My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 223: The third time when converging!

boom! ! !

The shocking roar echoed, and the earth shattered as the smoke filled.

At the next moment, there was a continuous sound of collision in the smoke, and then a huge shadow came out of the smoke. It was a completely dark 100-meter giant without any fixed appearance.

Roar roar! ! !

In the roar, the giant ’s body quickly deformed, directly transforming from humanoid form to mollusk, and tens of thousands of tentacles exploded from the dark creature, destroying everything around it, including the earth.

Darkness is spreading

The roar is coming, the dust is coming back!

Swish swish!

Boom! ! !

At this moment, an assault of various colors fell in the sky, directly blasting through the smoke and dust, directly on the black monster, and in an instant, the whole earth shook violently again, and the smoke rose again.

Under such an attack, the entire earth groaned continuously.

At the same time, the speed of the dark air flow was slightly curbed

All this is just a corner of the battlefield between the true ancestors and the ancestors.

At this time, the battlefield between the true ancestors and the first ancestors of the Devil has expanded hundreds of times from the imperial palace. The sky is filled with densely packed eyeballs, centered around the huge central eye, and even like raindrops from time to time. Energy bombardment.

The earth is covered with dark air currents, and from time to time dark monsters run rampantly, constantly destroying the earth.


Standing on the cracked ground, the silver-haired Zhenzu looked at him not far away with some gasps, and still seemed to be an ancestor with ease in the airflow. At this time, Cain's hand still pinched a avatar. Neck.

On the broken ground behind the silver-haired true ancestor, there is still a broken limb with a split.

"With the strength of one person, I have limited my influence to this level within three hours, and praise you!"

During the speech, Cain's hand slightly exerted force to completely twist the neck of Zhenzu's avatar. At the next moment, the dark air flow merged into the body of Zhenzu's avatar, completely annihilating its positive and negative lives——

"But even you are only this level!"

As soon as the voice fell, the dark airflows all over the area boiled, and the strong hurricane that rolled up changed the face of the silver-haired Zhenzu. At the next moment, the endless black airflow swept up and turned into a magic weapon. Booming through the huge eyes in the sky.

boom! ! !

There was a huge roar in the sky, a massive explosion of magic, forming a terrible magic wind, which made the whole space seem a little suppressed, and under such shocks, the dark airflow spread again crazy, the earth continued The ground is destroyed.

"Damn it!"

Rao is a silver-haired true ancestor who has experienced endless years and is also somewhat desperate.

When the dark air flow continues to spread and the earth is constantly destroyed, the true ancestor clearly feels that the strength of the Devil's first ancestor named Cain is increasing step by step. After the entire world is destroyed by it, I am afraid that he will directly become God.


"Why, when you first came, you would be so powerful."

If there is nothing wrong with the memory, in the memory of Yinfa Zhenzu, although Cain is strong, and will become stronger with the constant destruction of the earth, when he first came, it was not as strong as this time.

"Hahaha !!!"

Hearing the words of the silver-haired true ancestor, Cain couldn't help but laughed, "Do you think it's useless for me to come so many times? The consciousness of the whole earth has been weakened by me for a long time!"

"Extinction, just watch there, and see me dye the world to my color!"

Looking at the second true ancestor who had nearly lost his fighting power for three hours, Cain did not immediately hit the killer, but laughed and opened his hands. In an instant, the dark colors continued to spread.

boom! ! !

As the darkness spread, heaven and earth wept for it.

The spectators on the edge of the battlefield, whether they are humans or demons, have an unspeakable impulse in their hearts.

At this moment, these people, no matter what kind of justice or evil, no matter what kind of existence, suddenly with a pilgrimage-like mood, launched an attack against the expanding jet stream.


"Just the ants!"

In Cain's disdainful murmur, the dark airflow directly treated these mantis arms as a car, completely swallowed and digested, and even expanded faster with the other party's soul and life as fuel.

In an instant, the entire dynasty was completely dyed black.

Millions of lives are wiped out!

The power of the Devil's first ancestor is so strong that a bit of decadence appears on the face of the true ancestor who once again revisited this divine silver hair.

"Hahaha !!!"

Seeing the expression of the stubborn silver-haired true ancestor before, Cain burst out laughing, but at the next moment, Cain's laughter came to an abrupt end, and then, the crisp female voice echoed in this dark world Come--

"Triple Prison Dragon Break !!!"

Three scorching tornadoes from **** suddenly swept up in this dark world, centered on Cain.

Under these three tornadoes, the dark airflow in the whole space was absorbed one after another. Under such circumstances, not to mention spreading and eroding the ground, even the dark airflow even began to recede slightly.


Standing surrounded by three **** tornadoes, Cain's face was slightly surprised.

In such an abrupt situation, Cain was surprised, and Yinfa Zhenzu was equally surprised.

at this time--

"Insidious guy, I didn't expect you to be so miserable, it's really pleasant for you!"

The girl with long green hair suddenly appeared beside the silver-haired true ancestor. There was also a vicissitudes-looking man beside the girl, and a young man with blond hair who looked rather frivolous.

"Is this Lord Cain, it's really exciting!"

Looking at Cain, the blond man smiled so lightly, but his eyes were full of war.

At the next moment, the silver-haired Zhenzu felt that the ripples in the space near him became apparent. One by one from all over the world, the powerful of various major organizations appeared one after another ..

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