My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 111: The World of Heart 【Next】 First!

It must be said that human beings are a very magical creature.

Although Darwin's theory of evolution is often questioned, the "survival of the fittest" proposed therein is perfectly practiced by humans.

This is why humans of countless planes can be killed from thousands of species on Earth.

After being frightened again and again, even if he was suddenly exiled by Saya and came to a new place, he did not panic.

In a sense, Asuna and Qingchun have reached the point where they did not change color before the collapse of Taishan Mountain.


"If you are all so silent, I will be embarrassed too!"

Sitting on a throne in a chaotic space, Nagato looked helplessly at the two expressionless girls in front of her eyes, with the words 'explanation' written on her face.

"You will also be embarrassed!"

Regarding Nagato's words, the blue feathers on the ground that felt the low morale of the man in front of him responded almost instinctively, "I don't know that a guy like you will have embarrassment."

"Really not!"

Hearing the onion, Nagato did not justify it, and responded rightfully, "This is just what I saw in the book. A little bit of speaking skills, and the specific content is almost forgotten. Anyway, how can I use it."

The words of Nagato suddenly made the scene silent.

At least Asuna and Shallot knew more about the existence of the man in front of him.

"So, please, please tell me why Nagato carefully called us here." After a moment of silence, Asuna took the lead in breaking the silence and leading the topic to her concerns.

Attentive Asuna remembers that before entering, she and Qingchun were called by Shaye as the soon to be lovers of Nagato.

No way? !

Thinking of a certain possibility, Asuna felt uneasy in her heart, but on the surface, she looked calm and calm.


After thinking a little, Nagato whispered, "You can look at your surroundings first!"

Hearing Nagato's instructions, Asuna and Qingchun knew that the other party was not a targetless person. Although there was a lot of chaos around them, they could not see anything at all, but the two women looked at it carefully and then—

"Oh my God!"

Shallow onion was the first to speak out. The blonde prince saw that a tall nine-headed dragon was standing there in the chaos. The long dragon body of thousands of kilometers and the brave dragon's head made the light onion feel. Surprised.

"Strange, this, not" What Asuna sees is that it is a huge planet, looming in chaos, the surface of the planet is completely crimson, and it is also inscribed with a six-pointed star magic array, that The vast array of magic is too complicated to describe.

But Asuna is more concerned about this simplified version of the magic circle, I have seen it!

On the altar where the long gate is sleeping!

Then, the two girls looked at each other, and the girls saw the surprise in each other's eyes, and then looked at the long door, hoping to get his explanation, and then they saw—

Not far behind the long door, a huge, seemingly endless tree of gods stood in chaos!

"My long door rises from the end of the micro, and plunders along the way, killing the gods and destroying the devil, and finally creating the chaotic starry sky, the achievement is not great!"

Looking at the two pairs of eyes for knowledge, Nagato slowly told his situation. There was neither excitement nor emotion in his words, as if he were telling a trivial matter.

It's just such a story, but it makes the two girls awe-inspiring!

Regardless of whether Nagato is good or evil, and whether Nagato ’s future is to save the world or to destroy the world, the achievement of Nagato from the end of the day to the present day deserves everyone's respect.

Although there is the key of all realms as the golden finger, it is impossible to go to the present level if it is not a long door!

Seeing the eyes of the two girls, there was a hint of smile in the corner of the long door—

"You also know that, I enlighten Buddhism's supreme supernatural powers-my dreams prove that I accidentally opened this world of the heart, and the **** trees, emperor dragons and red stars you see are the three powers that I hold in my hands. The manifestation of the system! "

"The strength of these three power systems, Asuna is okay. Shallow onion may not have any intuitive understanding. Let me put it this way. The power I use to defeat the fourth true ancestor and deter the world, but the power that Chixing has not yet fully awakened. Only. "

Seeing Shallow Onion shrinking his pupils because of his words, Nagato continued:

"However, I recently discovered a problem, that is, I still lack a core power enough to command all powers. Until this time, after I opened the world of the heart, I finally got the core power I wanted!"

With that said, Nagato held out his hand, and his palms gathered a mysterious light!

"This is the original power of the world of mind transformed by my near-superior spiritual power when constructing this world of mind."

"I named it Xin Li!"

There ’s nothing wrong with it. When Nagato appeared a little surprised and puzzled in the eyes of the girls, he answered it by himself, "Although it is the core power I want, it is only a little bit, only this heart. The world is completely formed, and my mind will continue to flow. "

"The only problem is that it seems to take a lot of time. I don't want to sleep too long!"

"Why is this mysterious and mysterious thing looking for us? Let's say it first, I can't figure it out at all!"

Hearing Nagato's commentary, Shing On expressed his confusion for the first time. As an absolute talent in technology measurement, Shing On is really hard for the mysterious side, even if it can get countless practice information, but it is still an ordinary person so far. A proof.

"You don't need you to understand, I understand it!"

"And, your value is more important than you think!"

During the talk, Nagato stood up from the throne and wandered towards the girls, with an indescribable smile on his face, "There is only one thing you have to do, dedicate everything to me!" ..

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