My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 146: The third consensus of true ancestors!

Darkness, silence, and depth!

This is the most accurate description of the forbidden area of ​​the palace of the extinct dynasty.

As the exclusive palace of the most mysterious second true ancestor among the three great ancestors, this place belongs to the forbidden area throughout the night empire.

No one is coming and going, and no one is willing to come close, even if it is the family members of the second true ancestors. In the past years, there have been several blood elders who strayed into this place. They have never gone back and disappeared. A terrible example in the world.

Here, it is like a black hole, even if it is light, it seems to be swallowed up and cannot escape.


On this day, a faint sigh reverberated in this quiet space all year round, breaking the long and deep darkness.

Then with a sudden roar, the coffin in the deepest part of the forbidden land burst open and turned into fragments, and the silver-haired true ancestor slowly sat up on the destroyed coffin.

"I didn't expect that I was killed once!"

I saw the silver-haired true ancestor said with some helplessness, but the coldness continued to diffuse from the silver-haired true ancestor. Obviously, for his defeat, the true ancestor did not have the free and easy of his words.

But this is no wonder, after all, it is the true ancestor who has been at the top of the world for so many years!

"Is this body number seven?"

After being silent for a while, the silver-haired true ancestor looked at the wreckage of the coffin under him. The silver eyes broke through the darkness and saw a mark imprinted on the wreckage.

The words just fell, beside Zhenzu, a flame ignited in this dark space

call! ! !

Under the blazing flames, the darkness was expelled, and the entire palace palace was presented in front of the silver-haired true ancestor.

But I saw nothing here, some were just coffins, plus the one under the second true ancestor, a total of 18, each coffin is inscribed with a special mark on the surface.

This is the secret of the immortality of the second true ancestor!

The three true ancestors are true ancestors of different systems with their own special abilities, and the ability of the second true ancestor is the immortality of the soul. It can be positioned by the beast to allow its soul to exist in different bodies.

Eighteen coffins, together with the body just killed, are the 19 lives of the second true ancestor!

The true ancestor who had infinite negative life was extremely difficult to kill, plus the addition of 19 lives, in a sense, the life-saving ability of the second true ancestor is so powerful that it is a bit speechless.

The physical source of the second true ancestor is naturally his relatives.

This is also the real reason why the second true ancestor will make his men extremely afraid!

The second true ancestor, the pupil of extinction, a monster that is truly extinct. This kind of existence, just the appearance of it will make countless people deny his existence, which is why there is so little news about the second true ancestor. .


Quietly, the silver-haired true ancestor slowly stood up, walked out of the main hall covered with coffins, and came to a partial house, where there were two huge mirrors, and the edges of the mirrors were inscribed with mysterious runes.

Buzz! ! !

At the moment when Yinfa Zhenzu appeared here, the rune on the edge of the mirror automatically started. Not long ago, the mirror that originally reflected Yinfa Zhenzu suddenly blurred. After almost a minute, the two mirrors slowly showed up. Different silhouettes.

"It's so rare, gloomy man, you will take the initiative to contact me!"

The first change is the mirror on the left side of the silver-haired Zhenzu. The girl with light green hair like jewels appeared inside. As soon as she appeared, the girl opened her heart and ridiculed mercilessly, which flashed in the jade-like eyes like a deep lake With unspeakable wildness.

There are not many daring satires, just one!

She is none other than the third true ancestor with the nickname of Chaos Queen, the ruler of the Empire of Nights in North and South America.

"Is there anything? Extinction!"

After the Empress of Chaos appeared, a figure of Wei An appeared in the mirror on the right side of the silver-haired Zhenzu. Obviously the real body was not here, but the terrible momentum seemed to permeate through this space through time and space.

The ruler in the field of Eastern European Night Empire King Warlords, with 72 vampire kings who depend on beasts, the forgotten King Warlord, appears here!


Seeing these two compatriots, the pupil of extinction was filled with discomfort.

But after all, in the fight against Cain, the interests of the three true ancestors are the same, and they are allies that have survived from ancient times to today. Although they are a bit unhappy, the Extinction Eyes still have no temper. It is said like this:

"Just now, I was defeated!"

After the words of Yinfa Zhenzu were finished, the whole room suddenly fell into a silence, the unspeakable strange atmosphere pervaded, even the forgotten king of war, the chaotic queen could not digest such news for a while.

"Sullen man, who beat you!"

The first to react was the chaotic queen. I saw this warlike girl's eyes full of terrible war intentions, "Is it the fourth true ancestor, or the mysterious fifth true ancestor?"

"None, the one who beat me is named Saya!"

The silver-haired Zhenzu uttered the name of the one who defeated his existence, and then looked at his two compatriots and said:

"She is not a true ancestor, but she is also not a human being. As for what it is, I don't know, but one thing, I know!"

"Although I didn't do my best, this time, it was definitely a defeat!"

"Really, I didn't expect that before the fifth true ancestor actually appeared, there was another strong man who could kill the true ancestor!"

The forgotten war king opened his mouth and saw a real dignity in the eyes of the overlord in the vampire.

"Saya? Oh, I remember it. I heard of this name, the second leader of the daybreak organization who drove the fourth true ancestor out of his territory."

"At dawn? It seems to be an easy organization!"

After such a sentence, the three true ancestors fell into silence. After a long time, they all understood a trace of destiny. On the eve of the arrival of the Saint-Jian, there were so many strong people. That is--

Holy annihilation has changed! ..

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