My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 2: Bellflower's request is second!

"Come to me this time? Is there anything?"

Sitting down at the dining table, the eyes of the long door did not stay at breakfast, but looked at the witch in front of him without blinking.

Sitting opposite the Nagato, is an extremely elegant witch.

The clean and elegant hair band, the clear and deep spirit eyes, the white and beautiful goose egg face; the delicate and exquisite facial features are matched with the white and red witch costume, showing its pure white, holy, noble and clear and beautiful temperament.

The water eyes, like black jade, do not see any mood swings.

A touch of cherry lips in pale pink, determined and melancholy. Yan Ran smiled, not eating fireworks.

The plain clothes are like snow, the brows are covered with dais, and the eyes are like autumn waters, exuding a mysterious cold temperament.

It seems that the ice is carved and jade, and the cold is lingering, setting her like a fairy in the heavens and beautiful as an extremely unreal dream.

She is an platycodon grandiflorum, a woman who doesn't even have the heart to use force directly, but she hopes to get it.

Under the gaze of Nagato, Kikyo did not show any shy expression.

But after listening to the long door, the witch slightly raised her eyebrows, and then said indifferently: "If it is not for you to come to you at this time, you will probably run out of sight all day long."


After listening to the bellflower, Nagato's brow suddenly raised.

During this period of time, Nagato has indeed been indulgent, often taking girls to hang around, and the place to go is slightly larger. The whole world is involved, and even a long time ago, he went to Chaye to walk with Chaye.

"Let's talk about it, what are you doing!"

Although he didn't feel anything wrong with his behavior, Nagato changed the subject.

However, Campanulaceae did not come to blame the long door, and it was easy to turn the conversation to the topic. "Three days ago, I heard Shaye said that I have found a new plane recently?"

"Uh, are you interested?"

Hearing the bellflower's words, Nagato showed a trace of interest.

Three days ago, when Nagato and Saye walked in the chaotic starry sky, they did catch a trace of a plane.

But because the key of the universe at this time has been fully integrated with the heavens and the universe, Nagano will wait until the chaotic starry sky is close to the plane to a certain extent before it is convenient to enter. Approaching.

"Well, I'm looking for a strange plane to prove it!"

Bellflower's indifferent words, like a rock shattered, made it difficult for Nagato to restrain his surprise.

"You, have you reached this step?"

At this time, the red-haired boy's eyes had been narrowed slightly, and he began to carefully look at the bellflower, but unexpectedly found that he could not see through her strength, or that her sight was broken by something.

Although opening the magic eye, you should be able to see the situation of bellflower, but Nagato thought about it and gave up

It's just that Nagato was very surprised.

Nagato has long known that this strongest human from the Warring States period, the power of the devil witch bellflower.

Although among the girls on Bai Yujing, they are not exposed to the mountains.

But her strength is indeed one of the best. It is the only one comparable to Luo Hao, the master of the martial arts field.

After all, bellflower really experienced the baptism between life and death. Her body is also the body that Nagato bred through the world tree, plus the luck of the world when the world tree dissipated, and her own excellent, want to not Powerful, nothing works.


"you sure?"

"Although the sermon is not a big thing, it is not a little thing!"

Asking bellflower in this way, Nagato's face was very solemn.

The Doctrine of Proof of Campanulaceae is not such a thing as mixed doctrine of Proof of Proof, but it is confirmed after understanding the nature and future path of oneself, analyzing how to move forward, and practicing it.

Just like in the martial arts, Guo Jing has determined the path of his heroes in various experiences. He has always guarded the city of Xiangyang, and he has not hesitated to sacrifice.

This is the so-called sermon.

Seeking benevolence is just like that.

This kind of testimony is, in a sense, a confirmation of one's own future!

In other words, this is a determination of the outlook on life, values ​​and world view!

After the sermon, the path and foundation of the bellflower will not change anymore.

After that, if it changes again, it is a denial of itself, in a sense, it is more difficult than a normal injury.

In that case, it seems that there will be some kind of power retreat and things like getting into trouble.

This kind of thing is a kind of mental milestone.

But because of this, so--

"You can think for a few more years!"

"Time is completely on our side, this kind of thing is not in a hurry!"

Looking at the witch in front of him, Nagato suggested so, although in his mind, Nagato was very clear that the chance of the other party agreeing was not great.

as predicted--

"No, the crystallization of so many years of practice and understanding of various civilizations, for me, everything is enough!"

Bellflower denys Nagato's proposal indifferently, and the witch's will is very firm.

"I understand."

"Two days later, wait for me in the center of the main city!"

After being silent for a while, Nagato said so, and picked up a fork in front of him, ready to start eating.

"Thank you!"

Nodded indifferently, the bellflower's figure turned into a piece of rune paper, although it turned into a yellowish dot and dissipated.

Nagato was not surprised at the departure of Kikyo, but ate breakfast quietly. After a few minutes, Nagato put down the tableware in his hand, and thought about the things under the bellflower in his heart.

"How are you going today?"

Looking at the bright sunshine outside, Nagato thought so, and suddenly thought of what Erica said to herself a few days ago. There were already a lot of huge cities in the heavenly realm, and she felt a little tempted.

"So, just go and see it on the mainland of heaven."

ps: It seems to have a cold ..

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