My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 176: Shenglu and the end ask for subscription!

How can this be!

At the moment when the **** of the string appeared, whether it was that month or Aye, such a sentence echoed in my heart.

As the game field of the Demon King, a very unique rule was set in the dream of that month. If you can't defeat Asuna or Saiya, who is the last gatekeeper, no one can find the way to board here.

Of course, the existence of Saya's non-specification was ignored by the witch at this time.

But now there is a guy who doesn't look very good, ignoring the rules of the dream, and sneaking up without them knowing.

This is really a big blow to the two witches, especially that month.

If you want to preside over the magic circle, you can't leave, the two women will definitely attack without any hesitation, bombing this guy.

"What an interesting guy!"

Relative to the witch's horror, Nagato looked unsurprised. Instead, he looked at this sudden fellow with great interest. Even if he didn't open the magic eyes, Nagato could see that this man's body was filled with blood lines that denied all mutations .

He was able to ignore the rules in the dream, lurking up, because this bloodline was negating the rules set in that month.

After all, that rule, for the dream world, is equivalent to the power of abilities in the real world. It is a weird part, which part of the blood can be denied.

This ability sounds high, but in fact—

"That kind of power is not just the manifestation of a strong man's negative will to the world. If it is not the foundation of the dream world is too shallow, his bloodline ability will not have much effect at least, at least in the real world, there is nothing at all. It worked. "

"The only effect is probably to completely insulate him from powers like magic!"

Although it was only an instant, Nagato used his instinct to analyze many of the people ’s situation, and then suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Xian Shen Underworld, Xian Shen Island? You guy, the design of Xian Shen Island What's the matter, the one named Qian Qian Qian Luo? "

"Adult sees!"

Faced with the question from Nagato, the young man in glasses named Xing Shen Ming Jia, first bowed and bowed for a ceremony, then smiled and said, "Xian Shen Qian Luo is the grandfather underneath."

As soon as this statement came out, Nagato didn't feel much, but that month it felt a bit ridiculous--

The grandson of the designer and creator of Xianshen Island was actually shut down by the prison boundary on Xianshen Island. This kind of thing makes people speechless.

By the way, although it is the key to the prison enchantment, that month did not pay attention to the guys who were locked in the enchantment.

In the eyes of that month at that time, being thrown into prison was death, and remembering the dead was of no significance to that month.

"Oh, I remember someone mentioned you here!"

At this time, Nagato made a gesture of careful thinking, and then reached into the void, and quickly extracted a file. This was one of the confidential information passed from the Lion King ’s office. Look, Nagato suddenly— The string **** Nether, originally attacking the magician, and the silent destroyer are old friends.

Basically, no creature can survive in a state of no spiritual power and magic power, but due to physical problems, the string **** can use the failures that can be eliminated by both spiritual power and magic power. The hungry wolf fangzahn '.

The so-called hungry wolf is a failed work born when the lion king organ developed the Xuexia wolf, and it was collected in the museum on the island of Xianshen.

When Nagato just became the king of the string god, he was consciously sent to Nagato's hand, but for Nagato, this weapon is really meaningless, not only the hungry wolf, but Xuexia. The wolf has little meaning to Nagato.

Everything has a limit, like water can extinguish fire, but at some point, fire can also evaporate water, and the ability of Xuexia wolf and hungry wolf to eliminate has its limitations, at least for long doors Power, this weapon cannot be eliminated.


Finding a qualified user for the hungry wolf is also a good choice!

"How to say, although you have broken the rules, but you have also seen the king."

"If you are killed, it will appear that the king is a little careful, but if you are let go, the dignity of the devil is also somewhat damaged."

"So, you say, what should I do?"

Looking at the youth in front of him playfully, Nagato asked.

There was no expression in the red-haired boy's words, but it made a sudden sweat from behind the string god.

However, while sweating coldly, his heart was relieved again. At this moment, the youth of spectacles understood that he didn't hesitate to take the risk of being directly bombed by the devil, and he came here finally found a way of life.

From the beginning, the **** of the string did not believe that the person who defeated the devil could survive.

No, it is more accurate to say that the master of the string gods never believed that they could defeat the devil.

The man who manipulates the entire dream world can get some cards for his men. It ’s really not easy. If the string gods are inferable, the three-digit super criminal in the entire prison is the growing dream world. Offering.

Under the empathy, the **** of the string did not feel that he would let go of the offering in his palm.

"Subordinate, see His Majesty the Demon King!"

Without any hesitation at all, the string **** knelt down on one knee, expressing his surrender to Nagato!

"Very good, stand by and wait!"

After thinking for a moment, "Do you want to learn how the demon kings laughed a few times when they were subdued", Nagato decisively gave up the idea, lightly wrote a command underground, and looked at the virtual screen.

At this time, the different battles on different screens have been heated up, and the girls have the upper hand and are killing.

With the passage of time, this game of the devil finally finally reached the end stage

ps: It's a waste of time to make up for the Myth of Hades. Sasha is so beautiful! ..

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