My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 212: Named Control [Next] Fourth!

What is fate?

In Saya's understanding, that is the reflection of life in the long course of destiny.

Of course, the long course of fate here does not refer to the trajectory of the fate of a certain world, but includes the invisible world of all fate, including the infinite world. In terms of the capabilities of Saya and Nagato at this time, they can only feel that there is This thing exists only.

But if you really see Minghe or something, Nagato and Saya at this stage will never think too much.

Fate is born innately, and the acquired is variable.

Similar to the creator of Nagato, the one who escaped, the identity such as Crimson Moon, is actually a manifestation of fate, and the identity of a certain world protagonist is also a manifestation of fate.

In different worlds, fate has many different names, which can be called person, fate, etc.

Do n’t look at today ’s Nagaya Saya, who can run wildly in many worlds, constantly seize everything, improve all aspects of himself, and make his personality become more noble as his strength becomes stronger, but from the touch of their lives. It is still too early to check the way.


"Aura of the attributes of life!"

"Brother Nagato is really, as always, let people feel pleasantly surprised!"

Perceiving the changes in Nagato's body, Rao is the Saya who is most familiar with Nagato, and can't help but sigh. Although Nagato has always thought that his talent is not as good as Saya, Saya understands that when it comes to talent, Nagato is better than himself. Times.

Not to mention the tyranny in the origin of Nagato, the intuition of Nagato from time to time during the practice is better than anything.

What makes Saya powerful is its extremely powerful computing power!

Through this calculation, Saya performed countless calculations on his way forward and devised plans one by one. If it were not so, Saya could not really keep up with the pace of the long door.

boom! ! !

At this moment, the red-haired boy burst into a unique and indescribable breath. The six attributes merged one by one, and it was quickly merged with it. During this process, the power of each attribute was thoroughly grounded. Now in front of the girl.

A strong and sharp breath rushed to the sky, seemingly setting off an endless hurricane.

If the red-haired boy is still in the original white space, I am afraid that after such a hurricane sweeps, the magic books stored in that white space will probably be destroyed directly!

In such a storm, Saya was completely unprepared.

Any storm passed over her, did not cause any slight damage to the girl, as if the girl is a phantom.

Ignoring the impact of these hurricanes, Saya carefully perceives the power of Nagato--

"This is life"

"Fate positioning!"

At this time, the red-haired teenager who was sitting on the throne suddenly opened his mouth and took Saya ’s words, and there was a rather smug smile on his face. “After the attributes of the humane feedback are perfect, the surprise is really great. It! "

After three days of buffering, Nagato finally condensed the attributes of humane feedback!

Life positioning!

Under this special attribute, the Nagato can clearly perceive his position in the long river of fate, and even perceive the endless opportunities and endless crises of the road in front of him.

It can be said that with this attribute, the possibility of Nagato being calculated is reduced by more than one chip!

In the same way, the chance of getting more opportunities has risen more than one!

"However, this is not the most important, the most important is"

"I, completed my great plan!"

"Look well, Saya!"

There was even a little excitement on his face, Nagato calmed his mind, the hurricane around the red-haired boy slowly stopped, and the complex breath of Nagato gradually merged into one.

Immediately, an unspeakable feeling spread from the long door.

Just looking at it, Saya knew that Nagato was undergoing a terrible transformation, not a change in strength, but a deeper change, just like evolving into immortality, completely changing the fundamental transformation.

In fact, this is also the case. In the depths of the Nagato mind, the six attributes meet!

Energy control! The soul is immortal! Psychic everything! Life is immortal! Instinct control! Destiny positioning!

The six special attribute powers that were separated from the six incarnations and fed back, united in an instant, penetrating the body and soul of the long door. Exudes an extraordinary detached breath.

boom! ! !

In the sudden roar, Saya's eyes suddenly widened!

At this moment, Saya perceives an unspeakable will, and silently breaks the light of his soul and comes here, unable to explain what kind of will it is. No matter how to describe it, it can only be described as 'infinite'.

In the face of this will, Saya felt his insignificance for the first time.

"Is it the ultimate will!"

Somehow, such thoughts rose in Shaye's heart, and then he was shocked to speak.

Compared with the side feel of Saya, the long door at this time is in an extremely warm state, whether it is the body or the soul, as if returning to the previous life before being born, still staying in the mother's stomach.

Although there was no memory of Nagato at that time, it would have made Nagato think of this description.

Under this circumstance, the strength of the fusion of the six attributes in the Nagato was finally formally formed. The Dao force in the Nagato automatically operated and resonated with this attribute. In an instant, the Nagato's perception returned.

Body, soul, life, energy, instinct and even fate!

At this moment, Nagato perceives that everything in life perfectly fits together and is under the will of Nagato!

"This power is called control!"

He murmured quietly, the long door opened his purple eyes, perceiving the will in the space that was slowly receding because of his awakening. The long door was not surprised, but showed a little disappointment.

"I am waiting for you, boy!"

Indistinctly, before this will completely disappeared, Nagato heard such words. ..

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