My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 824: Destroy Tiangongtu

"I know that everything I thought before was wrong. I really realized that I was wrong. I hope you can save me."

Wannian Xiezijing lay on the ground, and he kept begging for mercy, hoping that Nagato could save him. Otherwise, his mana will really be completely lost.

"Since things have become like this, I know how things are better than you. Don't gather your magic power, I will help you and stop your wounds."

After Nagato had said this, he used his mana to help the Scorpion Spirit heal, and the Scorpion Spirit's injuries quickly recovered.

The Scorpion Spirit was shocked. He recovered from his injuries in an instant, and what surprised him most was that the mana he lost returned again.

"This deity has to tell you in advance. If you are still the same as before, if you want to attack this deity or endanger the Three Realms, this deity will destroy you in an instant."

For Nagato's words, the scorpion spirit in front of him naturally knew.

Xie Zijing looked at Nagato in front of him, he took a deep breath, and an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Nagato God, I will do what you say, and I will not do things that hurt the nature and reason. I will stay in this heavenly work map. When one day I can cultivate a righteous fruit, I can naturally Come out of it."

"Russ can teach you, I had hoped you had thought so long ago. Seeing that you have some repentance, I am relieved. I am leaving here now too. As long as you don???t release your evil spirit to impact Tiangongtu again, I will Repair the Tiangong map."

Nagato said that he was about to leave, but Scorpion Spirit directly grabbed him.

"God, you and I are not acquainted with each other, finally we can get together, why don't we have a meal together while you are leaving?"

Nagato agreed to the request of scorpion sperm.

The scorpion spirit directly used his mana to conjure a table of delicious food, and personally picked up the wine glass and handed it to Nagato.

"If it weren't for the gods, I'm afraid I would be trapped in such an endless loop for the rest of my life. This time it's because of the gods that I will do this.

After Scorpion Spirit finished drinking, he stared at Nagato. Nagato naturally drank the wine. After a few consecutive cups, Nagato sensed the abnormality of the wine, and he deliberately pretended to be uncomfortable and lay on the ground.

"What is going on with me, why do I feel weak?" Nagato said deliberately.

The scorpion spirit in front of Nagato looked very proud.

"Do you really think you can be like me? I tell you, I am not as simple as you thought. I just added my scorpion poison to these meals. You are now poisoned by me. Naturally It's weak."

The Scorpion Spirit condensed his mana on his hands and directly attacked Nagato.

Nagato snorted coldly, grabbed the hand of the scorpion sperm in front of him, and shook his head.

"I knew you would be like this. Why do I look at you and think things are so ridiculous? How great your skills are, I know better than anyone. I want to leave you and invite me to dinner, you are not immune The calculation is too stupid, right? Who can be fooled by such a move?"

After saying this, Nagato slapped the scorpion sperm directly with a palm. This time he attacked the place where the scorpion sperm was injured just now.

The scorpion sperm spit out blood in an instant, and then lay directly on the ground, covering his injured area.

"Since you see this is my trick, why do you still cooperate in this way before my eyes? I..."

Before he finished speaking, another mouthful of blood came out.

"A guy like you must have never suffered such a serious injury. I don't want to continue to talk nonsense to you anymore. You should regret it yourself."

Nagato hit the scorpion spirit, and the scorpion spirit was seriously injured by Nagato's attack again, and he was directly beaten back to its original shape.

The door of Tiangongtu opened, and Nagato flew out directly.

The Tathagata was shocked to see that Nagato could beat the scorpion essence back to its original shape, and it was still so easy to do.

"The **** Nagato is truly boundless, even this seat is beyond the reach."

"Buddha, you can't keep this heavenly work map, so things should be destroyed."

After that, Nagato directly ignited the shamisen real fire. At the same time, he strengthened his mana, and he was bound to completely destroy Tiangongtu.

"I have thought about destroying Tiangongtu before, but it was helpless, so I chose to repair it. For example, the scorpion spirit in today's gonggongtu has been completely defeated by the deity. How to deal with Tiangongtu is naturally said by the deity. Forget it." Tathagata said.

Nagato received the support of Tathagata, he released all his mana, and Tiangongtu instantly turned into powder. ..


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