My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 150: Nagato is the second in that month!

There is a cafe in the city of Ganshen, on the corner of the central island block.

The area is not very wide, but the layout inside is quite luxurious, the walls are all painted with starry gold, the edges are draped with lace curtains, and on the ceiling, every luxury chandelier is like a ball There is one hanging across the table.

Although it is not dark now, they also exude a little light, very soft.

Probably because of the festival, there are many people visiting on the whole string island, and the number of people in this cafe is still quite large.

Nagato sat opposite the month and sat on a table by the corner and by the glass window. The steaming black tea slightly exudes rich color and fragrance, although there are only two cups of black tea on the whole table. But this does not affect the two.

After all, that month was originally for black tea. Others, no, no, no matter, black tea.

As for Nagato, he is a drunkard and does not intend to drink.

It ’s an excuse to come here, and it ’s the same. It does n’t matter, as long as there is that month.

In this way, one has been staring at the black tea, and one is looking at the month brightly.

As a result, some strange atmosphere spread around the two of them without knowing anything that month.

"This is what you said, good black tea?"

Smell the scent of black tea, and took another sip, that month frowned immediately.

Nor can it be said that black tea is not good to drink. Its taste is really simple. For some people who do not require black tea, this black tea is also good enough.

But that month was different.

She is very picky about black tea. Although the taste of this black tea is not bad, it has not reached the balance line in her mind.

Moreover, this black tea is not her favorite type.

"Don't you like it, I personally feel okay!"

After taking a sip of black tea, the red-haired teenager smiled indifferently. "It is too much trouble for me to taste tea or something. After all, I am just an absolute hedonist and I really do n’t bother to care about those indifferent. thing."

"Absolute hedonist?"

Hearing the statement from Nagato, the month was slightly silent. Then, the witch in the young girl's posture showed a hint of indescribable complexity, and looked at the mysterious guy from head to toe in front of her, and said:

"So, can I understand that everything you do is for pleasure?"


Although it is not a well-known human existence, as the level of life continues to rise, Nagato naturally has a trace of the ability to hear the strings and understand. This alone, Nagato is enough to defy many worlds who suddenly have power. Protagonist of fate.

Knowing what he heard, Nagato naturally understood that that month did not really give up his responsibilities.

"Everything I do is to practice my own way of the strong, to pursue the vertex of the true extreme. Of course, I enjoy all the scenery on my way of the strong, what I want."

Looking at that month with a smile, Nagato spoke indifferently about his way of life.

When Nagato said this, there was no momentum and oppression, just as if he were talking casually, but in fact, he completely engraved this belief into the depths of his soul-

Such a belief makes Mink Fur surprised with deep insight into the witch.

In an instant, the witch gave up her plan to persuade the long door without hesitation.

Because the red-haired boy possesses such a belief in will, Nangong's **** can't help but think of the saints in the religious forces. In a sense, they are all consistent, and they are completely a group of unreasonable beings.

Nangong knew that month, even if it defeated the other party, it could not reverse the other party's beliefs.

"I see, let's go."

After being silent for a while, Nangong packed his mood that month, and seemed to have made up his mind.

After drinking the black tea in front of her, the witch in the gap stood up first and walked out of the cafe. After the long door swiped the card to pay the bill, she followed.

Nagato went looking for Nangong early in the morning. After a short stroll through the street and a small sitting in the cafe, the two came to the street again, but it was already more than ten in the morning. .

At this time, the festival on the string **** island is at its most lively time.

On the left and right sides of the street, there are lanterns and lanterns, and the color bands and colored **** are hanging up. The overall atmosphere is completely different from that in the past. At this time, the flow of people in the street is more than before the two of the long gates went to drink black tea More than doubled.

When Nagato walked out of the cafe, he saw Nangong looking at the fish beach next to the street that month.

There, several children were holding paper tools and trying to fish for goldfish.

"If you like, go over there!"

As he walked into Nangong's side that month, the red-haired boy said with a slight smile.

"It's wordy!"

It seemed to be stimulated by Nagato's smile. Nangong's cheeks were slightly red in that month, and without a word, he immediately turned around and left. For this, Nagato just smiled and followed.

"What a witch, it's like a child!"

At the moment of keeping up with that month, such a thought flashed in the heart of Nagato, and there was a smile of interest on the face of the red-haired boy, which was not only a witch for the young girl's gesture in front of him, but also a festival for this day!

"It really deserves to be the Nagato!"

In the crowd behind Nagato and that month, Lin Sha was holding two of her telescope viewers side by side, and there was a sparkle in her eyes. Obviously, the girl's desire for gossip was completely inspired.

"Ninsha sauce, isn't it bad?"

Xia Yin, who was behind Lin Sha, said with some anxiety. There were Kagura and Xuecai beside them. They also had some hesitation on their faces, but they were also eager to try.

"It doesn't matter, Nagato Jun found it, and said nothing!"

So, with the encouragement of Lin Sha, behind the long gate and that month, four small tails suddenly appeared.

ps: Self-deprecating once again, I really can't write everyday ..

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