My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 183: The so-called honeymoon first!

It's more than six in the morning.

The clouds are gradually dyed white, the sky is gradually dyed blue, and the golden brilliance will gradually dye the earth green, bringing a trace of vitality and vitality, and giving the world a color

A little bit of coolness reverberates in the air, so that the early morning of Xianshen Island will not be uncomfortably hot, but I believe that this little bit of coolness will fade away soon, and by that time, the sun will roast the earth again. Come again

I have to say that the temperature on Xianshen Island is really a kind of torture.

When the sky was still not bright, and the temperature remained in a very cool condition, Linsha had already opened her sleepy eyes.

Patting her cheek, the girl cheered up, then stretched out and got up from the bed.

The big eyes that have recovered their vitality are blinking and blinking, seeming to put the colors of the entire world under their control.

At this time, Lin Sha was still wearing a pajama-style short-sleeved dress and shorts, and she did not seem to have a plan to change clothes. She just opened her door and walked out of the room.

This is the daily routine of Linsha.

I don't know if the memory before the amnesia is affecting. Linsha wakes up early every morning.

Because even if she has amnesia, she is still a girl with a cleansing habit. She has to clean the sanitary environment at home almost every morning, cook breakfast, and finally change clothes to make others wake up.

By the way, the place where the girls live at this time is still the courtyard where Nagato originally bought here. Although every girl has her own room in the corner gate building, the girls still like to live here.

In the eyes of the girls, this courtyard is more popular than the deserted high-rise buildings!

In about twenty minutes, Linsha finally cleaned up the sanitary environment. Even with the help of Huang Quan and the couple who got up late, after finishing breakfast, Linsha went to wake up one by one.

When walking to the door of the long door, the girl hesitated before pushing the door open--

"Brother Nagato, it's time to start"

Psychologically prepared, seeing Lin Sha who should not look at the picture pushed the door open with fearless courage, and walked in, but found that there were only three expressionless Astarut lying in the bed, turning his head Looked at her.

"Huh, Astarut, why are you the only one, Brother Nagato!"

Lin Sha was not surprised that the blue girl appeared in the room of the long door, because Astarut was originally a special pillow for the long door in the recent period, and Nasha also understood that the long door is not all taking advantage, and there are also help The reason why life girl combs her body.

"At zero o'clock, Lord and Lord Yeah have left Xianshen Island to spend their honeymoon."


Lin Sha felt that she had heard something terrible. She couldn't help raising her tone. The sharp voice suddenly caught the attention of all the people who woke up in the entire courtyard.

"Ha ha!"

"Unsurprisingly, it should be fun on the artificial island now!"

Far away in the clouds thousands of miles away from Xianshen Island, the long gate lay leisurely in the clouds, watching the sun rise slowly, suddenly whispered to the girl in white in her arms, with a smile in her words .


The girl buried in the arms of the chief's door suddenly heard a hum.

Although she couldn't see the girl's face, Nagato knew that Saya's face was definitely redder. The girl at this time was definitely worrying about how to face other people when she returned to Xianshen Island.

This so-called honeymoon trip was completely pulled out by Nagato forcefully.

"If dawn is to become an extraordinary empire, it will have to pass the test. If we are still stationed on Xianshen Island, how can other people take action against dawn, so, for our organization, let's go honeymoon!"

It was for this reason that the long gate directly pulled out Saya, and it was still in front of Astarut

"That, is it really okay?"

For a long time, the morning sun finally shined directly on the two people, and Saya also raised his head slowly in this sunlight. I saw the girl glanced at the direction of Xianshen Island. "There are still a few unrest on the island. factor."

"Relax, although I don't have your carefulness, but before I came out, I had given the power to Yezi!"

"With the power of Xianzi, enough to cope with everything, and"

Speaking of the end, Nagato ’s eyes flashed through the extreme indifference, and said coldly, "I have left so much combat power. If we can't cope with our return, then there is no need for Xianjindao. Now. "

"indeed so!"

After thinking a little, Saya agreed with Nagato.

It has to be said that on the point of mutuality, Nagato and Saya are very close together. At least they are very cold. This is a perfect fit. The two near-destruction operations of Nagato were completed by the two of them.

"Okay, now you can say, where are you going?"

It was just that the first question had just ended, and Saya raised the second question. To be honest, Saya did not know why Nagato would go out on a whim. Although what he said was to let the empire pass the test, it definitely had other purposes.

Otherwise, even if it is a honeymoon, you don't have to hurry.


Thinking about it, Saya looked at the rising sun rising in the eyes of everyone, but in the eyes of Saya and Nagato, the sun was already half-dark in color. Obviously, somebody was sleeping deep in the depths of the other world. This guy can't help waking up.

"Ah, I can't hide you!"

"However, rather than prosecuting, let you see it yourself!"

Speaking so softly, the spirit of the Nagato diffused, wrapping himself and Saya, and the next moment, the two seemed to be one with the space, disappearing in place in the ripples of the space.

Almost at the same time, between the gap between the human world and the outside world, the ripples of the space once again swayed ..

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