My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 155: Threat and summon third!

The pillar of light is locked!

The criss-crossed black chains emerged from the endless black currents, and in the wailing sounds of almost crying and crying wolf, a heavenly net was laid out in the sky, a faint and fascinating atmosphere, pervading.

However, it is clearly the pillar of light in the state of energy, which seems to be locked into a real pillar.

"Huh, is this the so-called beast? It looks like it's not very good!"

At this moment, the existence of the self-proclaimed demon appeared in mid-air, standing on the interlaced dark chains. At this time, the demon was wearing a suit of armor, and the dense dark air filled it.

"Huh, this armor?"

Seeing the demon's appearance at this time, a surprise appeared in Nagato's eyes.

In the eyes of Nagato, the dark armor was completely constructed from the soul of the witch who was sinking into darkness. With the help of the armor, the causal line that could still be seen immediately suddenly became a mess, making the long For a moment, the door could not understand the details of the other party.

If this is not the case, this guy in front of me might have gone away!

Nagato thought so surely in his heart.

"you sure?"

Although the mind was full of thoughts, in reality, it was only a moment's time. When the other party's voice fell, the long door was connected, and at the same time, he snapped his fingers.In an instant, the bound beam began to move-

Kaka Kaka! ! !

But I saw that in this barren space, pure white light gradually diffused, and quickly gathered in the beam of light.

After being supplemented by Holy Light, the blocked beam of light began to grow a little bit, and was constantly squeezing each other with the shackles, sending a burst of slight collision.

The so-called holy light is not the holy light in a narrow sense, but the connection and understanding of life and the world, a kind of mysterious spiritual power.

Relying on the psychic nature of the source, Nagato can control such power as a paladin who has been practicing for a long time.

In theory, this power can be increased indefinitely.

"It's just a pity that there is no life in this space, only me, the contact point, makes the Holy Light increase too slowly, and lacks the blessing of the power of faith, this Holy Light attack is much weaker."

Although there were some regrets in his heart, the will of Nagato was not distracted at all, and the beam of light expanded slowly and firmly.


"Oh, really unwavering person! Hehe hehe"

After looking at the long gate, the devil made a terrible laugh, and then said, "So, let me see, to what extent can you be firm!"

Between the devil's fingers, the shackles in the sky changed.

"I hate, hate hate hate"

"I curse you, world, curse you"

"Why should I do this to me, why?"

I saw the shadows of dark girls appearing on the dark chains, and the vaguely crying wolf howled into a girl's voice of resentment, and the resentment curse echoed in the world instantly. Seeing this scene, Nagato also subconsciously stopped the blessing of the Holy Light.

Because in a short span of time, there are several witch phantoms collapsed, with the eyes of the long door, naturally know that the phantom is the soul!

"That is, soul!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Nagato's face did not change, and he spoke out coldly.

"Yes, it is the soul of the witches of all dynasties, this is my masterpiece!"

Seeing the reaction of Nagato, the demon who thought he had grasped the weakness of Nagato's humanity proudly said, "The eternal yoke with the black stream that has nurtured countless years as the shell, and the soul of countless witches as the core, is very good!"

"The most beautiful thing is that when I visualized the witch ghosts, they lost their protection and became fragile!"

"Come on, let me see, how many witch souls you can ruthlessly destroy!"

"You are so mean!"

A slight surprise appeared in Nagato's eyes, and he spoke involuntarily.

Even the Nagato had to admire it, it was a demon, and it was very courageous. It actually used so many witch ’s souls to build combat weapons. No wonder that the dark shackles can lock the Holy Light energy. Forged sake.


"This is the first time I have been threatened like this. It's fun!"

The red-haired boy's heart rose with some interesting emotions, and he was also a little crying and laughing.

Although there are a lot of witch souls in front of you, it is not a matter of kinship. For the long-door cold blood existence that can even be indifferent to the world, it is not too simple!

Just as Nagato was about to start, a low whisper came in his ear.

"How could it be?"

After the mental strength was swept away, Nagato ‘saw’ that month, looking at the phantom shadow on the endless chain, with a clear sorrow on his face.

Faced with this situation, Nagato was able to take it lightly, but that month would not work, so watching her predecessors be treated in this way, as a witch, she also felt the same and was sad for the witch's fate.


For this scene, Nagato couldn't help but sigh.

"What's wrong, do it, don't be polite! Anyway, it's just the witch. Although you haven't been to the world in person, don't you humans use the witch as a tool? Hey !!"

Hearing the sigh of the long door, the devil thought he was utterly utterly bad, and at the same time drove the dark chains towards the long door, the speed was very slow, as if giving the long door a chance to fight back.

The reason is that the devil wants to see Nagato's struggling expression——

In other words, from the beginning, the demon was extremely disgusted by the indifferent expression of Nagato!

"no solution anymore!"

"But anyway, I have designed the fourth beast!"

"It just came in handy!"

A glance penetrated the devil's intentions, and there was an extremely obvious mocking expression on the face of the long door. Then in the surprised expression of the demon, he snapped his fingers, and in an instant, the hot golden flame came out from the long door ... --rm->

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