My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 107: All quieter first!

The tsunami of death swept wildly under the moon.

The sea area within a thousand kilometers is completely affected by this sudden and terrible tornado.

The battleship fleet equipped with the most advanced equipment, under this terrible tornado, could not stop the Tianwei of the tsunami tornado and was swept in.

Boom! ! !

There was a terrifying roar in his ears, which made people feel dizzy and dizzy.

Rao is an elite with six blades in the Taishi Bureau. At this time, Feiqi Wuye can't take care of other people. She can only firmly grasp the railing beside her. In front of this godlike nature, she also only Can be destined.

However, the danger is not only the tornado tsunami that looks like a heavenly prestige!

Hurry! ! !

Like the call of death, the wind wrapped in a strange breath, when sweeping over the body of the girl, part of the physical strength will be taken away, making the girl's face pale and weak.

Under the threat of death, the girl could not give up, clenched her teeth, and forced her body to hold the railing tightly with her own will.

The girl understood that as long as there was a slack, she would be buried in the tsunami like other crew members.


"How could there be such unreasonable power!"

With such unwilling words echoed in her heart, the girl was surprised to feel that behind the strange wind of extracting life, the sharp magic wind filled with endless murders came out blatantly, and just a few moments, several battleships were completely torn apart.

In the endless roar, the girl can even hear several looming screams!

boom! ! !

At the next moment, the battleship where the girl is located shattered, and under the sudden impact, the girl was unwilling and lost consciousness.

If the girl still has consciousness, she will be surprised to find that after she lost consciousness, she was not torn apart by the endless magic wind of death, but under the **** of these magic winds, she fell into the arms of Yezi and was in Yezi At his feet, there is General Shikizaki who is completely imprisoned!

"Ahra, it's a pity to see a black long straight girl who just died."

"Just wait for Menjun to wake up and give him as a gift!"

Accompanied by the magic wind of death, Mozi made the decision of Miyazaki's life without any room for manoeuvre!

On the sea far away from the death tsunami, a very huge ship suspended, whose name is ‘Poseidon ’s Tomb 2’, is a new car that Vatara has deliberately made back to his territory.

"What a terrible power!"

Looking at the sky that swept into the sky, as if to hit the tsunami tornado of the moon, and then perceiving the breath of death in the wind, Vatra held the red wine in his hand, but he still forgot it, and could only say like a dream:

"It's like the legendary **** of death, so amazing and so terrible!"

"It seems that Xianshen Island has completely changed its mind!" Suddenly regaining his mind, Vatra remembered a fourth true ancestor who was taken away, and then showed a eager face, "I am more and more powerful, and I cannot Continue to fall behind, it seems that it is time to start implementing that "

"I didn't expect Lord Naomen to find such a strong helping hand!"

"Master Poison Island is mighty!"

"Long live Lord Nagato, long live dawn!"

Seeing the death tsunami sweeping over the sea, the guards who had been waiting for the string on the island of Xianshen called out one after another. In the eyes of these guards, even the eyes of fanatics appeared.

This was influenced by the baptism of the Holy Light spread by the Son of Six Wings.

"Really, it's amazing!"

Standing at the top of a towering building behind everyone, the Nangong, like a delicate doll, was holding a parasol that month, and looked at the tsunami tornado sweeping far away, also showing a shocking look.

At that point in strength that month, strength is no longer specifically destructive, but more abstract.

In terms of pure destructive power, this tsunami tornado is not worth marveling.

The rotating king of that month was even able to make a move to destroy space and time, which is more than the current destruction.

That month was surprised that, in this tsunami of death, there was a **** breath different from that month's cognition, and that breath carried strong personal information, just like-

The spreader of death, that is, the master of that hell

At the same time, the **** of high god!

After the three saints of the lion king's organs spit out blood, the whole temple fell into unspeakable silence.

"Unexpectedly, I haven't seen it for a few days, and there is another such terrible character in the dawn!" The voice of the San Sheng who had always been heroic at this time is no longer heroic, but full of fear-

"Actually annihilated Shishen in the first time, and also hit us back, this"

"I sensed the power of death!"

The silencer of one of the three saints took the other side's words and said, "That is a force similar to a curse. In front of such a force, the **** and the body are not much different for her.

"It's hard to imagine that if this person appeared in the battle seven days ago, you might not be able to bring the fourth true ancestor back."

A neutral voice suddenly sounded and said to Xian Guyong.

"Don't worry about me, I was completely defeated that time, even Xuexia Wolf was lost!"

In the face of one of the same three saints, Xian Guyong clearly denied the other party ’s words, "If the woman appeared at that time, I would not be able to return, let alone bring the fourth true ancestor back, the enemy is too strong, We must admit this! "

"The most important question now is, what should we do in the case of a government army failure"

This problem was too difficult. For a time, the temple fell silent.

Out of the Lion King ’s organization, there are still many forces that have appeared in this situation, and even some weak observers have been directly killed by anti-bite. For a time, the prestige of the maid son began to spread on the plane of the blood bite. Come.

For a time, the entire world's high-level forces were quiet ..

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