritual power grass that I have to punish the old gentleman Taishang. The old gentleman has not taken his spiritual power grass back in time, and it has endangered hundreds of thousands of creatures in the East China Sea. The thing is, not only did he not tell me about it, but he also tried to escape with his own magic power in an attempt to conceal the truth and cross the sea.

The more the Jade Emperor said, the greater his anger in his heart became. All the heavenly soldiers and generals nearby took a step forward and surrounded the Taishang Laojun.

"Do you know what the deity did just now? The disaster in the East China Sea has been put down by the deity, and the old monarch just wants to get his spiritual power back. This time he intends to go alone. Do you know if you have done this, so you hide your strength."

Nagato was already a little angry. At the same time he said this, the power of thunder and lightning spread from around his body from time to time. Such a powerful force was unexpected by the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor knew that Nagato's mana was boundless. He didn't let the heavenly soldiers next to him attack, but looked at Nagato and frowned.

"God, I know that you want to protect the Taishang Laojun, but I haven't said what to do with him? Now I want to put him in a temporary detention, and temporarily suppress him with a mirror. He meant to be executed."

The words the Jade Emperor said were true, Nagato knew, but he still did not agree with what the Jade Emperor just said.

"The deity you mean is very clear, and you should also understand what our gap is. I don’t want to waste time with you anymore. What the deity said just now is very clear, and you should understand it. meaning."

Nagato just glanced at the weapons of the heavenly weapons around him, and their weapons broke instantly.

What he did was not how he wanted to protect the Supreme Master, but what he did was actually to protect these heavenly soldiers and generals.

Nagato immediately used his mana to transmit his inner thoughts to the Jade Emperor.

"Jade Emperor, you know as much as I do. If you deal with the old gentleman now, there will only be one result. The spiritual power in the old gentleman's body will release its spiritual power again. It is really that time. You know the consequences."

"Of course I understand the seriousness of this matter. It is precisely because of this that I thought of suppressing the Taishang Laojun. Don't worry, the Taishang Laojun will not take the initiative to resist." The Jade Emperor was very sure. Say.

The Jade Emperor always felt that he was the head of the Three Realms, and any gods and Buddhas should listen, otherwise he would be chased by the heavenly generals.

On the other hand, Nagato thought that the old man could control the mana in his body, so he decided to bet with the Jade Emperor.

Nagato said: "In this way, when you give me three days, I can let the Supreme Master completely digest the spiritual power grass and completely absorb its mana in three days."

"This is what you said to the gods. If things are not what the gods say to you, then what do you want me to do?" The Jade Emperor still looked a little embarrassed.

Nagato was very puzzled, and he would immediately agree to whatever he said about the Jade Emperor, but this time he deliberately went against him. ..


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