My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 175: String God is the third!

puff! ! !

Seeing the battle scenes of Saiya, Nagato couldn't help laughing.

Not only the long door, standing on both sides of the long door, the moon and the night of the yin and yang fisheyes at the foot of the Taiji magic array could not help but show a smile that could not be concealed, probably only on the shoulder of the long door Little Yui is unknown.

"In other words, what are the recent Saiyahwa doing, I feel she has returned all the assassination skills to the Lion King's office."

Sitting on the throne at the highest point of the dreamland, Nagato looked at one of the many virtual screens in front of him rather silently, showing the scene of the battle of Saiyahwa, and couldn't help saying.

Apparently the super criminal didn't find it, but she jumped out on her own.

Let Nagato not know how to describe it.

"I know this kimono!"

"Yiyi knows what Saya Saya is doing recently!"

At this moment, the ignorant elf thought for a while after hearing the words of the long door, and then said happily.

"Oh, that yukata, what are Saiyao doing recently?"

Hearing the clever elf girl, Nagato suddenly became interested, and Nagato was also curious to know what the reason was, so that Saiyahwa ’s assassination regressed so much. Too.

"Sister Saiyawa is studying with her mother and sister-in-law recently!"

Listening to Yui's words, Nagato's thoughts moved, and he thought of the various exercises that Lizi had taken from Lianer recently, and then looked at the single ponytail **** the screen.

Turns out, don't you want to be an assassin?


"Why not?"

Although if you think about it carefully, Saiyahwa is indeed suitable as Luo Hao ’s heir. Wu Weiyuan, who is proficient in cursing, is indeed very suitable for the development of Yan Ling. The basis of assassination is also suitable for the development of martial arts. Lin ’s power and her future path will be clear

However, there was still some doubt in Nagato's heart.

"I understand a little bit about this."

"That girl, probably to keep up with your elder brother."

"Although I don't mind some means, but more often, Brother Nagato you like to be upright and overbearing. The assassin is here with Brother Nagato, probably not going far!"

Crisp words echoed around, and the girl in white gauze appeared out of thin air in this dream world.

In this scene, the master of the dream, the witch of the void, and the Nangong frowned for a month, because at the moment when Saya appeared, there was no sign of that month, as if the dream world was for her, it was a house that was not closed. freely. "Sister Saya, how are you!"

After seeing Saya appear, Yui happily greeted, and then the whole body flew to Saya's shoulder. Obviously, Saya was very popular with Yui.

"Is that right?"

After pondering Xia Saye's words carefully, the long door whispered softly, and then looked again at Saiya in the virtual screen, and asked: "You are here, that is to say, you have already talked to those boring guys Ok?"

"According to official terminology, it is to establish diplomatic relations. Of course, the premise is that they consciously send some good sacrifices."

Randomly answering Nagato's questions, Saya also looked at the virtual screens around him.

At this time, in the virtual screen of Saiyahwa's battle, the battle between Saiyahwa and the short young man has completely erupted.

I saw that the short young man did not know what he had done. The blade, which was invisible like a huge tornado, rubbed the atmosphere and fell.

Saiya-wa confronts him head-on, and the simulated space faults generated by the mana force block all physical attacks. Invisible slashes are often shot down by Saiya-wa's sword.

In the constant attack with each other, the short young man turned into a gesture of three heads and six arms, making the long door slightly light.

"It's a heavenly part, it's an accident."

Long Gate looked at what was happening on the screen, and then remembered a certain noun that had been remembered, and said with amazement, "No wonder you can manipulate so much power to read. It turned out to be a survivor of the Ministry of Heaven. , It's a direct reference. "

Tianbu-the descendants of the sub-gods that should have been extinct. It is said that they built the prehistoric highly civilized and superhuman relics of ancient times. So far, many ruins and customs have survived.

"Really, it was because I still sorted out the list of criminals in these prison borders. Brother Nagato, you didn't read it."

Hearing the long gate, Saya suddenly swelled his cheeks and muttered dissatisfiedly, "That guy's name is Shutra d. He is the last descendant of the heaven. It's also one of the best, but it can't beat Saiya. "

"Well, Brother Nagato, there are a few guys here that might be useful, let me go and see."

In this way, Saya waved his hands to several people, wearing a kimono, and disappeared in the spot instantly, without even the slightest fluctuation of space, still as unpredictable as usual, coming and going without a trace, astonishing.

"I still can't find her trace. Wang, Saya's ability is not space magic!"

Once again, Shaye ’s secrets of the means could not be sensed. Nangong finally had to admit that month, he could not understand Shay ’s situation at all, and he could only ask the Nagato, and that month believed that if anyone knew the secret of Shay ’s instantaneous movement, Definitely a long door.

"Saya has never been a space magician, or a space-powered person."

Facing that month's doubts, the long door chuckled slightly, deflecting his gaze slightly to the staircase next to the elevator, and asked, "As for the secret of Saya's ability, that guy, who is hiding there, what do you think?" "

Longmen asked this sentence, which suddenly surprised A Ye and that month.

next moment--

"Please forgive me for your shallow knowledge, there is really no way to understand the power of the adult."

The sound of clear footsteps came from the stairs, and I saw a slender-looking young man in glasses slowly walked out and saluted respectfully at the long door. "Under the **** of the string, I have seen Lord Demon!" ->

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