My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 156: Burning Wing God fourth!

The golden flame was burning.

The burning power is not so great, but it is particularly conspicuous.

In the light of this little light, the sorrowful curse that filled the whole space stopped abruptly.

At this time, no matter it was the month of watching the battle, or the demon on the fighting side, they looked at the golden flame, and the red-haired boy in the center of the flame, like a flaming monarch.

The devil needless to say, although Nangong appeared weak in front of the Nagato and the demon that month.

But in fact, she is not weak. In the contemporary witch, if it is only quantified, Nangong that month is definitely the best among the witch.

At least, on the bright side, there is really no witch better known than her!

And in the unique induction of the existence of these two strong men, the golden flame surrounding the long door is not so much a flame as it is a burning will, or faith.

As for what kind of belief it is, whether it is the month or the devil, it is difficult to tell accurately.

Supreme, as if no one touched it;

Magnificent and boundless, it seems to contain everything;

Overbearing, pushing all obstacles and so on.

Linlin's various convictions can be gathered together and turned into such an inexplicable flame. Even if you just look at it from a distance, you can't help but express your own insignificance, and even a sense of surrender

"Question: Why can the moon shine?"

At this moment, the red-haired boy began to speak, he seemed to be asking questions, but soon, he said to himself—

"The answer is that the moon itself has no light. The reason why it shines is that it reflects the sun's rays."

This is the knowledge that Nagato has known through various channels as far back as the previous life was very small, and it is also the astronomical common knowledge that is well known, at least in the normal world.

"So, ask again: if this so-called crimson moon shines!"

As soon as this remark came out, the demon had no feelings, and even this guy had no doubts about the long gate being able to summon the beast.

And that month, I suddenly opened my eyes. Although the long gate exhibition showed the crimson moon, it was in a state where the guardian was hit hard. I did n’t have the energy to perceive anything, so I did n’t know.

Now that I know the news, that month was also a surprise, and at the same time, the witch also understood-

Why a human in Nagato can control the beast is obviously related to his fifth true ancestor, or because he is an unformed fifth true ancestor, so he can control the beast that humans cannot control.

However, no matter how I thought that month, Nagato asked himself again at this time—

"Then the answer is-own your own sun !!!"

As the voice of the red-haired boy just fell, in a flash, the flame suddenly rose up, turning everything around him into a huge sea of ​​fire.

Indistinctly, an indescribable and terrible coercion permeated from the red-haired boy.

"God, superb power ?!"

When the category of coercion could not be identified that month, the devil spoke bitterly.

As a demon, in a sense, he is the antithesis of God. After feeling this breath, he will naturally not have any good feelings.

Buzz! ! !

As a diffuse, all the witch souls seemed to be shocked, and they woke up briefly from the endless sinking.

I saw these sinking demon souls looking at the burning fireball with extremely complicated eyes.

At this time, the red-haired boy stood in the sea of ​​fire, his body in the trench coat hunting, a huge six-pointed star magic array emerged at his feet, three of the six corners of the magic array were inscribed with the twelve angels, fluid flame, six Simple patterns such as the first dragon.

"In the name of my crimson moon, connect the human path!"

With the call of the long gate, the space around him twisted, and a small black spot appeared from the fourth corner of the six-pointed star. Immediately, the black spot turned into a black vortex, absorbing the endless golden flame continuously .

Under this gravitational force, the endless sea of ​​fire converged and turned into a giant ball of flame in a short time.

"No, he can't be successful!"

Although the action of the Nagato was very quick, it only took a short time to complete these processes, but the demon still reacted, especially after seeing that the soul of the witch who had apparently fallen completely recovered his mind, the demon suddenly Angry--

"Asshole, die for me !!!"

In this moment of desperation, the devil's thoughts moved, and a completely dark magic gun appeared in the void behind him. With the demon's anger, he shot towards the flame ball condensed in the long door.

Boom! ! !

In a flash, the black gun was bombed on the huge flame ball, but the magic gun did not seem to play a destructive role. Instead, it had a chemical reaction with the will in the golden flame. It was incredible and powerful. The divine power came out.

In an instant, the souls of countless witches prostrate on the ground, as did that month, and the devil fell directly into the underworld.

"Appear, my fourth beast, Burning Wing God!"

With the last call of the Nagato, in a flash, the glory appeared, the flame ball burst, and a ray of light rose into the sky

Roar roar! ! !

Not long afterwards, the dazzling light dissipated, and I saw a huge creature resembling a pterosaur, flying wildly in the air. The human-like posture like a dragon and a bird seemed extremely sacred, dragging a long back tail.

The huge wings are like wings that cover the sky, shining with golden light, dazzling!

Roar roar! ! !

After flying in the air for a while, I saw the wing **** open his mouth, and there was a huge roar. At the next moment, his whole body ignited a golden flame, and his whole body seemed to turn into a sun hanging high above the sky, and radiated a brilliant light.

Hiss! ! !

Under such brilliance, the black stream even made a hissing sound, a stream of black smoke continued to diffuse from the black stream, and the endless black stream was constantly purified under such sunlight ..

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