My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 147: Aftermath and copy fourth!

Dawn destroys the library!

On the second day after the battle, the news spread throughout the world.

As a unique criminal organization that specializes in collecting magic books, the library is at the forefront of the list of major forces around the world.

This is not just because of the damage the library may cause.

More because of the consequences of the value of the library itself.

Any organization and force, even a very weak organization--

As long as you can get the help of the library's various magic books, it will definitely become extremely powerful in the first time, and become a leading force.

If the library is not secret enough, I am afraid that it would have been besieged by the whole world and be completely divided!

Today, Dawn actually destroys the library without knowing it!

In the minds of everyone, the dawn organization may have obtained the library's incalculable magic book, and it really has the foundation of the rise, becoming even more unfathomable.

In fact, it is exactly the same!

Therefore, no matter whether it is a hostile force organization at dawn, a neutral force organization, or a force organization that is ready to express friendship, they all have malicious intent and are prepared to put pressure on dawn to divide the gains of dawn.


Immediately after the news of the destruction of the library at dawn, it spread.

The spread of another secret message suddenly caused a chill in the hearts of all malicious people!

The second true ancestor, the Eye of Extinction, was defeated by Shaye, the leader of Daybreak II!

This earth-shattering news has not been widely known, but as long as the heads of some powerful power organizations have received such information.

In an instant, the main battle of the island government was no longer clamoring, the Three Saints of the Lion King ’s organs were suddenly silent, the three nights of the empire were completely boiling, and they were very dissatisfied with the Xianjin Island, and even the religious forces that were ready to take action Dumb

"So, this world is such a reality!"

Xianshen Island, on the rooftop of the high school of Caihai Academy, Lan Yu Qingchun took a bite of the meat ball, and then said—

"Last night I was still discussing how to let us hand over those magic books."

"Today I was silent. The situation of the weak and the strong is really vivid here!"

At this time, the blonde girl was holding a mobile phone in the other hand.

The Electronic Empress is using a mobile phone to invade the internal network organized by various forces outside the island of Xianshen Island, reading various secret information.

If you let those organizations know—

Their secret information actually made a high school girl read it casually on her mobile phone between lunches. What an interesting thing it should be! "Really, I still expect them to come over!"

Huang Quan, who was sitting next to Shallow Onion, took a bit of a bite of speechlessly. Although he had mastered the spirit of destruction, Huang Quan still wanted to fight, or she found that she seemed inseparable from fighting.

Hearing Huang Quan's words, the girls who had dinner together on the balcony suddenly showed a helpless expression, even in Kagura.

"Be patient for a few more days, Huang Quan!"

At this moment, the concubine sitting not far from Huang Quan's side opened his mouth, and saw the big and Fuzi-like woman showing an expectant expression, "Changmen Jun said, a few days later, that night of the festival , There will be a very good carnival. "

In the speech, all the girls present clearly saw, the deep darkness in the eyes of Yezi

The chilly feeling rises in the hearts of all girls!

At this moment, the magic behind the appearance of Xianzi and Fuzi is undoubtedly undoubted.

"Oh, that's really worth looking forward to!"

When everyone else was cold, Huang Quan didn't have any special feelings. Instead, he showed the look of expectation just like Mengzi, and then asked questioningly, "Yes, Longmen Jun and Sister Saya, early this morning I haven't seen anyone. "

"I don't know about Lord Saya, but if it's Nagato Jun, he said he's going to sort out his magic book!"

The answer to Huang Quan was Asuna. I saw this wife's full-faced girl with a slightly red face——

Because last night, Nagato spent the night in Asuna's room. When answering this question, the girl couldn't help but sounded some bad pictures, and she was a bit shy.

At this time, the cornerstone of Xianshen Island is inside.

In the pure white space, there are bookshelves all over the place. A magic book that will make countless people break the blood and be placed on the bookshelf quietly, suppressing the fluctuation of magic power, flowing slightly in the whole space With.

The long door is sitting on the altar in the center of the space.

Placed in front of the red-haired boy is a magic book that looks inconspicuous but is full of a sense of freedom.

This book is the book of freedom created by Nagato in the world of magic in the Moon, using the originals of countless civilization books and the capital of gold, and various knowledge of Nagato.

"The time is almost up"

I saw that Nagato opened his eyes and opened this unremarkable book of magic books, reading them page after page, which records all the knowledge that Nagato has learned so far, especially the knowledge on the mysterious side.

Soon, Nagato turned to the last page, and a blank page appeared!

"let's start!"

I saw the red-haired boy saying something, and then, with the altar as the center, a huge magic circle flashed, all the bookshelves were included in it, and at the next moment, all the magic books and the free book of Nagato are happening. Resonate and engage in some kind of mysterious and mysterious communication


The mysterious rune appeared on the blank page of the book of liberty, and soon spread all over the main page, the next moment, the book of liberty condensed a new blank page, and then the rune reappeared

The book of freedom is constantly copying the power of all magic books in its own way!

At this time, Nagato still does not know what amazing benefits he will get in the distant future ..

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