My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 219: The fourth generation Yebo is second!


On the battlefield, great changes suddenly occurred.

Xiao Gu did not expect that such a thing would happen, he was stabbed by his own woman.

The most terrible thing is that under this knife, Xiao Gucheng was shocked to find that his connection with the beast was blocked and could not convey the magic power, and the King Kong of the God Sheep and the silver mist of the carapace were in this situation. Next, it was automatically returned.


Holding the charming and comfortable body on weekdays, Xiao Gucheng feels the bone cold.

"Sorry, ancient city!"

"But for the position of the fourth true ancestor, I have to do this too!"

At this moment, Aaliyah in the arms of Xiao Gucheng made a voice, but her voice was not a female voice, but a very magnetic male voice, exactly the same as Vatra!

"how come"

Hearing this voice, Xiao Gucheng was suddenly dumbfounded!

"Are you surprised, ancient city!"

The same voice came from behind again, and then in the light footsteps, a slightly embarrassed blonde man appeared in front of Xiao Gucheng, looked at the broken blade running through the fourth true ancestor, and nodded in satisfaction.

Capricorn's broken blade is the most unique among the fourth true ancestors.

It is a weapon used by the fourth true ancestor in close combat, a beast that can kill intangibles in the form of a **** soldier. At this moment, this broken blade has cut off the fourth true ancestor and the beasts. Magic channel.

Losing the magic power, Xiao Gucheng also fell into his hands.

"This, cough! What's going on?"

Wanting to push the person in his arms away, he found that he was hugged tightly. The powerful force made Xiao Gucheng unable to move. In his anger, Xiao Gucheng just wanted to growl, but just coughed a bit of blood just after speaking.

"Gucheng, I really love you!"

I saw the female vampire named Alia raised her head and looked at Xiao Gu with tears in her eyes, "If I am not a part of Vatra, I will obviously want to watch the ancient city You become the true fourth true ancestor, override Above all beings "

At this time, Aaliya's voice changed into a female voice again, full of sadness and helplessness.

"Hello, would you speak like this in front of yourself?"

Rao Shih Watra couldn't help but vomit, and then looked at Xiao Ancient City, shrugging helplessly--

"You know, the ancient city, the lower vampire devoured the upper vampire, it's not without risk."

"The name Alia is the name of an elder I have swallowed. The woman ’s will is too strong. Even if I swallow her, it will leave some stubborn will attached to me. She is Ai in your arms. Leah. "

"So, in order to get the position of the fourth true ancestor, you separate her and use it to approach me?"

At this time, Xiao Gucheng also calmed down, and the words were full of indifference, making Aaliya's face deeper and sad, but Vatra admitted it happily, and then showed a solemn expression-

"If I can, I don't want to do that."

"However, we are at a turning point in the times. In the past, as long as the fourth true ancestor appeared, civilization could leave a flame of recovery, but now, guys comparable to the fourth true ancestor appear one by one. What does this mean? . "

"This shows that an unprecedented turning point has appeared!"

"But with my strength, if I don't seize the power of the fourth true ancestor, I'm afraid I don't even have the qualification to watch the drama. How can I be reconciled!"

In the language, Vatra approached Aaliyah, and the two bodies merged as if they were liquid. At the next moment, Aaliyah extended her head between Xiaogu's necks and said softly--

"Sorry, ancient city!"

As soon as the words fell, Arya, or Vatra bit the neck of Xiao Gucheng, began to **** blood!

boom! ! !

In an instant, the scarlet beam of light broke through the mansion and immediately rose into the sky!

The strongest magic wave spread instantly throughout the High God's Du, and in the depths of the High God's Du, Xiaoya City, or Abel was watching this scene with golden eyes indifferently, without saying a word.

"Is this really okay, Lord Albert!"

A slightly hesitant voice came from behind Abel, and I saw one of the three sages of the Lion King ’s organ, Xian Guyong, walking in a costumed witch costume, and also looked at the scarlet beam of light—

"Not to mention that the Fourth True Ancestor is a very powerful fighting force, that is, Xiao Gucheng is also your reincarnated son"

"Humans are all my sons!"

Before Xian Guyong finished speaking, Abel said so indifferently, "As for the fourth true ancestor, it is just a living target. Soon, Cain will wake up, and the first one he will find is the first. Four True Ancestors. "

"This is the cause of his battle with the fourth true ancestor at the end of the times several times!"

"The power of the fourth true ancestor was given to that little guy, just to let those true ancestors play their due role. Only when the true ancestors succeeded in attracting his attention, I can"

Under the pyramids of Egypt.

The red-haired teenager is taking pictures with the girls under the pyramid.

After having been in Egypt for a few days, both the long gate and the girls were getting bored and were ready to change places.

at this time--


The red-haired boy who was about to press the camera button froze slightly, turned his head and looked to the far east.

"Longmen Jun, what's wrong with you."

The stunned spirit of Nagato suddenly caused the light onions that were already in a pose. The girl looked to the east along Nagato's gaze, but she didn't find anything strange and could not help asking.

"It's nothing, I just feel that the position of the fourth true ancestor has changed."

"Oh, the fourth-generation Yebo!"

"That's it!"

The light onion, which has a different level of insight, suddenly understood the meaning in the Longmen dialect, and suddenly felt mixed feelings, did not know what to say, and could only come to the Longmen silently and actively participate in the arms of the red-haired boy. --rm->

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