My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 222: The second big battle begins!

The second true ancestor said he was surprised!

It is not the first time that the extinct pupil has faced the situation of the arrival of Cain, the demon ancestor.

However, for the first time, he really faced the situation that he had to stand up when Cain came. Who could have imagined that the demon ancestor appeared directly in the time and space above his extinct dynasty.

This kind of ‘eventual boss comes directly to my house’ is really—

"People are really not happy!"

The silver-haired true ancestor slowly stood up from the throne and walked out. During the process of walking, the silver-haired true ancestor was constantly roaring in his ears. When he walked out of the palace, he found that the palace in front of him was already Turned into ruins.

The dark breath echoed through the disastrous building, and in the corner of the building, the vampire soldiers of the extinct dynasty fell to the ground, blood dripping.

"It's actually Ru, extinct!"

In the sky, surrounded by the dark airflow, the same silver-haired handsome young man slowly landed. Compared with the second true ancestor dressed in royal noble clothing, this silver-haired young man was a silver robe and was extremely conspicuous in the dark airflow.

"An era is gone, Cain!"

Although dissatisfied with the timing of his face with Cain, the Second True Ancestor did not plan to escape.

In fact, it probably won't run away.

After all, he had fought with Cain several times. The second true ancestor understood the power of Cain. Even if he could use space magic, he could not escape in front of this demon ancestor.

"Actually calling my name taboo"

The silver-haired youth, or Cain, frowned slightly after hearing the words of Yinfa Zhenzu, and then said a word that shocked the world, "You should call me father, my second son!"

"No need to mention this to me!"

Hearing Cain ’s words, the end of the silver-haired true ancestors showed endless murder, “In the beginning, you regarded me and the three great ancestors as abandoning things, and now you still say what to do. Between me and you, only you die. . "

The original Cain was the existence of the curse of heaven and earth!

The dead gods cursed, the endless beings cursed him, and even this heaven and earth are cursing him!

The terrible curse, even the extremely powerful Demon Clan ancestors, could not bear it. They could only split the three great ancestors by alternative methods, and transfer the curse of the gods and the sentient beings to the three great ancestors.

When he was about to transfer the curse of the earth, he was rejected by the whole human world.

Surrounded by the curse, sleeping deep in the alien world.

Since then, Cain has hated the world, thinking of coming back all the time, and destroying the land that rejected him.

By the way, the fourth true ancestor is the experimental result of the three great ancestors separating the curse of all sentient beings from themselves and integrating with the cursed soul found by the heavens when they cannot bear the overly powerful curse.

"It seems that in this era, you still plan to stand in front of me!"

"In that case"

In his speech, Cain had landed on the earth. At this moment, his unimaginable will fluctuated wildly, making the second true ancestor's brow slightly frivolous. He felt the anger and trembling of the whole earth.

Worthy of being Cain!

Even in the past era, this situation has been seen more than once, but once again seen in this era, the silver-haired Zhenzu couldn't help but feel so emotional in his heart.

Despite the emotion, the attention of Yinfa Zhenzu was concentrated to the extreme!


"The rebellious children all need to be taught!"

The voice just fell, and the extreme pressure came from Cain. The dark air around him instantly substantively turned into an endless dark blade to bombard the silver-haired true ancestors.

The unknown curse that was wrapped around the sharp blade was too thick to make the true ancestors numb for a while.

"In the name of my extinct pupil, let's unfold completely!"

After being shocked, the silver-haired Zhenzu did n’t forget to unfold his magic power, and the huge magic power like a limp broke away the dark air that gradually surrounded it. At the next moment, a magic book with a mysterious atmosphere was behind the Zhenzu. Come on, turn it on!

With the support of many magic books, the powerful enemies appeared out of nowhere.

boom! ! !

The black blade sharply collided with the enchantment, and under the strong impact, together with the enchantment, the silver-haired true ancestor flew out instantly and struck his own palace

Boom! ! !

Under such a sudden impact, the magnificent palace collapsed suddenly, raising a lot of dust.

"My stupid second son!"

"Obviously, another era has passed, you seem to have nothing to grow"

Looking at the collapsed palace indifferently, Cain said such words indifferently, but before the words were finished, Cain frowned slightly, and at the next moment, the impact from the sky suddenly came over Cain——

boom! ! !

More violent roars broke out in the entire palace of the extinct dynasty, and the whole earth even swayed slightly. The vampires in the original dynasty who wanted to come to the king of Qin, no matter whether they were old times or elders, were stuck.

The energy fluctuations emanating from the palace are no longer to the extent that they can participate.

In a short time, the blasting dust dispersed.

The dark airflow seemed to be substantial, still permeating some ruined palaces, while Cain still stood neatly under the protection of the airflow, but there was a slight wound on the right index finger of the Demon Ancestor.

"I withdraw my evaluation!"

A glance at the huge eyes that didn't know when to appear in the sky, Cain said so, his words indifferent.

"Long word!"

"The battle is just beginning now!"

Walking out of the ruins of the palace, the silver-haired Zhenzu had a terrible face.

With the words of Zhenzu, there were different avatars from behind him, but the appearance was exactly the same. Obviously, when facing the first ancestor of the Demon Race, the silver-haired Zhenzu did not dare to give his full strength.


In such words of the Demon Ancestor, the battle broke out again!

boom! ! ! ..

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