My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 184: Defeated God Realm second!

"Huh? Here it is"

What emerged from the ripples of space and presented to Saya was a brand new world.

There is no sun in the sky, but there is a slightly dim light shining across the sky and the sky. In the girl ’s sight, there is a plain land covered with weeds. At the end of the earth, the girl can still see a ruined shrine Standing there.

"It might be called God Realm!"

After taking Sayah's words, the red-haired boy looked around with emotion, his eyes did not stay on the flowers and grass of this world, but glanced at the heaven and earth itself, and his purple eyes seemed to see through the void, what he saw ——

"One, God Realm on the verge of collapse!"


Saya was also slightly surprised when he heard the long gate.

A flash of light flashed in the girl's eyes, and her vision instantly entered another level. In a flash, the girl showed a surprised look. In her sight, the laws of the world were disintegrated and weighted under the stronger laws of the outside world. Plastic.

"Here is the mezzanine between the human world and the alien world, the prehistoric **** realm!"

"The laws of this world are based on the original human realm. Before the endless years, the human realm collided with the other realm, causing the two realms to gradually merge into a plane world. The laws of the world were different, and this **** realm lost its foundation. It is constantly collapsing and looks like it will merge into a whole new world. "

"The space where the demon that controls the witches is actually on the same level, but under the collision of the law a long time ago, the two are separated. If it is not the so-called demon, I can't find it. to here."

Activating the authority and psychic attributes of his true ancestor, Nagato whispered to the girl, while holding the petite body of the other party, and flew directly in the direction of the ruined temple.

"Oh, God Realm!"

She consciously hugged the waist of the long door with her backhand, but Shaye was a little clear in her heart, but she didn't wait for her to inquire further. It was very abrupt. In the girl's perception, a wave of malicious waves came from below.

Boom! ! !

At the next moment, the ground in front of the two of Nagano suddenly cracked.

A humanoid monster with a height of at least five meters and a maximum height of almost ten meters broke out of the ground. In a blink of an eye, the number of humanoid monsters reached three digits throughout the plain, and it seemed to prevent them from approaching the temple.

Roar roar! ! !

The monsters screamed in unison to the oncoming people in the sky, and in the pervasive and powerful pressure, several dark columns of energy shot out.

There is no need to use a long door at all. In a flash, a mysterious glory emerged from Saya, and then a huge scroll appeared out of thin air, unfolding a part!

But I saw the first picture of the True Spirit Road Map, the world tree map is reproduced!

Swish swish! ! !

The thirteen fruits in the world tree turned into the thirteen knights of the royal world, and they stood in front of many monsters. In the face of the combined impact of the monsters, the royal knights performed their stunts one by one.

Boom! ! !

Various skill attacks and dark energy column group attacks collided head-on, and the whole sky above the earth was reminiscent of a shocking impact.

Although the attacks of the Royal Knights are more diverse, and the single combat power is also more powerful, but the monsters can't bear the firepower of the monsters, the firepower is more pure, the two sides of the bombardment are actually up and down at a time.

"Do you see it?"

Slowing down the speed of the flight a little, Nagato looked at the monsters slamming against the Royal Knights underneath, feeling the familiar and unfamiliar coercion on the other side, and asked Saye so.

"Is it supernatural?"

There was also a little seriousness on Saya's face, but after carefully recognizing his own perception, his brows were suddenly frowned, "Although I feel the power, but I don't know if it is my illusion. . "

"Those are corpses!"

Looking at the monsters in the underground, the Long Gate couldn't help but sigh. He, who has long been able to ascend to the position of the true god, after suppressing for a long time, he has consciously and consciously realized a lot of knowledge after becoming a true god——

"The monsters produced on the **** corpse may have different names in different worlds, but their names are the same, they are called God Sin!"


Watching the royal knights fighting wildly with three-digit humanoid monsters, Saya frowned, not knowing what to think about. At this moment, the Nagato moved again.

I saw that the red-haired boy hugged Saya's waist, and the two entered a state of swift speed, turning into a beam of light, and instantly reached the shattered temple.

Roar roar! ! !

Landing directly from the gap at the top of the temple, Nagato and Saya can clearly hear the roaring roar of the outside world, and even Saya, who shares vision with the Royal Knights, also clearly sees that there are several gods trying to impact the ruin The shrine was bounced away by the mysterious enchantment.


The two fell lightly on the ground. The long door glanced at the broken pillars around the wall. They didn't care much. Instead, they hugged Saya and walked directly in a direction they felt.

"Brother Nagato, you said here is God Realm, so why do those gods die?"

Shaye was held by the long door and wandered forward. From time to time, he looked at the surrounding environment, trying to analyze the prehistoric Shinto civilization, but found that the time was a long time ago, and the analysis had no results, so he asked the long door.

"God, there are many kinds!"

"Faith gods, law gods, inborn gods, giant gods, etc. There are many differences between different gods, and even the difference between the same kind of gods is very large, and even some gods still have great shortcomings."

"The gods here should be the gods of heaven and earth, a kind of gods that depend on heaven and earth. They conform to the law as soon as they are born. Can only fall. "

Between the speeches, there was also a hint of emotion on the face of Nagato, for the compatriots above these Shintos.

At this moment, under the leadership of the long gate, the two experienced several turns and came to the entrance of the temple's deepest hall. They glanced at each other, and the two walked in and suddenly changed the world around ..

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