My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 177: Asymptotically end the first more!

On the east side of the island, in a campus that has turned into ruins, a man and a woman are confronting each other.

One of them is a super criminal wearing black armor and holding a two-handed sword, and the other is a kendo girl wearing a kimono.

At this time, the super criminal was bloody, and the Kendo girl was stained with a black layer of death gas, which was completely unharmed. The two confronting each other had a sharp contrast in their expressions.

The criminal's face was distorted by pain, and the girl with a satisfied smile even got a hint of blush.

This kind of euphoria caused by the fight made the super criminals on the opposite side feel a chill.

"Impossible why"

After another sword collision, the armored man stepped back a few steps before stopping his tendency to retreat, holding the giant sword again and staring at the unscathed muff, breathing heavily.

The armor man cannot understand why he lost in such a white-blade battle.

The woman on the opposite side is only human, not the Devil, or anything. Then, the one who has bathed in dragon blood has already stood at the limit of humanity. It stands to reason that it is impossible to lose in such a white-blade battle!

"It ’s not impossible. In a sense, you and I are a kind of person. We both kill more powerful species to evolve ourselves. It ’s just that it ’s more terrible than the big bug you killed. The guy I killed. ! "

The black airflow around the body converged on the blade, and the smile on Yanzi's face converged slightly, looking at the dragon-slayer who was not far away to explain, and then with a slight sigh, a cold light flashed in Yanzi's eyes-

"However, I have to compliment you. It is indeed a fellow of the dragon family, which can actually make me so happy."

"So, at the end, use my mystery to give you a ride!"

"Mystery-Hell Dragon Break !!!"

The girl swayed with a sword, and filled her breath of death with a breath of death and scorching breath, turned into a scorching storm of hell, swept towards the dragon-killer, and instantly swept it in.

"Ah !!!"

Under the scorching **** breath and death storm, the steel-colored skin of the dragon-killer became fragile, and the dragon-killer felt the pain like a delay. However, in this moment of pain, the dragon-killer seemed to return to the light. , The head is unprecedentedly sober.

"This, this is"

At this moment, the eyes of the dragon-killer seemed to pass through time and space. He saw that in the barren ground, his opponent, using all his strength, swayed his sword and rushed to a dead god.

"It turns out that she is, God killer?"

This is the last thought of the dragon-killer. At the next moment, the scorching tornado from **** will tear it into pieces and turn into a **** mad dragon, all the buildings, streets, trees, etc. in front of you, everything broken.

Boom! ! !

In the continuous roar, the tornado directly turned into a new channel on the top view of the entire artificial island, but at the end of the road, a sudden burst of sound and an endless flame rose into the sky, leaving the remaining prison dragon Break through.

"Well, it was actually offset?"

At the moment when the jailbreak was canceled, the young son slightly wondered, although he had tried his best to converge his strength, but the young son knew that his jailbreak could definitely penetrate the whole dream island of the string god, so the **** killer looked at the jail The dragon broke the new road.

Under Mianzi's gaze, at the end of the road, the flames filled, and a figure slowly emerged from the firelight--


At this time, the thin sword girl was akimbo with her hands, facing Lao Yuan and Xian Zi at the viewer. The dissatisfaction in her eyes made the Xian Zi slightly embarrassed. She could not help reflecting on her own. The range of his attack was indeed quite large, and actually spread to allies.

at this time--

boom! ! !

The sky near the corner gate of Xianshen Island was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and a thick thunder was directly bombarded from the clouds, indiscriminately bombarding the entire area. Several buildings shattered under this thunder, and there was a loud roar , Spread throughout the dream world.

"The movement is really big, it is worthy of it"

"It is worthy of Saiyahwa!"

In the sigh, Huang Quan chopped out with a sword, and the black blades and knives directly cut off a prison criminal who was standing in front of him. The blood and internal organs flew, and the surrounding earth was stained with blood red.

Hiss! ! !

Suddenly there was a breath of cool breath around, seven or eight super criminals looked at Huang Quan in horror at the same time, although the black long straight girl looked quite enchanting and extremely magical, people could not help moths approaching like a fire.

But that was when ignoring Huang Quan's feet and the torn double-digit corpses behind him.

Compared to Sayaka and Asuna acting as the final gatekeepers, Xianzi finds the dragon-killer and fights happily, while Huang Quan is an incarnation of murderer Ji, who is beheaded all the way, and finally leads to the criminals who bound the prison Join forces and slay Huang Quan.

It's just that they didn't expect that Huang Quan would be so powerful.

Nearly thirty super criminals, in a short period of time, were successively killed by more than twenty people. At this time, the remaining criminals have been completely afraid of Huang Quan ’s killing, and fear has occupied their soul.

This makes Huang Quan very dissatisfied, very dissatisfied!


"I said, before you come in, even if it's not a cruel, prestigious guy, come, don't be afraid, take your courage and let us fight together."

Looking at the guys in front of him, Huang Quan was approaching as he talked like this.

Huang Quan's original intention was to inspire their bloodiness, but only—


"Help, I don't want to die!"

"Let me go !!"

I saw that the criminals who bound the prison, when Huang Quan had just taken a step, turned around and ran away, leaving Huang Quan a little stunned. At the next moment, a dozen blood guns descended from the sky, all seven or eight criminals Nailed to the ground.

The criminals were completely wiped out, and even the voice didn't make a sound, making it chilly and clean.

"Jacka, bastard, you're here to grab the monster again!"

Although he could not see the person who shot, Huang Quan shouted this way without hesitation, and suddenly caused a chuckle around him, which sounded very proud ..

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