My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 172: When the hunting is going on [on] fourth!

Bang! ! !

Cautiously on the unmanned street, a violent roar came suddenly from the ear of the bald old man. However, after judging that the explosion site was far away from him, the old man gave up the investigation and continued to move forward. .

There is only one destination for the elderly, and that is the cornerstone of the foundation that stands in his sight.

As for the explosion, the old man is already used to it.

You know, with the command of the Demon King, the whole dream world instantaneously changed into a battlefield, and from time to time roars came and went.

In addition, the whole dream world is very calm, and any sound will pass far away.

Therefore, the whole dream world suddenly became lively

The old man is about sixty years old, but compared to his age, he is tall and muscular, and he is dressed like a coarse cloth.

The skin has been exposed to sunlight and fire, exuding a feeling like a yoga practitioner.


This is the old man's name and a super criminal in the entire prison border.

He is an old elf summoner from the guerrillas near Kabulistan in the Middle East. He was implanted as a monster of the flame elves in order to effectively kill the enemy. He was arrested and transferred to prison six years ago before attempting to make a terrorist attack on the island of string Enforcement and detention.

The six-year prison life made the old man eager to leave this **** prison.

"It's coming, as long as you get there, you can leave here!"

With his experience in the guerrillas, the old man avoided all the battle all the way, without hurrying, and without a fight, he came to the corner door of the demon king's promise not far away.

"As long as you are out of here, you can return to the battlefield and continue to burn"

"No, Kelliga, you must hold back!"

The yearning for war in my heart made the old man breathe a lot harder, and there was a little bloodshot in his eyes. He wished to burn everything around him, but the old man knew very well that he could n’t, so he would attract the enemy.

The demon king's tyranny made the old man understand that he could only leave here by obeying the other party's qualifications.

"It's hard to endure!"

At this moment, the sudden soft sound from the cafe on the front left made the old man's movements suddenly froze


The door of the unmanned cafe was pushed open and I saw a girl slowly stepping out of the door.

A white-edged uniform with red edges, and below is a women's Qigen short skirt. The thighs have a cape-like hem on both sides. The smooth shoulders are directly exposed to the air. A pair of long white socks cover the thighs. Once there, his chest was covered with a decorative garment similar to armor.

In the waist of the girl, a weapon like a western sword swayed with the swinging hem, which gave the girl a hint of just right British spirit.

The comer is no one else, it is Asuna.

"The evil spirits who survived the **** of war, you have to endure hard!" Looking at the old man in front of her, Asuna felt a lot of emotion in her heart. If she did n’t have Nagato and Saya directly kill her, she would be named As. The existence of Na will be what it looks like right now.

"How could you"

The old man watched Asuna's appearance, her body ignited a terrible ultra-high temperature, and the ground she stepped on was hidden into magma. Obviously, this old guy was extremely unstable at this time.

"How to say, your ability is undoubtedly, at least I can't find it, but it is a pity that I am the level where you arrive at the corner of the cornerstone. This is the rule of the dream world!"

As Asuna pulled out her sword, in the blink of an eye, a sword light crossed it, and beheaded a rat in the corner of the street on the right.

"So, let's fight, evil spirits!"

"Cut, was it found?"

At the moment when the mouse was beheaded, at the end of the street where Kilija was located, on the sofa of an unoccupied dwelling house hall, a vampire female vampire who looked rather frivolous was lying halfway on it, and suddenly stood up, Some said bitterly.

By the way, under the sofa is the dead body of a dead naked man with blood flowing

Ji Liu Le Qi Laodi!

This is the name of a female vampire, and like Kilija, it is one of the most serious criminals in this prison.

She is a vampire of the bloodline of the third true ancestor of the Chaos Queen, who is an old generation, and is also known as the singer of the Quartas Theater. At the same time, she has left many famous high-end prostitutes in Europe and the kings and nobles.

Five years ago, when she was aided with the crown prince of a small country, she was found to have changed her fate.

Fearing the scandal, the Royal decided to secretly execute Chilaudi, because after this incident, she retaliated and killed several members of the royal family including the crown prince, which created Quartash. The tragedy of the theater.

Several weird crimes that were eventually committed were also discovered and thrown into European prisons after being arrested by the international wanted net.

But its dominance of mental ability is a headache, and the witch of the void can only send her to prison.

"That old ghost is not bad, but it's a pity that he can't directly and silently reach the corner gate."

"Also, the owner of the dream wants us to fight, how can it leave a loophole."


I saw an unspeakable lascivious expression on the face of the female vampire, and murmured indifferently, "I don't know what the so overbearing devil lord will be, if you can have a spring breeze, then"


During the speech, the vampire suddenly felt that there was an uncoordinated breath not far behind him, and his anger rose instantly, summoning his own beast to turn into a long whip and throwing it behind him.

Snapped! ! !

To the vampire's surprise, his beast's long whip was actually caught, and then a wave of fear came from the beast.

"It seems that you are not growing at all, Ji Liu Le Qi Laodi!"

Then, although not very familiar, but a very impressive voice came from behind, so that the female vampire named Ji Liu Le Qi Laodi suddenly trembles in the body, and the body and mind are cold-

"Mixed, chaotic, Her Majesty the Queen !!!"

"Why, why are you here !!!"

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