My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 213: More real fifth!

Under the blue and white flash package, the girl suddenly appeared.

This is a young girl with short and energetic short hair. If you put on long hair, it is almost the same as Xiandu Muye.

The girl is no one else, it is Xiandu Mu Aye's daughter and copy witch, Xiandu Mu Youma!

At this time, she was in a room similar to a corporate research room!

Numerous metal magic tools are placed around the girl sitting upright on one foot, forming a complex magic array, and the cables extending from those magic tools are neatly tied together and connected to a small computer.

Sitting in front of the computer, a blond woman high school student with good facial features.

Although he was wearing a white coat, he could vaguely see the trendy clothes in that white coat, blue feathers, which were the girl's name.

Although Onion looks like an ordinary high school girl, on the technology side, she is a strongman with the name of Electronic Empress. In terms of technology computers, the entire plane can hardly find a stronger presence than Onion.

Even if you set your sights on the infinite plane, shallow onions are rare geniuses.

"Welcome back, Yuma!"

"It's hard work, I came back earlier than planned."

After seeing the appearance of the young girl, Qian Qing was quite pleased and greeted, "It seems that there is no problem. In this way, the whole experiment is officially ended, and the space setting throughout the whole string **** island has been completed!"

Shallow onions and others gathered here to create a spatial network that can be spread over artificial islands.

Now that the setup has been completed, if anything happens in the future, as long as the space network is activated, the guards can reach the place where things happen at any time.

At this point, the onion task is over!

"I'm back, hey, why are you alone!"

Hearing the light onions, Yuma stretched out slightly and stood up, then looked around the research room, only two of them were in the room. Yuma remembered that there were obviously many people during the previous experiment.

"Teacher left that month!"

Looking at Yuma, there was a little silence on Shallow Onion's face, and he pondered and said, "Miss A Ye said, when you come back from the test, I will ask you to go to the Witch City, there are things to be given to you over there.

"Ah, there are things!"

Hearing the light onion, Yuma's face collapsed suddenly.

Obviously, this is the busy time on the island of String God, and this girl in the flower season ca n’t participate, and there is so much work every day.

Although there are many complaints in your heart, Yuma dare not refute her mother.

She knew that all this was because in the previous battle, she was disappointed because of the existence of Xiao Gucheng, which made her mother very dissatisfied.

In fact, Youma is also ashamed of herself.

So despite complaining all the time, in the past three days, Yu Ma's work was meticulously completed.

"Then, I will go first, work hard, girl!" Take off the white coat, light onion smile and wave goodbye with Youma, then open the door and walk out, then walk quickly for ten seconds, light onion walked into the elevator in the building corridor within.

Before long, the elevator began to sink.

Because this is the core building of the artificial island, and the doors of this elevator are made of glass, in the process of the elevator descending, shallow onions can easily see the whole artificial island scene-

At this time, both sides of the street are decorated with lanterns, people are coming and going, very lively.

Looking at this scene, Qing Cong suddenly felt the change of fate.

This is the land once known as the Demon Special Zone.

The artificial island made up of four super-large floating structures, made of metal, resin and magic, is a "devil special zone", but nowadays, gradually, everyone subconsciously does not call this city the string **** island.

Although the islands are still those islands, this land is no longer the territory of the Far East, but has been given the status of the empire, the status of the world ’s fourth night empire.

Of course, if you use the ruler of this island-

"Hah, what a joke! My kingdom is not an Empire of the Fourth Night, but a unique one, based on the dawn between light and darkness, an extraordinary empire called Dawn!"

That man has always been confident and even conceited!

But I have to say that he does have the same confident strength!

In the room of thinking, Qingchun felt that the whole person's center of gravity was slightly unstable, and then the girl realized that the elevator had reached the ground floor.

At the next moment, the elevator opened, and Qingchun stepped out, but just after coming out, the girl heard the voice of the man he had just thought of.

"Initial origin, final consciousness, infinite roots, etc., whatever she calls it, she exists like that, no one can define it, no one can deny, or she contains the concept of negation."

Following this inexplicable word, Qingchun looked over and saw that the red-haired teenager and the girl in white gauze were standing there talking about what Qingchun originally intended to say hello to, suddenly realizing that Nagato seemed to be different.

The appearance of Nagato is the same, and there haven't been any major changes.

The weight is not visible, the height is still the same.

Even the clothes are that gorgeous purple coat, no different.


"Strange, is it my illusion?"

"How it feels, he has become more real."

In the light-skinned eyes, the man who was so powerful that the world could not tolerate him seemed to be more calm and real, at least it would not make her feel the unreality of "the world is fragile in the eyes of the other party".

"Yo, isn't this light onion?"

At this time, it seemed that Nagato saw shallow green onions and walked over.

However, Saya didn't know when it had disappeared. Fortunately, Scallion was used to Saya's haunting, otherwise, it would definitely startle again.

"It looks like you want to go shopping, I happen to go, too!"

Walking to the shallow onion, the red-haired teenager sent an invitation to the girl with a rare cheerful smile. ..

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