My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 226: This is the second more of my war!

The black dragon exploded

The dark dragon exploded in a situation that no one could think of

In an instant, an unimaginable big explosion broke out on the battlefield, the earth completely cracked, and its destruction completely spread out of the capital city of the extinct king city, which also affected several surrounding cities.

Boom! ! !

In such a blast, the magma beneath the ground was completely triggered and burst out.

Under such circumstances, the strongmen from all over the world have encountered unpredictable crises, one by one in the shock and fear of annihilation in the interweaving of magma and dark airflow, the life of the strongmen, like ants.

And the major forces around the world who are concerned about the battlefield are completely dumbfounded.

In the surveillance by various means, the emperor capital of the extinct dynasty was the center, and several cities around it were completely submerged in the dust in this explosion. In this map-cannon-like attack, no force could stand it. .

more importantly--

"No, the master in the organization !!!"

In addition to the shock, many people suddenly exclaimed that their organization might lose their pillar masters. If that is the case, even if they defeat Cain, all organizations will have to lose a lot.

For a long time, the explosion in the center of the battlefield finally subsided slowly.

The volcanic rocks of the entire battlefield are all over, light smoke is everywhere, and it looks a bit hot, and in the center of the battlefield, the dark air flow seems to be like a ghost, and slowly diffuses from the center again.

boom! ! !

The abrupt voice echoed on the slightly silent battlefield at this time.

"What a terrible destruction!"

I saw a blond man in a broken suit break out of the solidified volcanic rock, glanced at the surrounding environment, his eyes contracted sharply, and then looked at the center of the battlefield, under the protection of the dark airflow, but only a little robe Broken Cain.

"It's really worthy of being the ancestor of the Demon Race, which is unimaginably powerful!"

"Hey, you can move, you are a little stronger than I thought."

Hearing Vatra's words, Cain's eyes turned from the void to the blonde vampire, and then there was a slight admiration in his words, "To be honest, I am very grateful to you, the new fourth true ancestor."

"Although I don't know what's going on, the crazy girl is not here, which is so happy!"

"Ha, what the ancestor said"

Vatra's brow furrowed slightly, as he said in his mouth, the magic on his body slowly emerged like malaria—

"It's really unpleasant!"

Although I have heard about it from the first true ancestor, it is completely powerful of the fourth true ancestor, but Vatra is not very convinced, and is now said by the legendary Cain, Vatra ’s proud sense of self-esteem is completely trampled Now!

"Vatra, calm down!"

At this moment, although still calm, but could not cover the weak voice suddenly came out.

I saw that the void behind Vatera was distorted, a golden shroud appeared out of thin air, dozens of figures appeared out of thin air, headed by Saya, War King and Jia Da, followed by the concubines and Huang Quan from dawn .

The person who spoke was the king of war, and at this time, the man who seemed to be exhausted, Wei An also showed his fatigue.

After the appearance of the Sayas, the surrounding space also appeared one after another, and various warriors with different injuries appeared one after another. Among them, the second true ancestor was among them.

Although many people survived, they lost at least two-thirds compared to the first time, and suffered heavy losses!

"Sorry, grandpa!"

"It's just a pity that I really can't calm down!"

"Obviously, it was difficult to obtain the qualification to face the ancestors of the battle, how can I be so ineffective!"

As he continued to speak, the malaria in Vatra's body became stronger and stronger. A beast slowly appeared in the malaria of Vatra. In addition to the original nine snake-shaped beasts of Vatra, there were eleven from the fourth. The beasts of the true ancestors also appeared one after another.

Manipulating more than twenty beasts, including the eleven strongest beasts, Vatra's power has been raised to the extreme for a while!

"Good momentum!"

"So, in the face of my strength, what are you going to do!"

Seeing his vicious blond vampire not far away, Cain's face showed a little interest, and the dark air on his body condensed again, and turned into a huge magic gun that was 99 meters long!

"Of course, it's hard to beat, and directly defeated you!"

The blonde vampire took a deep breath, and whispered in the mouth, the next moment, the rolling magic rushed straight up, and the twenty beasts beside Vatra screamed differently, and then turned into a liquid and began to merge stand up!

"Merge it, all my servants"

With the call of Vatra, twenty beasts have merged, various forces have gathered, and various attributes of thunder, flames, and atmosphere have merged, and the phenomenon of fusion and mutual restraint has occurred. The strong breath that made everyone's face changed greatly!

People with good eyesight understand that with a little negligence, the power of the fusion of the twenty beasts will explode!

That is no less than the explosion of the devastation just now!


"Then, appear in a brand new gesture!"

In the last magic output of Vatra, in an instant, an indescribable monster appeared out of thin air, Vatra even showed its own fusion ability and integrated all the beasts into one!

The newly born beasts that could not accurately describe the posture had just appeared, and the entire battlefield space had a huge distortion.

This is a catastrophe beast that cannot be accommodated in the world and should not be born! ! !

"From now on, this is me, the war of the fourth true ancestor!"

Somehow, Vatra said such a sentence. At this time, behind the vampire of blonde hair, there seemed to be a figure of a deceased gray-haired teenager who seemed extremely determined! ..

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