My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 173: When the hunt is in progress [Middle] first!

The world ranks of vampires are strict.

Among them, it is natural to take the true ancestor as the highest level and hold the power to kill and kill its blood.

The rank under the true ancestor is the elder.

They are the second generation of vampires, and they are the ones who have been recognized by the true ancestors and assigned to their ‘blood’. Of course, the elders here may be the direct lineage of the true ancestors or not.

Among the three great ancestors, the third true ancestor, the chaotic queen Kada, even has no direct bloodline.

However, this is also no way to do things.

The first and second true ancestors are males after all. Compared with Jia Da, it is more convenient than Jia Da in terms of marriage and childbearing. At least now male true ancestors do not know how many marriages they have had, and Jia Da is still single today.

So far, all the blood of Jia Da has been developed from the blood she gave.

Based on this situation, there are not many blood families of Jia Da, plus the character of Jia Da likes to walk around, almost all her blood families have seen this true ancestor.

Because of this, after hearing the familiar voice and seeing the girl under the emerald green color slowly approaching, Ji Liu Leqi Laodi felt that her body and mind were all cold

"Why, why are you here!"

Ji Liule's words were full of panic and anxiety, even fear.

As the existence of the blood given to the true ancestor, Ji Liule's actions could be regarded as losing the face of the third true ancestor. When he encounters the third true ancestor, he will naturally panic.

"I was just invited by the Demon King to participate in a hunting game."

"I didn't expect to have a windfall."

Jia Da looked at her blood family, a cold light flashed in her eyes, the surging magic turned into a sharp blade, suspended in the air

To be honest, before Jiada just sensed that there was a prey in this room, she came over and looked at it. As a result, she saw this guy who was shaming herself. At first, Jiada wanted to see her for nothing, but she heard her beating the devil. When you pay attention, you will be discovered when your mood fluctuates.

However, if Ji Liule knew that the third true ancestor clearly planned to let himself go, and because of what he said before, he had to be with the demon king Chunfeng once, and such a result appeared, I am afraid that even if he died, Don't look away.

"What, the third true ancestor! Are you **** teasing me !!"

This is a room in an industrial building center on Xianjin Island. It looks like a gentleman's attacker wearing a silk top hat. After hearing the news from his companions, he suddenly panicked and rudely cursed. Came out.

"Who has the time to tease you!"

With his hands constantly striking the keyboard, it looks like a fat man in a technical house wearing headphones, while constantly striking the keyboard, he said, "It is indeed the third true ancestor, according to her, she was invited by the devil Join this hunt. "

Don't underestimate this fat man, his real name is unknown, but he is a super genius.

Although this dream space is modeled on the real God Island, but that month is not a science-side person, those computers or something, it is completely elementary school level, and this fat man is using these pediatrics, is controlling the entire dream world. "Oh my god, if there is a true ancestor, then what hope do we have."

Although the gentleman attacking the magician is very confident in his own strength, he is more aware of the foul play of the so-called true ancestor. Even if he is fully prepared, in the face of the true ancestor, there is no chance at all!

"I hope there are some. According to my monitoring, those who participate in hunting are all very beautiful women."

"If there is nothing wrong, they should be the devil's beloved."

"So, we only need"

The fat man knocked on the keyboard frantically, and at the same time talked about his plan, just just said an opening, then stopped, and suddenly let the upset gentleman attack the magician frown-

"Fat man, say it quickly, don't sell it."

"He didn't sell it!"

At this moment, the sudden voice echoed in this space, making the attacker's face suddenly change. The attacker turned his head and saw that his partner's fat face was lying on the keyboard, and his body turned out to be Lying silently on the ground.

Silently, the first two points!

Standing next to the fat man is a black straight girl wearing a sailor school uniform, holding a **** sword in his hand. The most unique thing is that the other party is rendering black and quiet black, as if even the voice is also being The destruction of tranquility.

The attackers are none other than Huang Quan!

"Hello, Mr. Magician!"

"This fat man is too dangerous, so I sent him to hell. As a partner, I think you should be together."

"what do you think?"

The words just fell, the fire of the red lotus suddenly burned, and the tall figure of the chaotic red lotus appeared behind the girl. When Huang Quan was about to order the chaotic red lotus to attack, a violent roar came from a distance, and suddenly let Huang Quan I was slightly surprised.

boom! ! !

Seizing this gap, the attacking magician broke through the window without hesitation.

"Ah, it turns out that Mr. Demon Magician likes to hide and seek, exactly, I like it too!"

With a somewhat terrifying smile, Huang Quan quietly retracted the chaotic red lotus, holding the lion king and slowly chasing up, but when he walked out of the room, Huang Quan glanced at the place where the roar just came, and the corner of his mouth Skim.

"I'm so envious, it seems that sister Sister has found a good prey!"

Sonorous! ! !

At this time, a fierce battle is going on in the real campus playground in the southern part of Xianshen Island. The two figures are interlaced and separated, and the sound of swords intersects endlessly, and it echoes throughout the empty campus.

As expected by Huang Quan, Mianzi did encounter a very good prey.

Holding Cong Yunya, Xunzi and a man in armor and two-handed swords come and go, they are fighting each other, and they all smile in joy, just like two belligerent beasts. ..

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