My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 108: The second bitterness and resentment!

In the society of the information age, few things can be completely concealed.

And the death storm swayed by the child in the Pacific Ocean could not be stopped at all. It spread throughout the world in three days and caused countless uproar, especially when the island government did not respond to it in the first place. It has caused countless street demonstrations.

Many people are clamoring for revenge for the national legend, General Shikisaki!

However, what they do n’t know, or what they do n’t want to know is that the top leaders are not willing to take revenge, but the power of dawn is really terrifying. If you act rashly, it will definitely be a tragedy.


Although it has been more than forty years, perhaps the new generation of young people do not know that in the hearts of the older generation, they still remember the horror of the war king who has caused endless wars in the world in order to make the Holy Land covenant successfully signed. .

The first true ancestor is already so scary.

Well, what a shocking world to defeat the longest gate of the so-called strongest fourth true ancestor, even though the fourth true ancestor is not completely intact, but the name of the true ancestor alone is enough to explain many things.

"Damn, that bastard!"

In a room in a heavily guarded courtyard in the island country of Tokyo, the teenager who had just got up looked at his newspaper about the naval battle near the sea area of ​​Kanshinjima Island and couldn't help but yell.

The teenager was still in pajamas at this time. Although he was full of anger, the tiredness on his face could not be stopped in any way. The gray hair like wolves and golden eyes completely revealed his identity.

The successor of the fourth true ancestor, the ancient city of Xiao!

The ancient city of Xiao was not particularly aware of when the island government sent troops to Xianshen Island, and what to do, but because of his resentment for dawn, he immediately arbitrarily attributed the error to the side of dawn.

At this time, it had been almost ten days since Xiao Gu was expelled from Xianshen Island.

After several days of self-cultivation, coupled with the "tonic" in the middle of last night, Xiao Gucheng's body and spirit have recovered to the best state. When thinking of tonic, Xiao Gucheng subconsciously looked into the quilt behind him— —

The faintly fair skin and blond hair suddenly gave Xiao Gucheng a little blood-sucking impulse.


Although a lot of changes happened unconsciously, after all, the time was short. The gray-haired teenager put on his clothes and immediately walked out of the room, but the teenager did n’t know that after he walked out, there was an inaudible chuckle in the room. .

After walking out of the room, Xiao Gucheng saw Yaze Kishu waiting in the courtyard long ago.

"Yo, ancient city, it's not good to indulge in the gentle township early in the morning!"

"What nonsense ?!"

Hearing the dead party's good intentions to make fun, Xiao Gucheng said in a lack of confidence, but, I don't know if it was an illusion, Xiao Gucheng seemed to feel that after seeing himself, Yaze Kishu appeared a little restrained.

In fact, what Xiao Gu did not know is that now, he always reveals a surprising amount of coercion inadvertently.

As long as the strong man who has not reached a certain level, there will be a trace of restraint in front of him.

"Now, don't laugh, this is the information on Xianjin Island, about your sister, there are also onions!" Because of the stagnation in his heart, when facing the ancient city of Akatsuki, Yaze even though the surface cannot be seen, but in fact, he ca n’t speak uncomfortably, so there is no nonsense. The information in his hand was passed to the fourth true ancestor.

"Rinsha and Shallot?"

Hearing Yase Kishu, Xiao Gu took the information in a near-snatching way, and quickly read it, but just looked at it, and the surrounding pressure gradually thickened, leaving Yase Kishu suddenly helpless. .


For a long time, when Yase Kishu couldn't bear it, in a long exhalation, Zhenzu's coercion suddenly disappeared, and Xiao Gucheng calmed down the troubles in his heart, and at the same time he was a little more happy.

Through the intelligence of the Lion King ’s organization, Xiao Gucheng knew that his sister Xiao Linsha was still alive!

Although losing memory is somewhat unacceptable.

However, at least still alive.

Alive, there is hope!

As for the blue feathers, I thought of the girl who had been with her for more than three years. After learning that she had become the girlfriend of Nagato, even the fourth true ancestor couldn't help but sneer.

Snapped! ! !

Just when Xiao Gucheng thought of blue feathers, on the island of Xianshen, the shallow onions in class suddenly felt a tremor, and then the book on the girl's hand fell to the ground, causing the attention of the whole class.

"Student Lan Yu, may I ask, are you expressing dissatisfaction with me?"

At this moment, a faint voice came out from the podium, and the new teacher dressed as a teacher, Miyako Yudo asked with a perfect smile of Yamato Fuko, but the light onion that had seen the blackening scene of Mikoko immediately seemed to be conditioned Stand up likewise--

"Sorry, Mr. Poison Island!"

"It's better to know what you're doing wrong. Sit down and don't allow me to make a small mistake in my class!"

I didn't even plan to let her sad **** go home and let Shallot sit down. Just after sitting down, there was a gentle voice in the ear of Shallot:

"What's wrong? Shallow onion?"

The girl glanced slightly in front of the left, and Asuna was clearly talking to her. At this time, she was listening intently. By the way, Yui was sitting on Asuna's shoulders, bright and upright.

"It's okay, it just feels like someone is nagging me!"

"Xianzi is watching, that's it!"

Shallow onion shrugged a bit boringly, and said so in her heart. Then, she saw Teacher Dudao Mozi on the podium glancing at her with a smile, and suddenly no longer felt distracted.

Time rushed, and in an instant, it was time for school.

Saying goodbye to classmates, Asagi and Asuna, together with the three kimonos, came inside the cornerstone of Xianjindao and prepared to discuss the design of the new Xianjindao with Shaye by virtue of their computer skills.

Since these days, they have completed most of the construction of Xinxian God Island.

Just stepped inside, the girls felt a pulse of the heart, and then there was a flower in front of them, and then they lost consciousness ..

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