My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 149: The respective situation is the first!

The twelve floors above the ground of the cornerstone building.

The doors of the elevators between the floors open automatically, presenting in the eyes of all visitors, a glass-filled hall floating in the air.

This is the Observation Hall on the highest point on the island of Xianjin——

"Wow, although it's not the first time, but Nasha still can't admit it, it's really awesome!"

Running without fear on the glass floor, Xiaoyu's sofa gave a sharp cheer.

The donut-shaped observation hall has a diameter of nearly ten meters. Because the floor is slowly turning, you can enjoy all the scenery of 360 degrees just by standing, which is also the selling point here.

"The Observation Hall has changed a lot compared to when I usually came here, wow, commemorative coin vending machine! There are also keychains!"

"Ninsha is really energetic!"

Kagura looked at Linsha running back and forth and couldn't help but smile a little, then took out a card and swiped it on the counter beside.

Although it can be regarded as one of the masters of this building, Tugong Kagura paid the bill obediently. Although it cost a lot, the concept of money in girls' hearts almost disappeared.

"Yes, Linsha is very happy!"

Xia Yin, who was standing next to Kagura, catered to Kagura's words, yet the girl's eyes were completely attracted by the whole picture of Xianjindao

In other words, there are more people in the hall than expected, and indeed this is also a fixed point to visit the island of the string god.

"It's a bit scary. I always feel like it's floating in the sky."

Carefully confirming the strength, Xuecai stepped on the ground, carefully avoiding the glass part, and only walking on the metal bracket, it made people smile.

"Speaking of Xuecai sauce, I can't cope with the plane."

At this time, Lin Sha, who came back, laughed so much, and immediately caused Xuecai's weak rebuttal. The girls joined the conversation. For a time, the atmosphere between the girls was happy, and the surrounding tourists envyed them.

"The festival begins!"

I do n’t know who shouted. The girls ’attention was suddenly attracted. Then, from the observation deck, they looked down on the whole string **** island. The very lively scene suddenly caught the eyes of the girls.

"It's so lively, but Huang Quan is not here!"

Looking at the lively side of Xianjindao, Kagura said subconsciously, which immediately resonated with other girls--

"Sayaya is not here!"

"Sister Asuna is also away"

"They and sister Sister seem to be rejuvenating for the stage at night"

Talking to the sky happily, the girls talked about their moods in this festival, and then, abruptly, Linsha with a telescope yelled, interrupting the exchange of the girls--

"I saw Nagato Jun and Nayuki Sauce, they seem to be dating!"

"What, I will take a look too!"

Xuecai grabbed Linsha's telescope for the first time and looked in the direction that Linsha looked at. With the eyes of the witch, she soon discovered that the red-haired boy and Gothic Loli who were walking side by side on the street .

"grown ups" The girl murmured unconsciously.

Then she saw it, and the red-haired boy in her eyes looked up.

At countless distances, the purple eyes looked at each other, and even Xuecai could see a smile in those eyes.

"what happened?"

On the lively streets of Kanshin City, that month was holding a thick bite of yakiniku.

Seeing the companions around her looked up inexplicably, Gothic Loli swallowed the food in her mouth and asked, but the expressionless and pretty face couldn't see the true feelings of that month.

"It's nothing, just seen by a few little girls."

Hearing the words of the month, Nagato regained his mind and smiled indifferently at the month, "Do n’t mind, let ’s go, although the festival is lively, but you do n’t like it either, there is a coffee shop not far in front , Black tea is pretty good, go? "


Hearing the words from Nagato, the month that loved black tea suddenly attracted attention.

"There is a coffee shop there, is it a new coffee shop? Although I am also very interested, but the black tea there is really as good as you said? You know, my demand for black tea is very high!"

"It should be good"

When he said this, Nagato had no confidence,

In other words, Nagato is just a hedonist, but he is definitely not an elegant person who knows how to taste tea. Knowing the location of the cafe is entirely because he had been here once a few days ago with Mozi.

"If that's the case, then go check it out!"

After watching Nagato for a while, I finished the snacks in my hand that month, and then walked out first. After that, the red-haired boy shrugged slightly to keep up with the maverick legal loli.

On the other side, in the underground building of the corner gate.

"Ah !!!"

"Why a good festival, but I have to work!"

Sitting in front of the supercomputer, Lan Yuqin's hands fluttered with his fingers, constantly striking the keyboard, and at a speed and efficiency unimaginable by ordinary people, he set up special programs and complained constantly.

"Miss, I think your complaint is completely useless!"

Artificial intelligence that hasn't been seen for a long time-The monsters sarcastically ridiculed their nominal owner, and immediately caused a shallow dissatisfaction-

"Shut up, otherwise, I will give you a virus!"

"Sir Onion, according to the instructions of Lord Saya, the space mark of the entire Xianshen Island has been laid out." At this moment, the figure of Xiandu Muyu suddenly appeared here, saying so to Onion.

"Don't ask me to pull you up, Yuma!"

Looking at his work companion, for such respects, Qingchun is very helpless.

VIP reception room of Xianjin Island.

"Welcome everyone to come!"

"I am Lavria, instead of Lord Saya, as the reception messenger!"

The silver queen took Nina and Astarut, and looked at the so-called big men who were coming, spring breeze ..

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