My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 825: The return of the relic

After the Tiangongtu was destroyed, Tathagata and Nagato breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. They knew that the monster inside could no longer cause trouble.

"Venerable Nagato, you should fully understand what I want to say. You have helped me again and helped the sentient beings in the Three Realms. You are really lucky for me in the Three Realms. Say it, what reward you want, no matter what you want. This seat will reward you."

"Actually, you know the Tathagata Buddha. As a deity, I don't have any ideas." Nagato said lightly.

For Nagato, he can get everything he wants on his own, so he has no sense of everything in front of him.

"Nagato God, this seat owes you an adult. After that, if you have anything to do with this seat, this seat will definitely appear in the first place, and it will never disturb you."

What the Tathagata said is naturally true, and Nagato also believes that Tathagata can do this.

"The main purpose of returning to the Heavenly Palace this time is to tell you about the Dapeng King. He has not changed his life, and his body is completely controlled by the demon. I can tell you that the Dapeng King is hopeless, so I just shot him."

Tathagata knows all these things. Tathagata does not mean to blame Nagato. He just thinks that King Dapeng was directly wiped out in this way. It is indeed a pity. But Tathagata knows that Nagato is also for the Three Realms. Did this.

"As a god, you have given King Dapeng many opportunities. It is he himself who doesn't know how to cherish and will end up in the end. I will definitely not blame you. Don't worry."

Tathagata waved his right hand, a beam of golden light shone in the air, and the last ray of Dapeng King's soul fell into the hands of Tathagata.

"When this seat spoke to you just now, this seat unexpectedly felt the last ray of celestial aura of the Dapeng King. This seat knew that this was the celestial aura of the Dapeng King himself. I believe that as long as the Dapeng King is true He has a heart of repentance, and one day, he will surely cultivate the right results again."

Tathagata threw the soul of King Dapeng into the air, and used his own Buddha's light to put it in the wick of the Buddha lamp. He hoped that the wick of the Buddha's light could make him completely repent and repent.

"This is also the good fortune of the Dapeng King. Since the Dapeng King has such a good fortune, it is also a blessing of his own cultivation. I don't want to say anything else. I have to leave quickly and leave temporarily."

Nagato still respected the Tathagata very much. He knew that the Tathagata was the head of the Buddha world, not only because of his powerful magic power, he was offered by the gods and Buddhas, but because everything he did was for the sentient beings of the Three Realms. of.

Soon Nagato returned to the human world, and this time he saw Tang Seng as soon as he returned to the human world.

"Xuan Zang? Why are you here?"

There were very few gods and Buddhas that came to the world, and Tang Seng would suddenly be in a realm called the Nether Spirit Kingdom in the mortal world, which he thought was very strange.

"Didn???t the gods also come here? The Buddha actually gave me a task. There are some special fairy auras here, and this fairy aura is so weird that people can???t imagine. I think things are very weird. So I came here."

Tang Seng said his purpose of coming here, and at the same time he took out a magic weapon Linglong mirror from his body.

Nagato was shocked. He had only heard of Linglong Mirror and it was the first time he saw it.

He looked at Tang Seng's Linglong mirror. He was about to speak, but he saw a golden light in front of his eyes.

Nagato stretched out his hands, and the golden light kept approaching Nagato, and then the golden light changed into seventeen relics.

"Sarizi? How did it come here?" Nagato said in shock.

In Nagato's memory, he used the relic to seal the skyless and suppress the Nether Abyss. The relic will return to his side again, his first feeling is that the relic can no longer suppress the evil spirits in the Nether Abyss, and then he will return to himself.

Nagato's face was a bit ugly, and Tang Seng would naturally know where the relic should appear. He immediately condensed his mana and released the mysterious mirror.

What was revealed in the mysterious mirror was the entrance to the Nether Abyss.

At this time, a crack had appeared at the entrance of the Netherworld Abyss, and now both Nagato and Tang Seng knew why the relic returned to Nagato again.

Tang Seng said, "Nagamen Protoss, I will have nothing to do in the Nether Kingdom alone, and with the exquisite mirror in my hand, I can protect my body, but you are the Nagato god, you need to hurry to the Nether Abyss, otherwise the Three Realms There will be big trouble."

"You are right, if that's the case, then leave first." Nagato said, disappearing into the Nether Kingdom. ..


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