My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 813: Jade Emperor has a problem

Nagato approached the Jade Emperor. He stared at the Jade Emperor carefully, his eyes full of doubt.

"Jade Emperor, change to the previous words. You will agree with the words spoken by the deity. Why are you like this this time? My instinct tells myself that you are like this because of you. It's my own sake."

"What did the gods say? What is my own reason? I have always been in the High Heaven Palace, ruling everything in the Three Realms. Does the gods think I am not the Jade Emperor? Ruuo the gods really think so Yes, then just use the magic mirror to look at it, don’t you know?"

If the Jade Emperor said such words, Nagato would naturally not use a demon mirror.

Nagato didn't say anything else, and left with Taishang Laojun.

Heavenly King Tota, Nezha, God Erlang, Father Thunder, and all of them stopped at Nagato.

These people mainly follow the words of the Jade Emperor. The reason why they are doing this is actually only wanting to leave the Taishang Laojun. As for them to do this, they also want to be the sentient beings of the Three Realms.

"Does this deity say that you don't believe it? This deity can let the spiritual power grass be completely digested in the body of the supreme old man, and no matter what happens or the consequences, this deity can bear it on his own of."

All the gods knew the mana of Nagato, and they also understood that Nagato could do it, but the Jade Emperor didn't say anything, and the gods could only stop in front of Nagato.

Nagato looked at the heavenly soldiers and generals in front of him with a helpless look.

"Are you really sure you want to fight with me? I can tell you that your strength will be completely suppressed by me. If you really fight against the deity, the result will be a discoloration of the world and the deity. Don’t you believe what you say?"

"God, we naturally believe in you. You have taken the Three Realms out of danger several times. But these things about Taishang Laojun are our immortal realms. The Buddha Realm should not be mixed up. The Jade Emperor just I also said that I want to keep the old man, you are embarrassing us." Li Jing said.

Nagato felt that Li Jing had his own reasons for saying this, but at this time, Taishang Laojun used his own magic power to break free of Nagato.

"God, I previously concealed that all the gods and Buddhas were my fault, and now let you follow me here to take me away, I am very grateful. But since I am a courtier of the Jade Emperor, I should follow the words of the Jade Emperor. This time the gods should leave alone."

Nagato felt that it was no longer a matter of whether the Taishang Laojun followed him, but that the gods in the heavens did not give him face, especially the Jade Emperor.

He turned around again, facing the Jade Emperor in front of him, his brows were full of anger.

"Jade Emperor, do you really think I will be afraid of you? Even if you are all up, you can't withstand my attack. The deity doesn't want to make things worse. If you push me this time, then Don't blame the deity for being rude."

In fact, when Nagato said this, he had already prepared what he was going to do next.

The mana on Nagato's body had already gathered, but before he shot it, a light of Buddha flew directly from the west and flew to the High Heaven Palace.

"Nagato God, this is a matter in the God Realm. We really can't intervene without authorization. You have helped the Supreme Master solve the spiritual power grass matter. All the rest depends on his own destiny. Anyone I can barely come."

The person who said this is the Tathagata.

After the Tathagata came, all the gods knelt down, and the face of the Jade Emperor was very ugly from just now, and he became a little more happy.

Nagato knew that Tathagata had appeared here to resolve the trouble and embarrassment, so it was like this.

"I know what you are talking about, but if Taishang Laojun cannot control the spiritual power grass in his body, the Three Realms will once again fall into distress. Every time they fall into distress, they will not handle it well. Ben The gods are also worried about the Three Realms."

Nagato is also telling the truth, these gods in the Three Realms all think that their mana is very powerful, but when they really encounter a monster, they will be helpless.

The Jade Emperor came to Tathagata's side and said, "Buddha, I know what to do. I don't know why God Venerable Nagato behaves like this this time, but what I can say is yes, and I will definitely not put the Three Realms in danger."

Tathagata understood Nagato's mind, he pinched his fingers and then smiled.

"No, things will not be as complicated as the gods said. Everything in the Three Realms is fixed, and the gods are very tired these days. How about returning to Lingshan with this seat?"

Tathagata did not dare to speak so absolute to Nagato. He said so, hoping that Nagato could return to Leiyin Temple with him. ..


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