My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 3: First change of heaven!

When the thought moved, Nagato was quickly put into action.

After changing a common coat under the servants of the maids, the whole person of Nagato merged into the space under the ripples. At the next moment, the figure of the red-haired boy appeared in the sky outside Bai Yujing.

"Wow, it looks good!"

Looking down from the sky, the long door is the endless vast continent, and five huge cities that occupy a large area and stand in the four directions of the southeast, northwest and the central zone of the mainland.

Although he didn't care much, Nagato knew that this was the Five Cities in the Celestial Realm arranged by the girls.

The five cities are named after the Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu and Qilin, and they have a certain relationship with each other. If the Long Gate is not wrong, there is actually a five-element array.

An intricately complex, yet in line with the entire continent!

"This is probably Saya's handwriting!"

Arrange a super magic circle with the world as the array. Except for Saya accident, almost no one in the whole world can do it. It is not a question of knowledge, but a requirement of computing power.

Such computational power requirements, even for long doors, are a bit difficult.

In the room of thinking, the space ripples around the long gate swayed again. At the next moment, the figure of the red-haired boy appeared in front of the gate of the central giant city. It just appeared here. The majestic unicorn stone carving at the gate of the city made the long gate feel Quite pleasing.

Just standing at the door, the long door saw the prosperity of people in the city.

In these years, in addition to the people who soared by themselves, the lovers of Nagato have successively selected many displaced people from different worlds into the heavens. At this time, the population of the heavens is almost 100 million.

Although it is too few compared to the Celestial Continent, which is almost a hundred times as large as the Earth, it has finally enriched the Celestial People.

"I feel pretty good!"

With such a thought in his mind, Nagato was ready to go into the city and see.

Just before he stepped in, the Long Gate saw a group of people in various armored armor walked out of the city gate. After a little thought, the Long Gate suddenly became apparent. They may be a characteristic occupation in the Heaven Realm-


Heaven is not just humans, but also so-called demons and strange beasts.

These existences are the existence of monsters or ordinary beasts who have migrated from different planes in the early days of Nagato Saya, and evolved in an environment with rich energy like heaven.

Although Celestial Realm is the core world of the Celestial Realms, Nagato has never intended to transform it into a dreamlike world of peace.

After all, Nagato advocates powerism!

Therefore, these monsters and monsters, um, at least evil monsters and monsters, are a big threat to people living in the heavens.

Do n’t worry if you stay in the five giant cities, but if you leave the city, you will inevitably encounter danger. Therefore, a hunter career similar to a mercenary was born. They exist as prey with monsters and monsters that threaten human survival.

By the way, the hunter ’s headquarters, the Hunter ’s Guild, is a subordinate organization at dawn.

Heavenly Bai Yujing, the 12th floor of the Five Cities!

This sentence is a summary of all the layout of the entire heaven. For the time being, Bai Yujing does not mention that the five cities are not only the five parts of Baiyu Jing, but also the five giant cities in the heavenly realm, and the twelfth floor is the codename of Bai Yujing ’s subordinate organizations. These are the Hunter ’s Guild, Magic Association, Currency Center, etc.


A smile appeared on his face, and the long door walked past the hunters.

At the gate of the city, the Long Gate was not obstructed.

The gates of the five giant cities are directly managed by the avatar intelligence of the dawn artificial intelligence brain red, and naturally there will be no obstruction to the master of the dawn, and even scanning and inspection are not necessary.

The Nagato stepped out in one step, as if changing the world, entering the prosperous city from the virgin forest.

What greets the long door is a bustling city with a very unique personality.

Buildings from different countries, different eras, and even different time and space are standing everywhere in this city. Here, the long gate can see not only tall buildings like a hundred floors, but also fresh and natural wooden houses.

What is most exaggerated is that these completely out of place buildings are extremely harmonious here.

It does not make people feel abrupt and inappropriate.


"Just like the original Bai Yujing!"

Nagato sighed softly. When Bai Yujing was first built, Nagato revealed all the beautiful buildings in his memory, but unexpectedly gave people a very suitable feeling.

Only at that time, the arrangement of the long door was a bit inappropriate after all.

So in later years, Bai Yujing asked the girls to change again and again, and finally became what they are today.

Strolling through the streets of the Unicorn City, Nagato can see the shops on both sides of the street on the technology side, and also on the mysterious side. Even before passing through the gate of a gym, Nagato can also see young children standing on horse step.

There are ordinary people, warriors, magicians, and some high-level monsters and half monsters

There doesn't seem to be a big gap between them and they live in harmony with each other.

Even Nagato saw a couple!

Monster wife and ordinary husband!

In their conversation room, Nagato knew they all knew each other ’s identities, but did n’t mind

I have to say, this is an interesting city!

The technology side, the mystery side and the force side coexist, the strange city!

Compared to the Mozu Special Zone that Nagato had seen before, this city is more extraordinary than this.

"Hah, that's interesting!"

After walking on the street for a while, what I saw and heard along the way all made Nagato suddenly interested.

"So, where do I go next?"

Nagato's gaze swept the surrounding environment, and then stayed in a huge building complex in the distance, with the words "Kirin Academy" written on the tallest building in the middle! ..

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