My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 220: Emerging Black Day is third!

Nagato ended his global journey!

After knowing that the position of the fourth true ancestor of Xiaogu has been replaced, Nagato also lost the interest in continuing to play, and took a group of girls back to Xianjin Island, no, or should become the dawn islands.

Facts have proved that the choice of Nagato is very correct.

God knows how much sensation caused when the news of the fourth true ancestor substitution spread throughout the world.

It almost dragged the whole world into chaos.

Initially, the name of the fourth true ancestor was transferred from Aguola to the ancient city of Xiao, and it can be said that the true ancestor voluntarily said that, but nowadays, there are old age vampires who took the true ancestor from the true ancestor. Power!

Then, the vampires all over the world rioted.

Especially the vampires of the old age and elder level are directly crazy.

It ’s hard to imagine how irresistible they are to the unparalleled power who often contacted the true ancestors. In short, on the road from Vatla ’s return to the kingdom of war from the island nation, countless powerful vampires slashed their horses and prepared to fight Its killing.

In their eyes, Vatra can capture the power of the true ancestor, so they can naturally!

And Vatra was also unexpectedly strong. In such a situation, he did not convene under his own staff, nor did he ride any aircraft or other gadgets to quickly reach the Warlords field, but walked straight back to the ground.

Such a move instantly scared a group of people and also angered a group of vampires who were also pretentious.

So, the next days will be interesting.

For more than two months before and after, Vatra almost fought back to the Warlords field almost several times a day. In the end, no humans and demons dared to get close to this perverted fighting freak with red body.

The high-end vampire strength of the whole world has been almost maimed because of Vatra!

However, with the existence of this true ancestor, Vatra, the strength of the entire vampire family has continued to increase, becoming more powerful and terrifying.

During the war, the destruction of vampires was so great that some small countries even dispatched troops to try to expel them.

It's just a pity that they can only become a strong background for the world to witness the true ancestors.

"I didn't expect that Vatra's guy didn't betray the Warlords realm."

Within the scope of the dawn empire, I read through the new information in my hand, and that month's face was obviously surprised. In her imagination, since she got the power of the true ancestor, the combataholic should directly challenge the first Zhenzu is right.

At that time, the month was in the gorgeous office of the Caihai Academy High School than the principal's office.

Therefore, the occupation of teachers cannot be put down, so the place of work for that month is also here.

"How to say, fighting madness does not mean lack of attention!"

Sitting at the long door opposite the Nangong Nayue table, he took a sip of the black tea, and said, "Although it is a true ancestor, I am afraid that Vatra also knows that he is only an incomplete true ancestor. The strongest first true ancestor among the great true ancestors provoked. "


Hearing the words of Nagato, that month was silent.

At this moment, an obscure ripple flashed on the desktop, and then an intelligence file appeared in front of the two people. This was a small version of the space device designed by Qingshao et al. To transmit small items such as intelligence.

"This, I can't help but miss it!"

Taking the initiative to take a look at the file, Nagato gave a smile like a smile, handed the file to that month, and said with a smile, "This is just received, a request from the field of war kings, and Vtra hopes to be able to Change to the twelfth beast. "

"So, what are you going to do, Wang?"

After looking at the files handed over from the long gate, especially seeing the precious items that Watra was willing to use to exchange the twelfth beast, the witch Rao Shi could not help being slightly surprised, and then asked .

"How could it be possible to figure out the twelfth beast, don't care about him, anyway, the Holy Judge will not have much time."

Although the refusal will greatly increase the possibility of centrifugation of allies in the holy annihilation, Nagato does not care, or, in Nagato ’s mind, even if Dawn singles the whole world, he will not put much pressure on him.

at this time--

Click! ! !

The door of the office suddenly opened, and then came a female teacher with red hair in a bun and three braids, dressed in a cheongsam-style shirt and mini skirt, and wearing sportswear.

She is no one else, it is the green plum bamboo horse and back of that month, known as one of the four boxing immortals, Xiangu Sasaki cape!

"Huh, it's a stupid teacher!"

When I saw the person, I groaned in dissatisfaction that month. For this so-called green plum bamboo horse, I felt very helpless from that month onwards. I felt that each other was very poor. I satirized each other from time to time.

"Yo, that month, how are you! Eh, Changmen Jun, why are you here?"

"Misaki, I'm here to wait for you!"

Compared to that month's dissatisfaction, Nagato appeared much more enthusiastic. He stood up directly and greeted him, making Sasaki Cape's face suddenly blush. In the middle of confusion, Nagato was pulled and walked out.


Seeing this scene, he hummed suddenly that month.

Not long ago, Nagato suddenly rose up and did n’t want to learn any more spells. He wanted to practice boxing and immortality in this world. Then Sagasaki Cape was found by Nagato, and then

The stupid dog at Sasaki Cape has been completely captured!


It seemed that humming was not enough to express her mood. She spoke again that month, but halfway through the words, the witch in the gap felt a heartfelt fear, and then she heard a huge noise from outside.

The magic array appeared at the foot, and the figure of that month appeared on the teaching building in an instant.

Then she saw—

The dark sun!

Hanging high in the air, it seems to indicate something ..

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