My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 110: The World of Heart 【Middle】 Fourth!

Planet explosion!

In front of Asuna and them, a mechanized planet exploded like this.

Suspended in the universe, the girls can still perceive the vast energy generated by the exploding planet far away, and the exaggerated visual effects completely exploded the girls' three views.

The first true ancestor is powerful, set off endless wars all over the world and pushed the world into the abyss of war; the fourth true ancestor is powerful, all kinds of disaster-like beasts, it is not a matter of eliminating civilization; Powerful, the defensive ability that evolves with the attack of the enemy, even the true ancestors will not break the defense

But all this, in front of this planet explosion, is not worth mentioning at all!

Under such an explosion, all these styles lost their colors

Among them, although Asuna has seen that Nagato is like a creator's means in heaven, but the creator's means is silent, and in terms of visual effects, the decisiveness or the destruction of red fruit is more shocking and speechless. .

"Haha! Weak **** is weak slag!"

At this moment, the blonde girl in the center of the exploding planet cheered so loudly, God knows how her voice spread in this universe, and even let the distant Asuna girls hear it.

"Inexplicable feeling, can't refute!"

Shallow onion, who had barely recovered his normal thinking ability, said this inexplicably after hearing this sentence.


"who are you?"

In an instant, obviously still bathing in the last exploding fireworks of the planet in a distant place, the girl with a golden light on her body appeared in front of the girls in vain, or in front of the light onions, the wild eyes were light and enduring Can't help but go back a few steps.

"Haha, I didn't expect the courage to be so small, and I'm embarrassed to scare you!"

The girl did n’t look tall. She was only covered with red satin and a little gold, but the words were full of heroic spirit that was more heroic than the man. Although she was scared, it was rare, but it was nothing. Disgusting.


Although there was no ill feelings, Shallot still didn't know how to speak, just snorted.

Asuna, who still has the attributes of a wife, is empathetic. At this time, she took a step, "Hello, I am Asuna, may I ask you"

"She is Broly, and like me, she is the most powerful existence of pure power among us!"

When Asuna's words were not finished, a clear and sweet voice rang in everyone's ears, making everyone happy for a while. Asuna they finally heard the familiar voice in this strange place, and the gold The girl, or Browley, is simply happy.

"You are here, Saya!"

"Sometimes I haven't seen you, sister sauce!"

I saw the golden light on Broly's body converged, and the whole person suddenly became a human and animal harmless black-haired little loli, showing a pure smile, and at the next moment, the girl in white gauze appeared in vain, and cloth Lori hugged together.

In an instant, a pure lily seemed to flash in the universe, leaving Asuna and her daughters at a loss.

"Let's talk somewhere else!"

Fortunately, after a while, Saya let Broly say so, and then waved at the three girls watching, and in a flash, Asuna suddenly felt the environment change again, and appeared in one from the universe. Inside a wooden house.

At this time, Asuna, Blue Feather Onion, Broly and Saya were sitting in three directions of a small table, and snacks and tea were placed on the table. By the way, I do n’t know when the yukata has been black. Broly, the hair, was held in her arms.

"Speak, what the **** is going on!"

Having settled his mind, Lan Yuqin was the first to speak, aiming directly at Saya, who was most likely to know all these situations. There was some urgency in his words. Obviously, under the multiple stimulation, the girl had accumulated a lot of doubts at the moment.

Looking at Qingcong's question, Asuna was silent, and Qingcong's question was also her question.

"How to say, this is the world of dreams and the world of hearts!"

Taking a sip of the tea cup, Saye pondered and replied, "You also know the situation of my brother and Nagato, and there are five people like me, and we are essentially an extension of the will of Nagato's brother."

"Recently, Brother Nagato was sleeping, witnessing in the dream, and then confused, and he was born with seven of us, including for us, with permission, for us, the most important people, all This is the world of hearts that come in during sleep! "

"So why are we here?"

At this time, Asuna asked, it was not self-effacing, but after all, no matter what she thought, Asuna would not feel that the relationship between her and others and Saye Changmen and others had reached this stage, and--

Before they came in, Asuna and they were not sleeping.

"Sister Saya, I'm leaving!"

At this moment, the door of the cabin was opened, and a young boy in purple and purple clothes walked in. When he saw Asuna and others, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled—

"Who are these, are they my lover of unscrupulous brother again?"

"Not for the time being, but it will be later!"

Hearing the young man ’s question, Saya replied in this way, and immediately attracted a shallow protest.


"Asuna, didn't you ask why you came here?"

I saw Saya saying this. The blue feathers and the ground at Asuna's feet suddenly turned into black holes. Both girls had no time to react, fell directly, and disappeared into the black hole the moment before they both heard--

"Let Nagato brother tell you personally!"

"So it turns out, then I'm going!"

The blonde teenager who had watched all this said so, a door appeared beside him.

A glance at Broly, who was comforting the kimono, Saya looked at the teenager and said softly, "It seems that your memory is perfectly awakened, handsome, no, it should be called the emperor now, in the academy city Place, you can do your best! "

"Relax, I am Emperor Yuangen!" ..

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