My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 171: The game starts third!

Wow! ! !

Just after Nagato announced the start of the game, the whole city was quiet for a while, and then it clamoured.

At this moment, Jia Da suddenly rushed to the side of Nagato, hugged the arm of the red-haired teenager, and under the expression of Cui Lu, the wild girl of Cuiyan said to Nagato very excitedly: "Nagato Jun, I want to participate too! "

"The Devil's game is so handsome and fun!"

"That's no problem, but you can't use too much power, this world can't bear your full strength"

Originally, Nagato intended to let Jiada limit his power, but I thought that if I limit myself, I can't really enjoy it. Of course, the most important thing is that Nagato can't compliment the self-control of these true ancestors who manipulate beasts. .

If she had too much fun and forgot to suppress her own strength, it would really be a bad thing.

After thinking for a while, the long door pretended to be in his arms, secretly extracted a source of power, blessed with countless seals, and when the long door extended his hand again, an armband appeared in the hands of the red-haired boy--

"Forget it, this is for you!"

"this is"

Jia Da was also not wary, but was puzzled to take the armband from the long door, and then put it on her wrist, and then the chaotic queen's eyes widened suddenly, flashing an unspeakable shock.

Jia Da felt that starting from her wrist, the power of the seal circulated throughout her body, and her power was sealed by two-thirds. Even half of the beasts were in a state of insensitivity.

"That's the seal armband, a small piece of mine."

"Bring it, your strength will be limited to about one-third of the strength. In that case, as long as you exert all your strength in this world, it will not destroy the entire dream world. It is also very simple to lift the seal. Take the armband directly Just come down. "

Listening to the indifferent narration of Nagato, Kata was extremely speechless and shocked in her heart.

For the first time, Kata knew that the power of the true ancestors could be sealed. For the magic power of the true ancestors, which is comparable to the spirit veins, the magic resistance is high, and ordinary magic ca n’t hurt. Destroy at the touch.


Taking out the armband and putting it on again, he clearly felt his two different states again. While admiring her heart, Jia Da looked at the long door with an unusual color.

Listen to the thunder in the silent place, see the true knowledge in the subtleties.

Jia Da finally realized one thing, that is, the fifth true ancestor in front of him may be stronger than everyone, and even surpassed the fourth true ancestor of the whole body.

This makes Jiada feel a strange feeling in her heart, which is full of the personality of the beast. Jiada is naturally like a beast. If you like a real strong man, you will naturally be attracted by the long door, but-

"No matter, let me have some fun first!"

Bringing the armband, the third true ancestor jumped up, leaping from a high-rise building as high as a hundred floors, and not long afterwards, a violent roar echoed downstairs, and even let the long door perceive the building underneath slightly shake.

"Oh, it looks like you have another prey." At this moment, Huang Quan walked over holding the lion king treasure knife, and said a bit sourly, I do n’t know when to start, Huang Quan found that he was more and more concerned about the long door, At the beginning, obviously, he wished he could be unloaded.

"Ah, Huangquan sauce is jealous!"

Huang Quan's words just fell, and I saw that Mozi had walked to the top edge of the zone, and he laughed. When he said this, he suddenly turned Huang Quan's cheeks red, and turned his head awkwardly--

"Xianzi, don't talk nonsense, I'm just"

"Don't tell me that, Master Fujun, the son left first, but can't let Jia Da take away too many people."

Waiting for Huang Quan to finish his speech, Kuizi smirked and interrupted her words, and said to Longmen, the purple-haired girl flew out under the blessing of a magic wind of death, and soon fell into the city and disappeared not see.

Immediately following Miko, Huangsaka Saiya and Asuna also left.

However, the two of them were not as wild as Jiada and Chizi, but rather consciously took the elevator. Among them, Asuna gave a command to the kimono before she left, and the elf girl flew directly to the shoulder of that month.

"Why, don't wait for me!"

When he saw that the elevator door was closed, Huang Quan remembered that he had to leave immediately. However, the elevator was closed at this time. When Huang Quan was thinking about how to leave, a hand was suddenly pressed on Huang Quan's shoulder. Forced, breaking Huang Quan over.


Turning around, Huang Quan saw that the red-haired boy was close at hand, and had no time to say anything. Then he kissed all the words in the mouth with a kiss, and the long door held Huang Quan up and down.

After three minutes--

"Chaotic, chaotic Guren !!!"

With the call of Huang Quan's breathing, a roaring lion's beast burning with red lotus fire appeared in the sky, and he was frightened and fled from the top of the corner of the door of the corner of the gate.

"Ah, Huang Quan is really shy!"

The long door deliberately smashed his mouth, with a little aftertaste of emotion, so saying, Huang Quan, who immediately attracted good ears, escaped faster.

This scene made the contempt of that month not far behind him, and A Ye's words, as the loyal loyalty of Nagato, even if Nagato asked her to stay in bed, I am afraid it is not a problem, naturally there will be nothing special reaction.

"Ha ha!"

With a low chuckle, Nagato turned around and came to that month, put his hand on that month's shoulder, and said to Yui, "Come to me, Yui, there's still something to do with that month, so I can't accompany you."

"Okay, Brother Nagato!"

Hearing the long door, Yui flew to the shoulder of the long door.

Immediately afterwards, Nayue and Aye consciously centered on the position of the long gate, standing on both sides of the same length of the long gate. In a flash, a magical array of Taiji figures appeared out of thin air, and Nayue and Aye stood In the eyes of two Yin Yang fish.

"Okay, the layout is complete, just wait for the result of the game!"

In this way, there is an extra throne under the long door, and the red-haired boy naturally sits down, and a virtual image appears in the surrounding space, showing every corner of the dream ..

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