My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 225: The first shocking battle!

boom! ! !

The unprecedented roar reverberated suddenly.

At the next moment, a strong shock burst out, and even a slight distortion appeared in the space. The land on the entire battlefield was spreading and breaking apart. Many powerful siegeers were immediately involved in such destruction, and their lives were unknown .

Rumble! ! !

Under such an impact, the strong men either supported the enchantment or retreated.

But no matter how to deal with this aftermath of destruction, everyone felt a strong shock, especially when they saw the shadow emerging from the explosion center, they were even more shocked.

Roar roar! ! !

In the fiercely rolled smoke, the black dragon up to thousands of kilometers screamed in the sky.

Although there was some damage on the dragon's body, the spirit of the black dragon was more fierce and fierce. It seemed that under the joint efforts of everyone, it was inspired by the fierceness in the body.

With the roar of the Black Dragon, the indiscriminate Longwei became more fierce and fierce, constantly oppressing the hearts of everyone present.

"We, can we really defeat the Devil Ancestor?"

Under such a dragon, those with weaker psychological qualities could not help raising such thoughts, and showed a little hesitation, however, they forgot that their opponents would not be because of their Hesitant and merciful.

Or, conversely, when they are hesitant, it is the best time to start!

"Let me die, ants, destroy dragon breath indefinitely!"

The indifferent voice that suddenly appeared, in such a chaotic situation, suddenly spread throughout the battlefield, which surprised everyone.

Roar! ! !

The next moment, Long Yin sound echoed between the world.

Immediately afterwards, a dark destructive force gathered from the huge black dragon sky and erupted out instantly, wreaking havoc on the whole earth, and the broken force almost exploded continuously. On the wailing earth, one by one came from the world Powerful people everywhere have been affected

Many of the powerful players affected, even their own proud skills, have dissipated here before they are performed!

Cain was obviously ready to wipe everyone out.


"You are too arrogant!"

At this moment, a steady voice came out suddenly, and at this chaotic moment, it seemed like the pin of the sea god, which made everyone's heart certain.

boom! ! !

In an instant, unspeakable magic burst out suddenly, and even triggered the changes in the world, directly dispersing the endless dust, directly colliding with the dragon's breath of the black dragon, and resisting it!

At the starting point of this magic power, everyone saw the body of the great shore and was standing at the forefront of the battlefield without fear!

"It's Lord Warlord!"

"Not easy, grandpa."

"not bad."

Suddenly, sighs came one after another. After seeing the complete body of the warlord's magic power, Saya and Miyako were amazed, and Vatra, who was damaged due to the black dragon's attack, looked at it unwillingly. "Very good, my son!"

Indifferent voices came from the body of the black dragon. The two huge eyes of the black dragon looked at the war king standing in front of his eyes. The coercion began to slowly concentrate on the war king, making the first true ancestor squeak. The sound of my feet gradually sinks into the ground——

"Ru's talent is clearly the worst among my three heirs, but I didn't expect to be able to do this step!"

"More than that, my father!"

The reclusive words did not make Wei An ’s true ancestor appear to be shaken. I saw an inexplicable light in his slightly vicissitudes of eyes. The next moment, with the true ancestor as the center, a huge magic turned into The beam of light rose into the sky.

Roar! ! !

Aooo! !

Hiss! !

All kinds of strange roars from the huge magic beam.

A shadow like a demon-like dreadful beast slowly appeared, entrenched in the magic beam, there were a total of seventy-two, this is the beast of the first true ancestor, symbolizing the seventy-two demon of Solomon Seventy-two dependent beasts!

"My beasts, lend me your strength!"

As the calm voice appeared again, a huge magic beam of light appeared in a turn in the sky, and even bombarded from above, the target was the kilometer-long black dragon with infinite killing potential.

Roar! ! !

Under such extreme magic bombing, the black dragon's mouth is a continuous stretch of black dragon breath, spouting upward, and colliding frontally with the terrifying magic light beam bombarded down in the sky——

Boom! ! !

The roar of the stalemate of dragon's breath and magic column was continuously heard in mid-air, and the magic wind swept over the entire battlefield!

Roar! ! !

At this moment, a strange dragon sound broke out from the black dragon again.

Everyone looked at it, but saw a strange twist on the back of the kilometer-long black dragon. In just a short time, another two dragon heads grew again, and the dragon mouth was stretched incomparably. , Gathering the dark dragon breath——

"How could you succeed! Come out, my beasts!"

"I am so upset that you are so arrogant! Fight for me, knights!"

At this time, I do not know when to hold hands with each other, and Saya and Jiada appearing above the dark dragon shot!

I saw a huge picture behind Saya. Thirteen royal knights appeared suddenly under Saya's order. A variety of super nirvanas were displayed, and 27 behind Kada appeared. The huge weapon transformed by the true ancestors beasts, bombarded down ——

Under the power of Saya, the attack of the two women came without any warning, so that the black dragon could not react, and took a blow directly. The huge dragon body trembles slightly, and even the original dragon breath ca n’t be maintained. The beam of light directly hit the body.

boom! ! !

The kilometer-long body of the Dark Dragon was directly collided with the ground under various attacks, causing at least a five-level earthquake!

This scene gave the rest of the warriors hope!

At the next moment, all kinds of attacks reappeared in the sky and bombarded the black dragon

Boom! ! !

Then the black dragon exploded

ps: This episode is still about ten chapters ..

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