My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 7: Old people and invite to subscribe!


Half an hour later, outside the cafeteria.

The dark-haired girl Yuki swallowed the ice soda in her hand, and then exhaled for a long time. She could not help feeling with emotion, "I finally survived again, woo, my tongue was so spicy."

"You are not the first time you have experienced such a thing!"

The long door standing behind Yuki watched Yuki's exaggerated performance and couldn't help vomiting softly.

"Who said no!"

Hearing Nagato ’s words, Yuki complained almost reflexively, “Whether it ’s happy or disappointing, the president has to eat Mapo tofu, especially when he ’s happy, he will invite his friends. The request of Mengwu really makes people unable to refuse! "

"In a sense, I understand."

Indifferently denying Yuki, a smile appeared on Nagato ’s face, “Are n’t the children expressing their goodwill by sharing their toys and snacks with friends? ,and"

"I personally think that it is best to hide your thoughts. After all, wait a while and Xiao Zuo will come out."

During the talk, Nagato's eyes looked at the cafeteria not far away. The silver-haired girl had just walked out of the cafeteria's gate and glanced left and right, just in line with Nagato's eyes.

"Well, I know!"

Yuki, who also found Lihua playing figure, nodded, then looked at Nagato--

"Speaking of who you are!"

Although I was told that the other party was a supporter of my own rebirth, there was not much real feeling in Yuki's mind, and I finally couldn't help asking.


Slightly unexpectedly looked at the girl who looked at her directly, the long door slightly scratched her hair, and said with some trouble, "It is true that for Yuki, I am in a very high position, but the description of the words is instead Somewhat weak, then "

During the speech, a bright light flashed in the purple eyes of the long door and the girl's eyes, and a certain mysterious power fluctuated.

boom! ! !

At the next moment, a lot of mysterious information poured into the girl's mind, making the girl's ear roar.

Under the strong impact of information, Yuki had to snort. The whole person knelt on the ground, covering his head with both hands. The situation of information overload made the girl feel very bad.

"what happened?"

At this time, Li Hua Zuo had just walked in front of the two less than three meters.

Looking at Yuki half-kneeling, Lihua played his head tilted with some doubt, and his eyes just showed a hint of doubt, making San Wu's silver-haired girl even more lovely and moving.

"Probably got a lot of information from the adults, it's a headache!"

The sudden magnetic sound came from the trunk next to the three people. At the next moment, I saw a girl with dark red hair and a guitar holding a stroll, came to Yuki's side, reached out and stroked Yuki's head, while , The girl's other hand flicked the guitar.

Boom! ! !

Only a sound echoed in the surrounding space, turning into some kind of silent fluctuation. Under such fluctuations, some of the pain on Yuki ’s face quickly disappeared, and some of the information that entered the girl ’s brain was quickly digested, making the girl ’s face more surprised. .

Looking up, Yuki saw the girl who helped herself at first glance—

"Sister Ma Ma!"

Although surprised by the girl's appearance, Yuki's eyes were focused on the red-haired boy who was not far away. Hesitated slightly and stood up. The girl sorted out her clothes and saluted slightly:

"Yuki has seen the Lord of Heaven, and thank you very much for your new life!"

In the special communication just now, Yuki has fully understood that the red-haired boy in front of him is the master of the entire heaven, and a super strong person who can be called the creator of the world is also to reincarnate himself and make up for his former benefactor.

"Very good, it seems that you have understood!"

Nagato first nodded at Yuki, and then looked at the girl with short red hair, revealing a touch of emotion, and said, "I didn't expect you to be here too. It's been a long time, Mami!"

Asami Iwasawa, a member of the post-death world front, music singer.

"It's not just me!"

Mami looked at the long door with deep waves in her eyes.

Speaking of that, Mami is considered to have a big cause and effect with Nagato. At first, Mami was a girl who was going to die in the world of God-killer, but because of the game between Nagato and the Lord of the Gods, he died early and entered death Post-world.

"No, there is Yu Yi!"

At this moment, four more girls emerged from the small woods, headed by a pink-haired girl, who looked energetic and it was Youyi.

Behind Yui is a refreshing temperamental sister named Hisako Brown Hair, a purple-haired girl who looks like a timid little animal, Miu Miu, and a blonde girl who loves pranks, Guan Genshizhi!

The members of the music team in the post-mortem world are all together!

"Ha, today is really a reunion of old friends, right, Miss Ninja!"

Looking at the Yingying Yanyan in front of him, the long door said aloud, but during the talk, the young man's eyes looked at his shadow. At the next moment, a figure appeared slowly in the ground covered by the long door shadow——

She is no one else, it is the name of Shiina I saw before!

"Shiina! I wonder if you are not here!"

At this time, the most active You Yi said, "Obviously, you were the first to tell us the news that Nagato Jun appeared, but you didn't see the shadow of your rush. It turned out to be using the escape technique to hurry!"

"long time no see!"

Shiina directly ignored Yuyi and stared closely at the long door.

If you did n’t see the subtle fluctuations deep in the girl ’s eyes, Nagato thought that Shiina was looking at herself and was ready to fight herself.

By the way, all the boys on the world front after death were thrown into Suzaku College, because they are stupid, and only the Suzaku College who valued martial arts is suitable for them.


"Exactly, I plan to take a good tour in the mainland of heaven, I don't know if you have time to be my guide!"

Facing the girls with a smile, Nagato invited so!

ps: Wow, it really can't be written, that's it! ..

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