My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 224: The fourth more belated against the world!

"Ah, is this the enemy of the holy annihilation?"

"The legendary Devil Ancestor!"

"I really didn't expect that my believers would have a day of fighting with the demons."

All of a sudden, a noisy voice echoed on the battlefield that was originally full of vitality, and the powerful people from all over the world and various forces gathered together, although they may have no small conflicts with each other, but at this time Put it down.

This is true even for the most devout fanatics!

Because there is only one of their enemies, that is the ancestor of the Demon Race not far away.

Although the legend of the holy annihilation is not too secret news, at the beginning, the powerful from various forces did not believe it, but when they came here and saw the land of complete death, no one doubted it— —

Demon Race Ancestor, Cain must die!

At this time, whether it is a Devil or a human, there is only such a thought in mind.

If he does not die, the entire era will be buried!

Seeing the surrounding scene, the silver-haired Zhenzu suddenly appeared.

Obviously, during the time that he and the devil ancestors struggled hard, some people brought together the world's major forces to fight against Cain's war objects with their own special means, and sent the other party to the battlefield.


"Who has this ability?"

However, the next moment this doubt rose, a figure that came to the side of Yinfa Zhenzu explained everything.

Surrounded by the women at dawn, unlike in the past, Saya in a military uniform wandered around. In a flash, the silver-haired Zhenzu understood that besides Saya, besides the dawn, who possesses most witches, who else has this ability.

"Did the Crimson Moon arrive?"

When the women at dawn dawn led by Shaye arrived, the first true ancestor, the forgotten war king spoke, but his eyes were still fixed on Cain, who was trapped by the three **** tornadoes.

"Brother Nagato still has things!"

Saya's answer was simple, with no explanation.

After hearing the girl ’s words, the three great ancestors and the newly-increasing fourth ancestor Vatra did n’t show much, and the powerful of other forces were somewhat dissatisfied. However, just before they had expressed their dissatisfaction—

boom! ! !

A sudden and violent explosion burst from where Cain was.

The three **** tornadoes that swept through the world exploded in the black light, and the shock wave with strong lethality spread out on all sides. After some weaker attackers accidentally touched it, the whole person was a little trance and strength It is greatly reduced.

This scene made many strong men's faces pale, and even ignored some small calculations.

Obviously it is a strong man who has gathered all over the world to come together to siege Cain, the ancestor of the Demon Race, but before he actually started it, he was once dismounted by the other party. This is naturally not a good sign.

"Interesting, my children, this time, you actually know how to call for the world's top fighting power, rather than doing it yourself."

Before long, the shock wave subsided and the dark airflow gathered again.

The silver-haired youth seemed to wander out of it without any harm, glancing at the powerful men present. Except for a few people, almost everyone had been seen by Cain and felt cold. It seems as if a huge crisis is coming to them.

Cain's eyes were full of doubts as he swept through Saya. Cain paused slightly when he swept through Huang Quan. Cain clearly knew that when he swept the nun, he was the user of the previous **** tornado , Suddenly showed a smile of interest.

And when sweeping the new fourth true ancestor, Vatra:

"Your power, is it, the fourth true ancestor?"

"It's a weird thing. The brutal girl was defeated?"

"Or she can't stand the curse and sacrificed herself?"

Looking at Vatra, Cain's face was full of surprises and doubts. After all, as the strongest person who played against Cain at the end of each era, the strength of the fourth true ancestor was not comparable to the blonde vampire in front of him.

"Hey, even Lord Cain, it wouldn't work to look at me with such eyes!"

Seeing Cain's expression, Vatra's face was suddenly full of dissatisfaction, and the extremely strong will to fight. With his will, the beasts in Vatra's body were cheering and the magic was about to erupt.

"I don't know what the blood of the ancestor tasted like?"


Cain smiled softly when he heard Vatra's words.

The murderous ancestors from the demon ancestors slowly spread out, and everyone was in awe.

next moment--

There was a twist in the space above the entire battlefield. The dark things were like flowing water. They actually fell down from the void and converged in the air. Within a moment, a huge black dragon with a length of thousands of kilometers appeared in front of everyone.

boom! ! !

The black dragon landed heavily, and the whole battlefield was shocked.

Roar roar! ! !

The fierce dragon chant sounded all over the world, and the terrifying dragon power spread out. The black dragon alone made many soldiers who stepped on the battlefield retreat, but more people had to attack. .

Without attacking, for a long time, this terrible coercion alone is enough to make people unable to shoot.

"Damn, don't underestimate our scientific and technological power and tactical artillery!"

"For the glory of the Lord, holy sanctions!"

"Go, the golden lion !!!"

Everyone except Shaye, including Xunzi and Huang Quan, including the four great ancestors all shot.

In an instant, a variety of powerful attacks burst out and drove towards the huge black dragon.

At this moment, Saya moved.

I saw the girl snapping her fingers, and a light of mind came up later, catching up with other attacks. Under the mediation of this light of mind, all kinds of attacks instantly merged into a colorful hundreds. Rice giant ball bombarded down.

Roar roar! ! !

Facing the combined strength of the whole world, the black dragon showed the courage to be an enemy to the world, opened its mouth bluntly, and gathered the terrifying dragon's breath!

boom! ! ! ..

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